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Everything posted by LukeFRC

  1. LukeFRC

    DIY Effects

    Couple of flubs with the stamping
  2. LukeFRC

    DIY Effects

    Shame about the white washers! 🤣
  3. The common denominator is the pedal board!
  4. LukeFRC

    UA 1176

    Didn’t their previous bigger compressor pedal get a thumbs up for guitar, but there was something that meant it didn’t work as well for bass?
  5. LukeFRC

    DIY Effects

    I've a DIY pedal that does the same and I need to sort... I think it's a cap across the input that solves it
  6. Have you got the schematic to hand? I was looking for it the other day and some of the hosting of files has gone so hard to follow what was verified and not!
  7. :(my amp started making a fluttery noise like mobile phone interference... turned it off and it won't come on

    1. JapanAxe


      What amp is it?

    2. andybassdoyle
    3. LukeFRC


      @JapanAxe Hughes & Kettner QT600 



      @andybassdoyle who knows, caps needing replaced maybe? 

      it’s well built and designed so will be fixable unlike some modern stuff. 

  8. compared to your professional life @AndyTravis it must be a breeze!
  9. That sounds wonderful. There is a chance it’s the player as much as the bass, but it sounds great!
  10. That is very cool. Actually prompts me to ask another question…
  11. Because without it they can use any neck on the line, any black body and just fit black hardwear and the specific plate… easy.
  12. LukeFRC

    DIY Effects

    unless you're going for a mirror finish getting all the sanding in one direction works well
  13. LukeFRC

    DIY Effects

    Only wee 2mm letters mind
  14. LukeFRC

    DIY Effects

    Well that photo tells you not a lot!
  15. LukeFRC

    DIY Effects

    How come the polishing wheel didn’t work? Here’s my end result - not perfect but not aiming for that!
  16. LukeFRC

    DIY Effects

    I played with the back of an enclosure as a test piece - I've found that the wood block behind wasn't hard enough - steel jewellers bench anvil and a lump of steel that a mate found had better results. I still need to work out the best way to set up a stamping process so I can align to a baseline.... I think that S is upside down too!
  17. You’ve played with the editor for the Nemisis? None of the options get you closer to what you want?
  18. LukeFRC

    DIY Effects

    Pedal hack... both of the above images are the Musikding standard pedal enclosures - while they are cheaper than a Hammond... erm you can tell they are cheaper than a hammond... The Vong has had me do A LOT of sanding to it - and it still isn't a great finish compared to Hammond - and the L4 preamp is how it comes and you can see it looks a bit unrefined. Well for this preamp I'm trying stamped enclosure a la Fairfield Circuitry. I love the Fairfield aesthetic - if I suddenly had a massive bass pedal fund I might very go and buy everything they make and make some beautiful and crazy noises- I really really would like to try the accountant... and the meet Maud.... and... yeah you get the idea. Anyway - how to get a rough enclosure nicer and with less effort - I tried a bit of steel wool and found if you took a bit of time and only wiped in one direction you could get quite good unfinished-finish .... then I got a 14cm bolt. Wrapped steel wool around it. Stuck it in a drill press.... and I had some wierd pedal sanding machine! And, unusually for me. IT WORKED! Before anyone thinks I'm showing off - my finger still hurts from the metal-stamp-test-mishap
  19. Imagine you're a massive Man City fan. You go to every game, home and away. When you were younger you even played for the youth team. You're in the fans group. You have all the kit to wear, plus the training kit. You talk for hours online on forums about City, you wake up and you check the socials for news about city, you own nothing red, you listen to Oasis every day, your ring tone is "aaguerooooo" and you have dreams you wouldn't tell the wife about of Haaland. If we cut through your heart it would probably be tattooed with the City badge. But one day you wake up beneath your bedsheets (sky blue, but not the official club ones, because even your wife has limits) in your Man City pyjamas look at the a signed picture of Pep above your bed, and one of Colin Bell on the bedside table along side you and get up. You pull open the curtains to see the dour grey rain that Manchester is famous for and the realisation hits you that you're just a extra in the background of a petrostate's soft power initiative, and paying for the privilege. So what do you do? Probably take a bit of time away from City, maybe try purple bedsheets. Redecorate. Relax. the thing is you probably still like watching city, and with time maybe even go to a few games again. But at that stage, on that grey wet morning the end state is uncertain, maybe you will, maybe you won't. Maybe you'll start playing again, maybe you'll end up doing something else. You just need time to reconfigure work it out. (Know Andy just well enough to know the football metaphor will make his day him vomit _)
  20. With demanding work and two small kids and an upcoming house refurb project keeping my playing at home ticking over feels like an achievement in itself. Basses are fun and there’s enjoyment in trying gear, but that gets odd when you’re not using it regularly. but I’m atypical I think, my creative outlet is through my work, and playing bass is what I do to relax and use a different part of my brain - I’m reality piano would probably be better if I would be disciplined enough to sit and learn. it’s not a bad thing to not care as much any more, and put your energy elsewhere. Where that must become odd feeling is if part of your conscious or unconscious identity is “hi I’m Andy - I’m a musician” - that has to be positively reprogrammed to be something else. And it probably isn’t easy to do that.
  21. Can you rout the wood on the edge out so it fits? Wood is easier to bodge than metal
  22. Ground control to @warwickhunt…
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