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Everything posted by fretmeister

  1. Full review when you get it! I'm thinking of one to go with my incoming Helix.
  2. My rack version is due on 7th April. We'll have to swap patches!
  3. Watch the vid together. Each member assessing themselves first before doing others. Be harsh on yourself so singer doesn't go first and doesn't get the chance to claim he's awesome and needs no improvement. And I have to say it - no singer gets away without knowing the words. Ever.
  4. Problem solved with a mask. https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5556/14728125065_5b1b7f0a0a.jpg
  5. It's been discontinued. So be quick if you want one.
  6. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1458551834' post='3008406'] That way lies madness. I don't think you should be smiling if you're not feeling it. I left a really well-paid job in a function band because all the false smiling and 'everybody clap' -type stuff really got to me in the end. I'm happy to leave all that to the frontsperson (or people). That's their job. I find deliberate smiling and dancing about just detracts from my playing - which is more important..? [/quote] Ignore this. Definitely do it in front of a mirror. Video it and put it on YouTube so we can all help you pick the right expression. We all, sincerely, promise we want to help you. We won't laugh.
  7. Have a look at Baz-Shop customer reviews on their Facebook page.
  8. If you become a Morrisey tribute no one will ask you again.
  9. [quote name='BottomE' timestamp='1458419248' post='3007557'] Generally, if you are doing covers and you have the ability to switch tones during a gig you just choose a tone similar to the original tune for each song? [/quote] You'd be surprised! Many don't.
  10. I once had a guy come up after a show to slag off my guitarist. The bloke seemed to be a clone of "Brittas" from the telly. I politely listened for 5 mins as he told me I needed to replace the guitarist with someone who knew how to play. He then said he would be happy to come along to a rehearsal to help.... Then I took great pride informing him that said guitarist was beyond grade 8 standard and played in one of the military bands and that I wasn't actually aware of a single piece of guitar music in existence she couldn't sight-read flawlessly. (She was a bit of a non-improv sight reading robot, but I've never had a punter complain about nailing solos perfectly!). She really was phenomenal and the bloke was a twat. I loved that band. The drummer was great. Not in a particularly technical way, but there was that wonderful bassist & drummer shared intuition that happens far too rarely.
  11. The Fender Urge 2 has a lovely neck that sits between a P and J. Very comfy. Not really in fashion at the mo so bargains can be found.
  12. I use a Puma 300. It's a superb amp and as said works great as a power amp. I often use a Darkglass Vintage Microtubes Dlx into the FX return when I want Ampeg ish older rock tones. The head is only 2.2lb!!!!
  13. I'm about to order a second One10. Will be the perfect little stack.
  14. But there are variations in jazz profiles. The Geddy Lee is very thin for example.
  15. Find another close pub and play there on the same night as the other lot.
  16. I used to use a very rigid pick but after watching a Nolly vid I tried his approach with a far more flexible one. Now I don't over attack and hand fatigue doesn't happen. I'm mainly a fingers player but if the song needs it... It's all part of the toolbox.
  17. I just sold my Bergs so I'm going to get a second One10. That will do nicely.
  18. Ian just bought my Berg CN112 cabs, and picked them up a moment ago. Great communications throughout, and a pleasure to meet.
  19. Except he's already confirmed it was not music related - he suffered an ear drum blowout when he forgot to put ear plugs in when racing cars. http://www.blabbermouth.net/news/acdc-forced-to-postpone-ten-shows-or-risk-total-hearing-loss-for-singer-brian-johnson/
  20. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1457358316' post='2997677'] IIRC the Novax Fan-fret patent has now expired so anyone can make a fan fret instrument without needing to licence it. [/quote] Ah, I wonder if that is why Ibanez and the like are now doing them.
  21. [quote name='sunburstjazz1967' timestamp='1457355591' post='2997618'] I've seen more "bedroom players" than professional players or pub band players using them, they come across as a bit of a well healed over fiftees band to me? [/quote] Not really a surprise considering their relative newness in the market compared to endless Jazz & Precision types. Now Ibanez are doing them at a mid-price bracket I imagine there will be more around. Fender won't make one though - it seems to be against their corporate rules to do anything new!
  22. Bump. £775.00 collected for the pair as long as collection is before the weekend.
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