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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Damn. My kind of music, my kind of bass lines. Band envy on full.
  2. Lots of love for Footloose here - and I can see why - but the handful of times I've played it I can't claim to have enjoyed it, as such. I usually breathe a sigh of relief once I make it to that curious ending. It's like a bass tongue twister with subtle variations throughout. Of course it doesn't help that the band I dep for play it considerably faster than the original. I need to get off Basschat and go rehearse it!
  3. Congratulations to the OP on owning such a stunning instrument. I have a Ric copy which is old and a little temperamental, but then so am I, so I try not to judge. The only thing I can say about the body shape is that, for me at least, it is perfectly comfortable to play standing and yet perfectly awkward to play while sitting. Unless I just sit awkwardly.
  4. I loved the neck on my Stingray. Felt just beautiful. Unfortunately I was always changing my right hand position away from what feels natural to me to avoid the pick up. It felt sharp and scratchy when my finger tips touched it. The real reason I was happy to pass it on was the sound which just wasn't for me. I tried all the obvious things to tame it including stringing with flats, but it was always too lively and zingy for me. It ended up as my audition bass. I took it along to show prospective bands that I had decent gear would you believe? So insecure was I. Anyway I have since come to realise that it isn't Stingrays I can't enjoy, it is simply active basses. I've sold or am selling them all. I hope those of you who love them can forgive me for not sharing your taste and I wish you nothing but joy with your chosen instrument.
  5. Just learned Tired of Being Alone by Al Green. Simple bass part beneath a beautiful guitar line. Just a joyful experience playing with such wonderful music. Next up bunch of songs for dep gig on new year's eve. I know them all but need to blow cobwebs away.
  6. Don't do it. You'll regret it. All time not spent playing bass is time wasted 🤓
  7. How long did you hold out before doing the best thing you can do with your clothes on? I made it to 7 minutes past 6. Which frankly surprised me. I normally play immediately after breakfast.
  8. Yours does look very secure, if I was out in public that would be better - but then I'd use a stand if I was out. Mine is extremely secure, certainly enough for using around the house.
  9. Inexpensive little piece of rubber. Lazy old git like me who can't be arsed to turn around and use a stand half the time but would rather take the risk of sliding, falling, and ultimately dented instruments; well, this is perfect.
  10. Got my ticket for the Palladium. What an incredible gig that would be, to play in such a band. Imagine. *sigh*
  11. Apart from a brief dalliance with Fender Studio Bass strings I always used Rotosound strings on what was my one and only bass. Now, 35 years later, the frets are still absolutely fine. Only one man's experience of course. She's no longer the only horse in the stable but still gets gigged.
  12. I get it now! When people talk about playing bass in church it always conjures confused images for me. Church in my experience is a quiet, staid affair with mumbled hymns to the accompaniment of an often indifferently played organ. This is something else entirely! I mean wow!
  13. Saw one obit described him as an unsung hero. There's an inscription for every bass player's gravestone.
  14. Thank you. I haven't listened to this track in years. What a glorious piece of bass playing.
  15. I know what I did, based my calculations in the BF 1x10. The op has a different cab. Silly me. Carry on.
  16. Oh I thought it was just right. Darn it. Never was any good with metric maths
  17. The amplug also suffers from being as sturdy as a polystyrene shed in a hurricane. Accidentally trod on my headphone cable and the resultant tension prolapsed the innards of the thing. It literally spewed it's guts. Not terrifically robust. EHX sounds much better.
  18. That looks like all kinds of joy. I'd kill for just one or two brass players look how many you have!
  19. It's a Little Mark Tube Anniversary 15. I have no problem with it breaking down, that happens from time to time with gear. It's MB not letting anyone repair it. I don't want to post it to a company I don't know who can charge me what they like then have it at the mercy of couriers again. I want my trusted amp tech to look after all my gear.
  20. Depped in a function band in Warminster. Curiously quiet for a place usually heaving. Bunch of Christmas songs added to the set which was an interesting challenge as I'd not played them before and the rest of the band were fairly new to then too but all went well. Only one gig left now this year. Unless something last minute comes in. Here's hoping.
  21. Best? No contest. Bruce Thomas Profile Bass. Awesome. Worst? Markbass amp. Let me down at a gig and can't get it repaired by my choice of tech.
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