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Everything posted by LukeFRC

  1. it's just some of us will die with a Anima preamp they didn't know they wanted
  2. I have spent a bit of time on Freestompboxes and DIYstompboxes - and what that's taught me is that there is some snakeoil - people for instance taking a common circuit and then releasing it with a few mods that someone on a forum developed. Then you have people who take something and then do the R&D to create their own variant - that might or might not have a merit as it's own thing... but it's subjective. Sometimes it's a variant on something, but often it becomes its whole new thing with features that people want for some specific need. And then you have some people who create products which have been properly engineered, or with a sole pursuit to some certain level of specific excellence, that with all the DIY skills in the world you wouldn't have a chance of getting near. Or other times is just good, and gets a reputation for being reliably good in a mix, and people buy into that. Add to that low supply production and it's easy to see how lack of supply leads to high prices on things - I'm not sure that's always hype or snake oil, and for me it really depends on the circuit we're discussing. As @admiralchew says above 3leaf stuff works, and does what it does really well - and then people want that. Importantly no one is forcing you to buy or want anything, and quality cheaper options exist
  3. LukeFRC

    DIY Effects

    Ooooo not done the enclosure yet, and don’t have a multimeter that can do micro volt AC to calibrate…. But worked first time!
  4. Lovely…. my ocd is screaming if you switched the beta and wounded ram around it would all tesselate better!
  5. He can, but leaves it for us lot. He's more like the conductor for the band.
  6. Odd sentence - - analogue keeps everything analogue - digital goes through analogue to digital conversion and back again. - analogue with digital control uses digital control over an analogue circuit, I think chase bliss do this on a lot of their pedals, or the tech21 deluxe vt bass boss bc-1x is digital. (And there’s nothing at all wrong with that.)
  7. best not to go for "grass is greener" approach and switch it...
  8. There’s a fun fixing project for someone here @Jakester - if they take a punt … ild be interested but unsure I would use it!
  9. He must really love his green tuner pedal!
  10. Origin had already done the R&D for them - they just needed to trace it….
  11. This thread isn’t helpful - at the weekend I was playing through my tech21 chorus and having a whole “if I sold this I could get x instead” :s
  12. I imagine copying a schamatic without knowing what it's doing?
  13. Talking of your trigger warning-The metering is apparently on the inside of the pcb!
  14. While this is correct - the OP is about secondhand basses
  15. So 25% item cost is a good yardstick I imagine that years of being in EU means we instinctively look for secondhand gear there, when importing from the US might be more cost effective now
  16. In answer to the op - I think it’s ((( cost of guitar + cost of shipping ) x 20% VAT ) x 2% duty ) + any courier fees for handling the item [royal mail is £8]
  17. Taking the guitar from an artisan made craft product into a mass manufactured commodity was a massive change.
  18. <head> <title>Sharkfinger</title> <script name="Penny"> status="drop" =IF(Status="drop", <audio>Play:"clang_noise.wav" </audio>, 0 ) </script> </head>
  19. soul food ... I think that's horse based... we tend not to eat horse
  20. that's been on Basschat years back
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