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Everything posted by fretmeister

  1. Marleaux Spock I've played several Marleaux and owned one. I only sold it because of injuries making it too heavy for me anymore. It was the very best bass I have ever played. The Spock is a lot lighter in weight, and medium scale. Marleaux are amazing quality, and I'd have one over any Fodera and Ritter etc and Gerald manages to build at that quality for way under half the price of a Fodera. I suspect the local rent in Bavaria is a bit cheaper than New York!
  2. All of youtube sounds compressed.
  3. I reckon close to £500 in the UK because we always get shafted on T21 stuff here.
  4. I put an Aguilar 60s wind in mine and it's just the job. Bit spendy though for a simple pickup.
  5. They can be bought as purely passive instruments. Saves enough to rip out the pickup and replace it with a proper vintage thing!
  6. I use a bit of sandpaper as it helps grip in the pocket. I have no idea if that works though!
  7. I'm currently going through all of Jimi Hendrix catalogue, and also repeat listening Vincen Garcia's "Ventura" album. I'm liking that a lot. Lovely playing from VG.
  8. This. For my little recording set up I go straight into the interface. My interface is a Helix and sometimes I use that for the sounds but I always record a bare signal too so I can use other plugins or reamp etc. Interface, Plugins and a pair of good monitors is all that is needed. I use a pair of Yamaha HS7 monitors and they are great.
  9. Why go back? If the control has enough range to dial it in then there is nothing wrong with it. The entire range of each control is within normal parameters. It’s only a problem if the needed sound can’t be reached. Don’t be worried about using the entire range of the controls, thanks exactly what they are for.
  10. Ibanez Mezzo are 32 inch. Very nice they are too. I have 3 but I might be persuaded to sell one.
  11. I think it will have to be a custom build or get one from EBMM. I asked Warmoth about a MM style neck once and was told they won't make them because of the threat of litigation. They won't even do a measurements that are the same but with a different headstock design.
  12. That’s the bit I like! And I have two shortie P basses and I really like that format.
  13. The ABM 410 is a lovely cab but it's so heavy! I wouldn't have one again for that reason alone. I'd also echo the other comments on letting the PA do the work. I'm using a pair of 1x10 cabs and they are plenty loud enough. We only used a PA for outdoor gigs (jazz big band) and then I'd often only take one of them for me to hear myself. On one occasion my speakon cable failed and I didn't have a spare so I just went DI from my Tech21 Paradriver. Fortunately the monitors were good.
  14. Yup. Rehearsal is not the place to learn parts. That should be nailed before turning up.
  15. I’d never describe Mark Bass as clean and flat. It’s warm to me. Eich are clean and flat to the point of sterility to my ears.
  16. If they are all covers you agree which album version it is. After that, depends on the songs. If it’s a bunch of 4 chord chart songs then 10 in 2 weeks is more than doable. If it’s trying to play Master of Puppets properly like Metallica still did in 1991 then it won’t be.
  17. As it happens I've just seen this on YT. 4 separate videos going through 48 different bass drive pedals pretty much in order of price. Low, mid and high gain settings for each. Should give you an idea of what you might like to try. I now want an EBS Multidrive!
  18. Almost all bass drives released in the last 10 years have clean blends built in to maintain the lows. If you don't want to spend too much then I'd vote for the Joyo Double Thruster as well. It is a little bit lower gain than the Darkglass B3K it is, err, a tribute of, but nobody runs that at 100% gain anyway. It sounds great. Tech 21 Sansamp BDDI V2 (the V2 bit is important to get a mid control) or the Tech 21 Paradriver V2 are also very good but more expensive, as is the Darkglass stuff.
  19. I think I'll be taking the plunge this weekend!
  20. Might not be appropriate, but "My bass and other animals" By Guy Pratt is fantastic.
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