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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Of course you're right, my tongue is somewhat in my cheek with this thread. However I am declaring myself judge and jury and no matter what you say the Monkees were great 😉
  2. Wake Me Up cannot surely be considered remotely 'great' can it? My God it's awful. But amazingly fun to play.
  3. Footloose is a perfect example. A great challenge to get every note right - especially at speeds some bands play it.
  4. The old trick of taking a crappy old bass with you, dumping it and bringing a different one back not viable any more?
  5. Never could listen to GnR without strong pain killers to hand but I learned Sweet Child Of Mine for a function dep slot and man I love playing it. Similarly you'd be unlikely ever to walk in on me listening to Wham but I am loving the bass part to Wake Me Up Before You GoGo. Any tunes or bands you hate but end up enjoying playing?
  6. I'm never going to be important but I'll always be grateful I snapped up your BF cabs.
  7. Gigged my Bugera again last night. Sounded great, looked great and was way too loud/powerful for what was a pretty big room. More than happy with it.
  8. Thanks for sharing this. Interesting stuff.
  9. I would hesitate to take a hole cutter to it without absolute reassurance from those here who know all about such things. If it doesn't suit your purpose maybe sell it on and put the money to something else. Once you take tools to it the second hand value must surely fall
  10. So it sounds like a choice of which livery one prefers.
  11. Gigged the Bugera last night. Very pleased.
  12. Played a wedding in Hensol Castle. M4 absolute nightmare with Friday madness traffic, journey took over an hour longer than it ought to have. Coming home on an empty motorway in the wee small hours a joy by comparison. And then the Severn bridge was closed. Aaargh. Gig went well though. New amp performed beautifully but my POG died ☹️
  13. Oh and mine was an Amazon return, boxed, as new about £170. They have a new one for 208 free delivery right now.
  14. As far as Behringer parts being difficult to access, I've had to write off a far more expensive Markbass amp as parts are impossible to buy. I bought second hand, barely used it and any resale value has vanished once repair costs and postage to and from the only official engineer allowed to touch it are factored in. My Behringer 450 watt head is still going strong 15 odd years after I bought it and I have just sold my Behringer 4 X 10 due to weight issues. I would have sold my 1 X 15 too but instead I put the speaker in a Trace Cab which had a busted driver. Not the first time my ever reliable Behringer saved the day where more illustrious names have failed. Like everyone else here I can only speak from my personal experience. I refuse to base opinion on unlikely tales about unreliable speakers falling out of the cab at the first rehearsal, because they have the ring of urban myth. I have no hesitation gigging with Behringer gear whatever badge it wears or reputation it has acquired. The wattage numbers don't bother me at all. I know if it's loud enough by playing through it. I know if I like the sound through a similar process. I know it's reliable by the fact that my amp tech has never had the case open.
  15. Given mine a good run over the last couple of days. Sounds and looks great. Gigging it on Friday.
  16. Can't comment on the specific models you mention but I got rid of my small practice amp in favour of a TC Electronic 2 X 8 250 watt combo. It's light, not very big but most importantly sounds like a bass amp rather than a toy. The 250 watts probably sounds like overkill but remember that is peak power and only achievable with an extension cab. On its own it's closer to half that and the actual wattage rather than the peak half that again, but still a respectable 50 - 60 watts. Once you add a piano and couple of guitars you'll be glad of the extra ooomph. It has a headphone output for quiet rehearsal and an aux input for playalongability. They're fairly reasonably priced when sold second hand.
  17. stewblack


    Well this is a bundle of thunder and rumble.
  18. I have used 5ers for this but I wouldn't want to use one all night so I'd need to bring a 5er and a spare for just one song. I'm just too lazy to carry 4 basses!
  19. I use a pedal to detune for one song in a set. The set flows quickly from song to song. My second bass is for emergencies only and therefore in standard tune as the main bass. So when the singer asked us to drop this song by a semitone I looked at playing it in a different place but it's impossible. The bass features parts which use the open D alternating with notes on the G string fretted up around 17 and 15. Playing a D flat would require my hands simultaneously at both ends of the fretboard, wasn't going to happen. So to keep the set flowing and the folks dancing and to be able to play the song properly the pedal was an obvious choice.
  20. I have a few projects either on the boil, simmering or going cold. Spreading myself as widely as possible to get as much work as I can. One of the projects has great musicianship, an excellent set, good marketing angles but has managed just one gig in the year it's been going. Slothful isn't the word. On the other hand I met some folk at an open mic night and we keep getting paid and asked back at a variety of venues. And we've never rehearsed. We jam out songs for a couple of hours and invite local musicians to join in as and when they feel like it. When it works it's really cool, at the very worst it's relaxed, and maybe a little loose! Weird how all the hours of rehearsal with a band which ticks all the boxes gets nowhere and a ramshackle throw together with zero work is awesome and earning a few quid. These jams/gigs have all been on a Thursday evening or Sunday lunchtime too, thus not interfering with the holy Friday and Saturday nights. Funny old world innit?
  21. Just outside Shepton, advertises himself as guitar tech but has serviced and repaired amps for me. Highly recommended. http://www.theguitarklinic.co.uk
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