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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. Oh my! Can't count the times I've heard this song without really listening. Thank you, and the OP for bringing TB to my attention. Wow.
  2. Absolutely right but you see it's unlikely I'd have been drawn to that song in the first place if it was carp. And I meant to say the bass line would be one of the reasons not the sole reason I was drawn to the song.
  3. Absolutely no argument from me. When I say the bass part is one of the reasons I like the song in the first place I'm not only referring to virtuoso, faced paced, up and down the fretboard stuff. I love a solid repetitive line as much as the next guy and its very aptness would be what drew me to it.
  4. Just bought a bass from Andy. The couriers tried to scupper our transaction but his packaging was equal to their worst efforts. Great comms right through the deal, can happily recommend Jus Lukin to anyone who is thinking of buying or selling with him.
  5. stewblack


    First time I've dealt with Kev and I wouldn't hesitate to do so again. Fantastic comms, bass well packed and in excellent condition as described. Great guy to deal with, totally painless transaction a pleasure to trade with
  6. It's interesting how many people seem able to draw distinction between the song, or band and the individual bassplayer. To me the bassline is such an important part of what makes a great song. It's one of the reasons I love many songs, the bass part reaches out and grabs me, makes me smile. This isn't to the detriment of the song any more than a wonderful lyric or fine trumpet solo or beautiful voice would be. Yes the song comes first for me but the brilliant bass part is one reason I love the song in the first place.
  7. Best vegan scram ever. Try to keep me away. Have the ladies considered opening early for breakfast maybe? I'll be first in that queue too.
  8. Having hijacked this thread can I thank you for your indulgence and assure everyone that Dunc is a really great man to deal with. If he tells you something is good you can believe him. Top Basschatter.
  9. Thank you both. So if an amp was say 8ohm minimum load this would allow the use of two 4ohm cabs.
  10. Can you explain the serialiser to me please. Sorry for being a bit thick!
  11. Sorry, I meant the label on the cab says both 8ohm and 2ohm I was wondering how that worked!
  12. Quick question. How does the whole 2ohm or 8ohm thing work please?
  13. I definitely don't want to give you the impression I dismiss as worthless music I dislike. Far from it. I'm saying I want to be able to learn from as wide a group of musicians as possible. I'm asking how I can truly appreciate them if I don't like the music they're part of.
  14. stewblack


    You saved me. Almost a shame to convert it... Bagsie first refusal if you ever part with it
  15. stewblack


    I am tempted like Eve in an orchard but I'd have to sell to buy and don't want to lose any..
  16. So far it seems I am not alone. While we may differ in terms of what we like, many of us it seems need to like the whole package before we can truly love the bass player. Begs a question what happens if a favourite player goes off and joins someone I don't like ? 🙉
  17. Very very nice. Not my usual sort of thing - or so I thought - but a beautiful colour and striking shape.
  18. Just a snappy title to get the ball rolling. What has actually been taxiing the old bean of late is this. The further I delve into this wonderful instrument of ours the more great bass players I come across or have recommended to me. Just recently Scott Devine did another instalment of his "bass players you must check out" series on Youtube. It occurred to me that the bassists I revere most of all played or play for bands I also happen to love. The ultimate team for me being Thomas/Costello as I loved the lyrics and the basslines - win win. So how do the rest of you go about listening to and enjoying the bassist if he or she plays in a style or for a band which makes you grind your teeth? Can you in fact ever truly appreciate say James Jamerson if you hate Motown? (God that was difficult to type - I mean can you even imagine such a scenario?) Would I have instantly warmed to Joe Dart if he hadn't been surrounded by such astonishingly good musicians and songwriters? Why does Elvis Costello's output since his split with Bruce seem so empty to me? What about this whole chicken/egg thing I hear so much about? Questions questions. I'd like to enjoy the great work the bass player from Jamiroquai does but (with respect to all of their multiple fans here) I don't enjoy listening to the music so how will I ever? Similarly Squire and Lee. I do manage to sit through the insufferable prepubescent screeching of the young Michael Jackson in order to enjoy the music he yowled over - but only just. Thoughts?
  19. You paint pictures with words. Pictures I now can't unsee.
  20. stewblack


    Good lord. These are wonderful instruments. Mine is the one I would save if the house caught fire. And I mean before going back for the dog. And then the children. Check the price isn't a typo, this seems an incredible bargain. Good luck with the sale.
  21. Was just looking at your other FS items thanking God that neither was red... Damn.
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