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Everything posted by LukeFRC

  1. Basschat? You also need to leave someone with a deposit that’s the value of the bass …. kinda
  2. LukeFRC

    DIY Effects

    I doubt anyone cares, missing parts ordered, avoided buying another PCB for either the 1590bb or 1590a enclosures I have floating around... I did however spend a lot of the last couple of evenings with the laptop on KiCad, remembering what Gerbers are moving traces around and hopefully coming up with a PCB that will work this time. About last time I laid up my first and... it didn't work (partly the circuit, partly the PCB, partly me not knowing what I was doing) so I had another go - hopefully it will work! I find it crazy that for the price of a pint at the brewery down the hill I can get 10 PCB made up and posted to me. In the mean time Disssa will have knocked out about half a dozen beautiful pedals.
  3. What’s the black one with no label? Octabvre?
  4. LukeFRC

    DIY Effects

    oh balls - forgot the off board parts. I ALWAYS DO THIS
  5. If you looks around the forums some of the best analogue chorus for for bass seem to be... EHX small clone Walrus Julia MXR bass chorus Tech21 bass boost chorus Providence Anadime bass chorus. Cheaper options like valet on aqua flow, or various analogue chorus from nux, joyo etc The first is easy to find, the next two less so. There's an anadime for sale here... If I was looking for a chorus right now that's what I would get, heck I'm tempted to get it and compare it to my bass boost chorus and see what I like the best. I've only just noticed you're not in the UK so this link is slightly less useful... In the digital realm you've got things like TC electronics corona chorus - which might do toneprints - or depending on your set up the zoom ms-70cdr could do chorus and everything else if you wanted it too...
  6. LukeFRC

    DIY Effects

    Musikding are out of 2n5457 Anyone got one kicking around before I get on eBay?
  7. From DIY building pedals... a pedal has a LED and then a resistor to control the brightness - if you make it too bright the LED can easily use way way more power than the audio circuit. I would remove them first as part of your problem solving and working out the power consumption.
  8. is the green light also running off the power supply? How power hungry is that?
  9. If the choice is between spending money on modding vs spending the same money on a different instrument It’s not giving in to GAS- it’s long term saving money
  10. I’ve seen gut shots of the bassbone v2 is that the one you’ve got? it’s through hole parts so fixable
  11. I guess a cost of living crisis also helps keep GAS under control!
  12. Are they Radial’s service engineers? Maybe see if radial have someone they recomend- mainly because they will be able to get the schematic and or service manual
  13. "Who's GAS Free?" "Me, Me Me - I'm down into single figures for a year cos I want a new car!"
  14. There's a Roger Sadowsky one somewhere that's quite good. If you've got a bass you like (and you do considering how it's outlasted other basses) it's worth keeping as is. Intonation can be fixed, and depending on what "smooth rounded" is it's probably ok too... Refinishing quickly starts to cost more than the Sire if you're doing it properly. By the time you're refinished it and got it set up you can buy the Sire and teach yourself to do basic setups.
  15. colourbox v2. Even off it has a transformer in the signal chain and just sounds gooood
  16. Oh no this whole thread sounds makes me really sad. The strangest thing is a tech needing to replace a "loose" pot on a new pedal - very strange. I've bought/been given a few pedals that have been fried, and they are fixable - but it tends to be a long process of tracing and testing components to work out what's gone wrong and why - for me it's been investing hours to fix something rather than shell out money I don't have on something. Sometimes it works, other times not. Having said that I doubt that's it's economically viable to pay a tech to do that
  17. I'm looking at that and went to google to see if the octabrve comes in black. It does. Just saying....
  18. Anstruther has less than 4000 people... and the Fence Collective...
  19. Plus.... Delgados Frightened Rabbit Twilight Sad Camera Obscura The Phantom Band Bis The Vaselines (and Eugene Kelly) Lewis Capaldi Franz Ferdinand were formed and started there so they count
  20. Tuner sometimes useful? Or not that kinda band?
  21. It’s not like the world is short of pedals that you could buy today is it?
  22. With 3leaf and Cog Effects being less than regularly available - If Josh of Broughton made his next drop of octaves 5 times the size - they would probably sell well plus they are gold
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