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Everything posted by dmccombe7

  1. Oooohhh Lovely bass. skint due to on-coming hols but this is gorgeous. Good luck Dave
  2. I got mine in a sale at GAK and it cost me a fair bit more than this so seems like a fair price to me. Good luck with the sale Dave
  3. She's a beauty right enough. Already have a fretless but always liked these. Hols at end of month restricting my GAS i'm afraid. All the best and good luck with the sale Dave
  4. Like it Karl. That is one gorgeous bass. Holiday end of the month so saving the pennies. Good luck with the sale Dave
  5. i had no idea Nick was still producing albums. He was one of the better acts from the 80's and hugely under-rated outside of the pop scene. Let me know what the album is like Dave
  6. [quote name='Fat Rich' timestamp='1344154503' post='1760373'] Gaffa Tape and step ladder. Run cable upwards from your amp to the ceiling, tape it up with gaffa tape. Run it forwards taping it to the ceiling every few metres to where you're going to be standing on stage, where it drops and plugs into your bass. [/quote] Need to try this approach. Cheaper than buying a wireless system Dave
  7. Quite fancy the wireless route but not sure which is best to go for. Will post another thread for advice rather than hijack Silddx's Dave
  8. I'm a little late adding this from my debut gig with new classic Rock band playing Ivory Blacks last week. GB streamliner and Berg HT322 cab were outstanding and gave me that old school warm valve sound. Went down really well. Put on the full lighting show myself and someone managed to capture 8 tracks and posted on youtube. Here's 1st track of the night after 20 yrs away from live gigs. Know its not perfect but it was a great feeling to be playing live again. No nerves either which surprised me. [media]http://youtu.be/PvJxO8V-dHA[/media] Dave
  9. Agree a lot. When I'm on stage i try to keep cables to a minimised route to avoid possibility of someone standing on them but no matter how i do it people always seem to stand on them and at the end of the night if the cables aren't physically damaged they are extremely dirty to say the least. How come when I'm on stage i step OVER cables yet guitarists or singers step ON them. Weird but true. As for photographers and guests of the band - they should be banned from the stage area. Its not their gear so go away and find yir own space to invade Dave
  10. Main thing is you had a good time and enjoyed our fair city and its friendly atmosphere. Thanks for visiting and hope to see you again PS : my cheque from "Visit Scotland" will be in the post Dave
  11. Sounds like the 200 W cab has gone due to running 300 W into it. Dave
  12. Glenn Hughes Burning Japan mainly to learn "The Liar" for tomorrows rehearsal. I'm a big fan of Mr Hughes though. Love his sound and technique and admire how he's come through some really difficult times. A credit to bass playing IMHO Dave
  13. Tried backing vocals but found it very difficult to get back into it so gave it a miss. Do set up a full lighting rig incl pars, scanners, projectors and lasers before each gig nd straight into playing the set. No time to get nerves which is a huge bonus. Dave
  14. well done. Both great causes too. Dave
  15. [quote name='12stringbassist' timestamp='1342134486' post='1730374'] If it was say a theatre show... Either in their cases in the locked dressing room or behind my bass rig, or on a triple Hercules stand behind the rig and out of the lights. I would have them moved into sight 5 mins before going on, after checking tuning. At a pub show.. On a triple Hercules stand place behind the PA stack, out of reach of the punters, or placed side on to bass rig, far side from drums. [/quote] That's a weird bass set up. 2 Trace and a full Hartke rig. What kinda music are you playing. ? Regards the towel query - I've been using an old beer towel "borrowed" from a friendly bar i frequented once. Also golf towels are a neat size too Saw Alain Carron using a velcro style strap on side of his Roland stack to hold his basses. Don't know what type it was though. Dave Dave
  16. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1338219623' post='1670995'] If there are other bands I put my bass back in its case and out of the way of others. If we're the only band I put it on a mini Hercules stand, out of the way of others. [/quote] THIS big time. Someone pinched the strap of my bass at a multi-band gig. Good job i had a back up but it was a gorgeous leather one i had for many yrs. I also use the mini Hercules. Dave
