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Everything posted by rogerstodge

  1. [quote name='Spike Vincent' timestamp='1349086078' post='1821436'] A lot of leftys aren't categorised as such.Just plow through the regulare bass section,I've found a few interesting ones that weren't in the leftys section. [/quote]i'll do that, thanks Spike
  2. I want a lefty one but they don't make them.. Do they?
  3. Cheers sblue ill see if i can find these stingrays
  4. Bugger.. I didnt even see it.. I seem to miss loads of lefty basses on ebay, whats the best thing to type in the search? I usually go for "lefty basses".
  5. [quote name='Si600' timestamp='1348734097' post='1817387'] My thumb anchors my pick, otherwise I drop it [/quote]Yup.. Me too
  6. Closest i got to one was being outbid by a fiver on ebay. Nice looking bass but still not a clue what they're like
  7. Does it go if you roll the tone off? I had an old aria pro II and the earth wire had broken which was the cause, but doubt its that on a 2011 warwick?
  8. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1348598713' post='1815838'] Obviously a Top Fella.. Clarky, have you got anything that I can borrow??? [/quote]Yea i'm a bit strapped for cash at the mo' Clarky.... Top man
  9. No worries mate, weren't trying to jump the gun. If sbluepnanet don't want it give me a shout.. Ta
  10. [quote name='LeftyJ' timestamp='1348129989' post='1809593'] Yes! I have a reservation on it currently and it's coming with me to the Lefty Bass Day in Duisburg, Germany this saturday so the guy who showed interest can see it in person and try it out. If that doesn't work out I can let you know. It's a CIJ '57 RI in 2-tone sunburst with a full maple neck. Unfortunately I got it without a pickguard. I never bothered searching for a replacement pickguard because I had originally bought this bass for a building project with two Fender Wide Range humbuckers and intended to use the neck, but I never got round to it and now I can use the money. The guy I bought it from said the pickup is a Kent Armstrong (don't know what model), other than that nothing has been changed. The bass is in good condition, apart from a strange dent near the forearm carve on the front side of the body. I'd say it's about an inch long, narrow, and looks like something bumped into it. I tried to capture it in the last picture. [url="http://s45.photobucket.com/albums/f74/de_slager/Fender%20CIJ%2057%20Precision/"]http://s45.photobuck...57%20Precision/[/url]
  11. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1348318984' post='1812277'] did you just tread on a three pin plug without your shoes on? [/quote]ha ha ha
  12. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1348142691' post='1809892'] yes but she comes with a P im afraid (i think the J comes with the brunette) [/quote]aaaaaaarrrgghh!!!
  13. [quote name='3V17C' timestamp='1348312736' post='1812180'] no probs man... Basically, many moons ago (around 2001 ish) I was part of a band with the singer and one of the guitarists off this British Lion album. They already had connections with Harris and he was putting up the money etc for us to record an album at his studio. Literally the day before we were meant to go down to start recording Sanctuary music pulled the plug on the project. Shortly afterwards I left to do other things but Richie and Dave continued writing and recording together and the project gradually morphed into this Steve Harris solo record. A few of the songs on the album are from the original writing/recording sessions I did way back when and they have changed very little (if at all) - Harris has played the exact same bass parts that I originally put down... if that all makes sense?! cheers C [/quote]All makes perfect sense now, thanks for that, will defo be getting a copy of that album
  14. [quote name='The Dark Lord' timestamp='1341407701' post='1718464'] I've just searched this topic and can't find the word "Fender" in it anywhere? Go down the pub this weekend, and there is a better than even chance that the bass player in the band that you see will be playing a Fender (There. I've said it twice). Also, chances are, he/she won't be doing any slapping. The thing that puts me off bass guitar magazines is the strange bias towards exotic basses and slap bass players. Can we have lots of Fender stuff in the mag please and not much of these exotic players whom the average guy in the street doesn't know and couldn't identify Oh yeah. Once last thing. Fender. [/quote] a little +10 on this
  15. [quote name='3V17C' timestamp='1348169699' post='1810429'] just listening to this now on the Metal Hammer site - very weird hearing my childhood bass hero Steve Harris playing my basslines!!! I played bass on the demos for a few songs off this new album of his.. nothing spectacular bassline wise but he's pretty much kept to exactly what i played so i must have been doing something right! [url="http://www.metalhammer.co.uk/news/steve-harris-british-lion-full-album-streaming-exclusively-on-metal-hammer/"]http://www.metalhammer.co.uk/news/steve-harris-british-lion-full-album-streaming-exclusively-on-metal-hammer/[/url] [/quote]im not doubting you at all but how come they're your bass lines and not Harris's?? Cheers.
  16. Who started this thread.. Victor Meldrew?
  17. Even if you just play sitting down at home, better than giving up altogether, bass playing becomes part of us. Lovely Rick mate.
  18. Don't bother turning up i wouldnt.. Only joking good luck
  19. I use a curly lead and don't move about, that does me fine
  20. [quote name='BottomE' timestamp='1347795763' post='1804997'] I was in a band years ago where it was such mayhem - all the songs were too fast and too loud - that i decided to do a little experiment. During some of the songs i started playing random bum notes out of time. I looked up hoping that someone would notice but no, not a tickle or a twitch. I quit that band the following day. [/quote]i actually stopped playing for almost a whole song at a gig a few years back, also not a tickle or twitch. I also quit that band a week later.
  21. I have 2 p basses, one with string thru body and i can't tell the difference either.
  22. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1347567781' post='1802642'] Maybe i'm being far too cynical, but I don't see why you'd need an active P bass. Surely you are better off with a decent passive Fender and the right strings? I used to own an American Standard Deluxe Fender P, the one with the humbucker, and it sounded nothing like a P bass should if im honest. Every time I see a demo of an active P bass its 'oh I leave the EQ flat and roll the tone down'. [/quote]well said that man
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