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Everything posted by rubis

  1. Love the designing that went into it, especially like the string trees Lovely job
  2. An Alfa Romeo Disco Volante, and then whatever would fit in the boot, probably a PJB Briefcase or an Amplug!
  3. Lovely job, and a right riveting read, what kind of wood is the body made from?
  4. You'll never get that cab into that other case
  5. Rich beat me to it, but how about "One night at a disco On the outskirts of 'Frisco"
  6. Mmmmn, I'm getting the picture now! I was hoping to end up with "something" along the lines of a Modulus , as it will have an obp-1 pre, albeit with a Delano alnico MM style pickup, and hopefully a badass bridge However, I emailed Status who said their 5 string Stingray necks are 22 fret as opposed to the G&L's 21 frets, meaning that I'd have to lengthen the neck pocket and/or move the bridge back. This would not be such a mare, as the body is to be refinished (sparkly black) anyway, but now I'm thinking is it worth four times the cost of a nice neck blank, to gain a bit of stability when it will spend most of its life indoors. Are the sonic benefits really worth paying the premium for? I could make a neck from a nicely figured piece of maple with a black veneer accent line between the neck and board and graphite rods which may perform as well and look better Still undecided
  7. Me too, made a couple of stingray style basses myself, the build blogs are on here if you're interested (or bored!) I think I have a spare Stingray/Sabre clone preamp at home made by our very own Tommo Richards, its yours if you want it (and I can find it) Best of luck with this project
  8. Just bought an Aguilar pre from Pete, a top bloke, his wife is a very lucky girl! Thanks Pete H
  9. Does anyone know the nut width/depth of the Status MM 5 string neck and whether it would fit a G&L L2500 body. The website is a bit vague
  10. Im in the process of re-starting a 5 string build using a G&L body adapted for a Delano MM pickup and was considering what if any benefits there would be in using a graphite neck rather than making a maple one. Anyone with first hand experience care to comment please? Harry
  11. Beautiful bass I noticed on your build thread that you were considering adding bridge mutes. I did this to the same kind of bridge on one of my Blingray builds.........the parts are available from the EB website. I also added the allen-head bridge posts and gave it a string through option. [url="http://www.ernieball.co.uk/c/music-man-spares"]http://www.ernieball...usic-man-spares[/url]
  12. Hi SiriusBlack Unfortunately it's gone, I was the lucky person who got in first and it's now in the fretless Blingray in my avatar. It's a winning combination if you haven't heard them paired up, if I can work out how to wire the pickup into a 3 way blade switch I would be even more pleased. I hope you manage to find these items they really are top notch Good luck (and sorry) Harry
  13. Very nice bass, I recently put the same pre in my home built fretless Blingray, paired with a Nordstrand MM4.2 and it sounds awesome. Just need to figure out how to wire in a 3 way blade switch for the series/parallel/single coil options and it will be sorted!
  14. Everything has been said here, a very talented and accomplished man, just love his playing, especially on "One of us"
  15. Just obtained an East MMSR 3 band preamp and a Nordstrand MM4.2 from donnybass, a very helpful and trustworthy bloke. Deal with him in confidence, many thanks, once again Stephen Best wishes Harry
  16. Fuzz?..........prefer a tidy wicket myself!
  17. Tasteful and immaculate, as ever. This will be lovely. What sort of electrickery will you be using Ian?
  18. A fretless Wal custom Mk1, it had birdseye maple facings and an unlined ebony fingerboard. It looked and sounded beautiful, but I got bored with bassplaying when the band I was in split so I traded it for a red strat and a vox at a shop (Kings Music?) in Sunderland in 1989 just before I left home. I should have been hit over the head with a stocking full of sh*t! I miss it more than Fleagle the beagle, who obviously was a dog, and my best friend!
  19. A Chas n Dave style knees up anyone? I've got a working title of Rampant Rabbit at the moment, maybe with a guest contribution from Elmer Fudd, but the exact style is eluding me for now! Also need to get my keyboard fixed up, but I'd love to have a go this month, I love the image, by the way
  20. Hope you had fun tonight Dennis, best of luck for your next endevour
  21. I wish you well, that's a lovely bass and I'm sure you'll find the right replacement
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