  17. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1343991679' post='1758261'] Are there any rock/metal players using Genz Benz amps or isn't it really suited to that sort of stuff? [/quote] I'm using a 600 Streamliner (Berg cabs) with a classic rock band covering Deep Purple, Rainbow, Whitesnake, Sabbath etc and the Streamliner gives me that good old warm valve rock sound. Solid bottom end and cutting mids or highs whenever i need it. That is everything from the deep solid Jimmy Bain and Bob Daisley sound to Glenn Hughes Rik sound from live album, I tend to run the amp flat for live work but a little mid boost at rehearsals just helps cut the mix a bit. Lightweight and very adaptable. PA guys love its simplicity. I wouldconsider its bigger brother though the 900. I occasionally hit the limit light when running with one 8ohm cab but never with 4ohm load with GAIN and pre-vol at 12 clock with master vol at 11 clock. That is easily loud enough for serious rehearsal volume and live work with PA. I've never tried the cabs but they get good reports. Dave
  18. [quote name='lawriemacmillan' timestamp='1343908659' post='1757129'] My favourite amp in the whole world. Mine lives in storage in Poznań, Poland!!! Good luck with the sale and have a bump :-) [/quote] Have you checked yours is still there Always fancied one of these but not at the moment. Someday though. All the best with the sale Dave
  19. [quote name='Stacker' timestamp='1343906818' post='1757082'] That wee chippy down by the harbour is a good one! [/quote] Seagulls are a pain though. They stick in your teeth Dave
  20. [quote name='walbassist' timestamp='1343856633' post='1756546'] Shows how far bass amps have come, when a 13lb head is regarded as heavy [/quote] Good point. I wasn't aware it was only 13lb weight. That's totally surprised me. I guess i looked at the photos and thought it must be a heavy beast. True what they say. Looks can be deceiving. Dave
  21. [quote name='Cameronj279' timestamp='1343773261' post='1755179'] If anybody knows of a chippy that still sells a deep fried mars bar, I would like to know. Been looking for bloody years! [/quote] Portree in Skye does them down at the harbour chippie. We regularly have graduates working with us for a year at a time and usually from London area. The one thing they all noted was that when standing alone in a Glasgow bar someone will always offer some friendly banter whereas in London you could stand their all night and no-one would even notice. 1982 was last time i drank in London - Floyd at Earls Court so too distant to recall if that's true or not. Dave
  22. [quote name='billyapple' timestamp='1343773497' post='1755186'] PS. emailing the drummer might be seen as weak, just keep your powder dry, carry on, and I'm sure he'll hang himself. If he crits you again in front of the band, give a big BWAHHAWWHAAW laugh, and just say 'Your only saying that cos your trying to get your mate in to play' Speak and expose the unspeakable, then he has no-where to manoeuvre [/quote] I like this reply. Go for this. When backed into a corner you will more than likely see his true colours. Don't let it get to you. The others will know your ability by now and won't risk taking on an outsider or unknown entity on the say of a guitarist who has already walked away stating it wasn't for him. Personally i wouldn't have allowed him back if that's why he left few weeks before. What changed his mind, Did he think he could manipulate the others to go down his route. ??? Agree that you should only discuss with band when you have calmed down and reflected on what has taken place. Once a balanced and concise judgement has been made by yourself then discuss with the band and produce facts and not heresay. I guess this is just typical band politics. Main reason i walked away from bands 20yrs ago although returned few yrs back and loving every minute of it now without the aggresive politics. Back him into a corner - i really like that. Dave
  23. I've just bought the book from Amazon with 2 off CD's where other well known bassists play his parts and talk through what James meant to them. Quite a wide and varied fan base he had from the list on the albums incl Geddy Lee, John Entwhistle, Paul McCartney and many many more. Impressed the hell out of me when i first heard his songs when i was a youngster. Dave
  24. I have a HT322 & AE112 cabs and they are quite simply awesome cabs. The HT322 has a 12", 10" and horn and it gives exactly what the amp puts out without change to sound. When i compare against a DI or headphones from my amp it is virtually same tone and feel. The AE cabs are a little lighter on the low end but crystal clear. Hope this goes soon. Great cabs. Good luck Dave
  25. I just love the look of these amps but too heavy for me. All best with sale and at this price its an absolute bargain. Someone should be biting your hand of for this amp. Dave
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