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Everything posted by machinehead

  1. I had an Eden 2x8 combo and it punched like hell and with giggable volume. A few weeks ago I heard a great little band busking in a city street. The bass player was using a TE Elf with a TE 2 x 8 cab. I must admit I was surprised and impressed with the tone, and especially the volume outdoors. Frank.
  2. I can't hear all that much difference between most amps, never mind components within amps. Frank.
  3. It's difficult to give input someone else's decision but... I don't know if it's directly relevant but I have a USA Fender Vintage Hotrod Jazz. It has a compound radius neck and is built to a very high spec and standard. It's a PJ with 70s jazz PU position. This seems to work really well with the P-PU when blended and very funky soloed. That makes me favour Fender PJs but since I haven't owned a Lakland that opinion might be of limited value. Still, it's a nice problem to have and I hope you make the best choice. 😕 PS. I also have a Warwick LX PJ, a USA Fender Jaguar PJ and an Ibanez Talman TMB100 PJ. The Ibanez stands up surprisingly well in that company! Frank.
  4. Mark Knopfler. Johnny Cash. Frank. (I can't sing either.)
  5. I live in a different part of the UK- Northern Ireland. Although the regulations here are just as illogical here as they are in the rest of the UK. Frank.
  6. I live in Northern Ireland and the regulations and guidance are different here but still...I comply with wearing a muzzle where required and staying away from people I don't know. I've always been an almost compulsive hand-washer anyway. I'm totally disgusted with all four of the UK governments for their dishonesty over Covid-19. The one-sided news reporting on the BBC et al, is nauseating. All the scaremongering, no differing opinions reported, lies over cause of deaths, reporters not robustly challenging politicians and their preferred advisors. I've had enough of it thanks. (A rare political post from me, perhaps the only one ever on basschat. ) Frank.
  7. We're rehearsing in a studio owned by a band member and have been doing so all along. Make of that what you will. The government has lost what little trust and respect I had for them with their misleading and dishonest information. So we're just following the practical lead given by government and health professionals who ignore their own regulations. 😉 Frank.
  8. I have a lot of high end cabs and heads, but a few years ago I bought an Eden EC28 combo in a half-price Andertons sale when I was drunk. What a pleasant surprise. It's an excellent piece of kit. A massive range of sounds , quite deep and rich, and capable of really decent volume. Easily giggable and lots of features. Those little 8" speakers can really dish it out! Frank.
  9. I did that myself and it was a full orchestra and the bass player was right at the back with a pint on my amp. The conductor was a bit surprised. Frank.
  10. What a wonderful player. Thanks for posting. Frank.
  11. It's a great idea, but I feel sad that we have to do things like this just to allow normal life to continue. Frank.
  12. That's a beautiful and well-balanced collection. Now you need a G&L... Frank.
  13. What a beautiful bass and a nice story to boot. Frank.
  14. Just a thought if money is tight - a generation 1 or 2 Barefaced Compact could be your thing. I had one from new for about 6/7 years. They sound superb. Never boxy. 15" Emminence speaker fitted and very lightweight. I think they're changing hands now for around £300. I don't think there's anything to beat it at that price. Frank.
  15. Thanks Bill for being gentle with me and for taking the trouble to explain it. Frank.
  16. Sorry Bill, I was a little bit intoxicated when I posted this last night I just thought that two identical speakers, connected in parallel, resulted in a 3db increase. I absolutely stand to be corrected. Now, I'm an electrical engineer with well over 40 years experience, but I'm definately not a qualified acoustical engineer, so apologies. And I cringe at posting this. 😕 Frank.
  17. I hesitate to type this - but is there a typo in this? I'm no expert and I'm not trying to be a smart-derrière. Frank.
  18. If you want "old school" then maybe one of the Barefaced Two 10 would be your thing. I have a pair of Barefaced One 10s and I think they must sound similar to a single two 10? Anyway, they are superb sounding cabs and LOUD, if that's what you need. No boxy sound at all. Full, deep, thumping and warm sounding and featherweight. Not cheap, but worth the money. Frank.
  19. I agree. This is just so much bass for the money. I have owned mine for many years and I still can't see any bass that is better value for money. Frank.
  20. I hadn't heard this song before. It took a couple of listens but I hear what you're saying. It's all good. Frank.
  21. I have a Thunderfunk 550 and it makes me smile very time I use it. Other amps have come and gone, but the Thunderfunk has stayed. I don't really know what it is about the tone and the feel of the notes when playing, but it is sublime. Played through my Barefaced BB2 it is a heavenly sound. Frank.
  22. I agree. The Reidmar 750 is an absolute beast of an amp. Great tones and more power than you'll ever need. Go for it Andy. Frank.
  23. I absolutely love my BB2. It easily covers most of my gigs but when I have a bigger gig I use the SM on top of the BB2 and Gawd, what a sound. I have no doubt whatsoever that you'll love it. Frank.
  24. These are just superb amps and I wish I could justify buying this one. I've owned an amp one and an amp two. They are outstanding. My customer service experience is not so good, sadly. My AER amp two started farting. Their rep told me to post it and they would fix it without charge. They had it for about three months and said it was the speaker at fault and asked me to pay around £250. I had to pay this to get it back. I would have had it repaired locally if I'd thought they would have been so disengenuous. Don't let this put you of buying this though. They are truly fantastic combos. Frank.
  25. Mine is my favourite gigging Bass. It’s the equal of my two US Jazzes for feel and sounds. It’s liberating not having to worry about damaging it. Frank.
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