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Everything posted by Killerfridge

  1. Holy moly, I think the Pentabuzz is my favourite fretless tone of all time, and that colour...dayum
  2. I know it's a bit stereotypical, but here's the head of Dean Town | Vulfpeck
  3. I love everything about this, if I wasn't currently moving house I would have bitten your hand off for that
  4. I was so confused for a moment; I was thinking Tony Levin, and couldn't wrap my head around what was going on with the hair...
  5. Looks great man, will point my students in your direction
  6. I had a play on the ibanez ehb's (1005ms and 1505ms) and found them to be excellent, but the the Dingwalls just felt more special, and I don't know why. Everything about the Ibanez I prefer (slightly shorter scale, headless, nordstrands, excellent upper fret access, cheaper), but the Dingwalls are, well, Dingwalls!
  7. Truss rod tweaked, plays real nice now! It now has a happy home as one of the house basses for students to use at JAMM (shameless plug). Electronics are interesting, I've no idea what he's wired up, but it sounds mad in a good way - one of the knobs almost feels like a mid boost; you crank it and it just goes all Rickenbacker-y! I'll see if I can get a recording posted. Thanks for the spot PaulThePlug, would never have known it was for sale otherwise!
  8. Got it - in need of a serious set up and string change, neck might be a little warped too, but still well worth the £50
  9. Man I love what Dingwall has done with their 'budget' line; just waiting on a good excuse to pull the plug on a an NG3 and a D-roc
  10. I'm just down the road from this, might go check it out!
  11. Killerfridge


    I love my Bongo, there is something about the tone it makes that just sounds gorgeous both in the mix and solo! Great looking bass, love the colour!
  12. I don't remember how much these sold for originally, but this feels like a frickin' steal at £160 - GLWTS!
  13. Damn, they're such pretty instruments. If it's still here in September, it's mine, but until then good luck with the sale!
  14. Hey it's Adam! I went to college with him - fantastic player, and incredible band. Expecting a lot from them in the near future!
  15. [quote name='TRBboy' timestamp='1354956582' post='1892286'] I appreciate that polyphonic mode probably isn't as accurate, but surely it's useful as a quick tuning check between songs, etc? [/quote] I think the tuner is far quicker in single string mode - I can whack through all 5 strings in a couple of seconds in single mode, but it takes 10 secs or so for me to get the poly properly registering all strings, and even then it's not very accurate. I love mine as a tuner though, so fast an accurate I use it to help with my fretless intonation when playing live in a dark room by taking the tuner out from the back of the amp!
  16. [quote name='barneyg42' timestamp='1355657401' post='1900937'] Will do Shell! Nothing booked at the mo but hopefully get a few dates on Saturday. [/quote] Ooh, also let me know, I like going there if I have a good reason!
  17. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1355146292' post='1894556'] It's not RHT, he's denied it and the way Mr X has been described by Jay Kay and Zender wouldn't suggest that he was a particularly nice person to work with. Seeing as Randy has since recorded a lot with Jamiroquai and I've heard he's incredibly nice, I would presume it wasn't him although I used to. Sounds to busy to be Levy to me. [/quote] Well, there goes my help!
  18. I thought it was generally considered to be Randy Hope-Taylor or Andrew Levvy? Either way, I doubt we will ever find out the truth.
  19. I think it's the case that it will always sound better live, and they probably can't hear the mistakes that appear obvious on TV.
  20. That is so pretty. I need one to be friends with my 4 banger!
  21. [quote name='redstriper' timestamp='1350669831' post='1842166'] I agree and I think lessons can stifle creativity and inhibit the players originality. I started playing many years ago, before youtube and I couldn't find a tutor anywhere. I begged various people to give me lessons and they all advised me to teach myself and develop my own style. I must admit that I love youtube tuition videos now though and they could have saved me a lot of time back in the day. [/quote] I disagree so hard with this. When you are learning, the only thing you will learn, or figure out by yourself without a tutor is bad technique. You are only as creative as you can be - having a teacher won't change that, only teach you how to channel that creativity more efficiently. Also, dood, I am quite happy you are stealing the students - I think it works out much better that you teach them rather than me!
  22. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1350667639' post='1842118'] It's a pity isn't it! I'd love there to be more wanting to take up bass. It was a point I brought up with my business advisor when I started teaching and he was concerned about getting in enough students. I therefore feel very lucky to say that I have a packed teaching diary filled with awesome bass students! I work bloody hard to make sure I give the best lessons - Hmmm, maybe it's because too many guitarists teach bass as a second instrument? Does this put potential students off? Certainly one of my own students felt that he wasn't getting as much out of lessons as he does now, because the tutor 'dabbled in bass'. [/quote] This is also a good point - full time guitar tutors also teaching bass. This is definitely the case at every (secondary) school I have been to. It's also people like you taking all the students Conversely, I have just been working with the ACM XL school (basically a rockschool for kids ages 7-12) and there are plenty of bassists there. It took me completely by surprise, as I don't even think I knew what a bass was until i was about 14/15.
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