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Everything posted by fretmeister

  1. 3 basses at the mo and some other stuff too https://www.julienslive.com/auctions/catalog/id/505
  2. That sounds very good! Nice and small too.
  3. If you did put it on top of the pickups then it would only affect the sound if you had to change the pickup height to do it. Or if you used a ferrous material. Which would be both heavy and silly.
  4. Source Audio Spectrum and C4. Control them from the Stomp. I love the Helix stuff, but their filters aren't quite up to those 2 pedals.
  5. I've got one - the Boss BC-1X. All I can say is that it caused me to sell my Cali76 / Empress / DG / Keeley Pro etc. I think a lot of people tried a Mk1 Line6 pod and have decided that the tech couldn't possibly have developed further over the last 25 years! All of the current gen modellers (Kemper / Helix / Fractal / QC) and smaller stuff like the Source Audio have come so far from those humble origins it's quite astonishing.
  6. I really must try one. I had a V1 MT900 which I liked but sold and I really like the AO pedal. But having it and a compressor all in the amp would be very useful.
  7. It's not bad at all. Ibanez Weeping Demon is excellent though, if you can find one, and have the board space. It's big.
  8. There are good and bad analogue pedals and good and bad digital ones. One or the other does not indicate whether it will have better results or not - not these days. And 99.9% of people cannot hear the difference anyway, even if they think they can. And it's an awful lot cheaper to do it digital now so they have a lower overhead and can make more money.
  9. Warmoth may have one. Don't forget to add VAT to the price though.
  10. I'm normally a sucker from trying any new string marketing nonsense, but my nickel allergy rules these out.
  11. Youtube compressor vids are pretty much useless in my experience. The YT algo does loads of compression anyway and the review NEVER sets it up for equal volume, so we have a natural tendency to think louder = better.
  12. Buy an amp. You will have gigs where you cannot take your own PA and the one supplied is crap. Pick something reliable from the classifieds on here for a good price.
  13. I love the idea, but my word would it trigger my fear of not having spares for everything for a gig!
  14. "Sadly"? He's either still doing it because he loves it - which is awesome. Or he's doing it because he needs the money - which is just like any other job. Legacy is a nonsense argument. Every single act has done something at some point that some people say ruins a legacy.... and it never does, because the listeners get to decide what they want to hear and are under no pressure to listen to anything else. Legendary acts remain legendary even if their skills diminish with age. We should be celebrating their longevity, not criticising it.
  15. I'm 50 and I'm still going, and I hope to be until the day half the people in this thread would prefer that I didn't. And then I'm going to keep going out of spite.
  16. Necrothread bump. I've just been diagnosed with this - both sides. Also going for bloodtests to look for arthritis inflammation markers. I have exercises to do.... and of course advised to lose weight.
  17. @Reggaebass His new album came out earlier this year.
  18. Quite. There's loads of ex world class rugby players who now turn out for their village veterans teams. They are often still so far ahead of their new peers that it's a bit unfair on the normals.
  19. fretmeister

    AI Mixing

    I would love this very much! I don't record nearly as much as I would like to because I tend to abandon a tune during mixing as it becomes so much hassle. I really don't enjoy mixing. It's probably one of the reasons that I like to write for power trio type arrangements!
  20. So what? That says to me there is a both a demand and a product for it. And again - if someone wants to pay money to go an see David Coverdale sing these days then who am I to demand he quit? He's been a much reduced force for quite a while, and yet here are still literally thousands happy to pay money to see him. Just let people enjoy what they want to enjoy - both performer and audience.
  21. Bands should only quit when they want to do so. The idea that anyone else should get a say is laughable. It really does fall into the "I don't like it so nobody else is allowed to either" category. Maybe a big band will end up only playing to 30 people in the Dog n Duck on a Tuesday, paid in pints and crisps... but so what? Don't buy a ticket if you don't want to see it. When Iron Maiden are on a break, Harris goes out to play tiny clubs and pubs with 'British Lion' because he lives to play. He'll still be doing that when IM finishes. Maybe they'll be so few people wanting to watch that he'll have to pick between crisps OR a pint for pay. It's just as much of a passion for those at the top as it is for us dreamers, and I would never contemplate demanding that anyone abandon a passion that hurts nobody.
  22. I do my job for the money, and at the moment I'm doing it well enough to get paid. Those bands are doing it well enough to get paid as demonstrated by the ticket sales. There's no real difference.
  23. Depends on the phrase being played. Each finger sounds very slightly different and of course has a different strength. 4 fingers for really fast passages, 1 finger for slow, everything else inbetween. 3 fingers is excellent for triplets.
  24. Get someone else. TAB is not remotely popular in proper reading scenarios. And proper notation is not “classical” it is just the common language of music. Don’t discount approaching Double bass teachers. You already know how to play, you are looking for specific skills and sometimes someone who plays a slightly different instrument is the right choice. I got some of my best reading lessons from a piano teacher.
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