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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. probably the easiest way to do it is to solder two pieces of wire to the terminals onto a 1/4" guitar lead plug, then get your meter across the ends of the wire as you play the bass - this will be in millivolts, so make sure that your meter is set to read really small voltages. Because of the design of guitar pickups the harder you hit the strings, the more voltage is produced, so you're probably better taking an average. Solo each pickup using their respective volume knobs and compare the output levels. Hey presto, pickups still intact and measured. Simples.
  2. [quote name='0175westwood29' post='1064112' date='Dec 19 2010, 10:34 PM']ok cool sounds good! any idea what pedals are ok to be used with it? andy[/quote] The Boss EV5 is designed to work with Boss pedals, or for roughly half the money a Moog EP2 is compatible with Boss stuff - bit more rugged construction too.
  3. Here's my 2p worth. Turn on your radio, have a listen. Chances are that there's some insipid pre-digested pop music that has no cultural worth or value, 'sung' by an artist that will maybe only do the one album before being dropped for 'the next big thing' within 12 months. Record companies simply don't invest in [i] artists[i] anymore - they release all of this tosh because it's guaranteed to sell - and thus make a return on their investment. Arguably if everyone who stole music from the internet started to pay for it then the record companies would have more cash to support not just new, but semi-established artists who need nurturing artistically to produce their best material (good for artists, good for punters). Back in the day labels would tolerate months of studio time because they could afford to have faith in their roster of artists. Yes, they weren't all zingers, but how many truly ground-breaking albums are produced now? Labels just can't afford to do that anymore. I'm not saying that they are pure of thought, word and deed - this is business after all - but they need to make a quick buck to keep the wheels turning. Sadly that's a sign of the times. That is all.
  4. [quote name='merello' post='1070468' date='Dec 27 2010, 08:17 PM']Bought today, getting returned tomorrow. Just would not install on my Mac despite every instruction, driver and support site being used. Really disappointing.[/quote] I know PT 6.x can't run on an intel mac, and 7.x and up won't play with a PPC chip, I know that this is a really noddy suggestion, but I had similar issues a while back. Hope this helps.
  5. Ah yes, this is the fabled "convenience amp". Jimmy Page done a poo on it, SRV used it as a step for painting the ceiling, Eddie Van used it as a cigarette holder on the '1984' tour, Rolf used it as the test bed when developing the stylophone etc... of course I can't prove any of this. Still worth a grand though.
  6. in answer to the OP, then yes. This video is very 'listenable' in my book; the fact that this stuff is [i]musical[/i], and the techniques and chops enhance the music, and not strangle it, help enormously. I very much enjoyed it, thanks for posting it.
  7. EZ drummer has some great sounds and you can literally 'drag and drop' loops to create realistic tracks really easily. Also it follows MIDI commands e.g. dynamics, tempo etc... Winner.
  8. While we're on the subject of 'unsung heroes' of the low end I've recently developed uber-love for John Giblin's fretless playing on Fish's first solo album "Vigil in a wilderness of mirrors". I did some digging around, and it turns out that he's quite the session player.
  9. [quote name='sprocketflup' post='1068735' date='Dec 24 2010, 01:46 PM']I had something fail on me a verse into a song at a gig in Leicester once, to this day I still dont know what it was, the rest of the band played on like pros whilst I and a few members of support bands threw new cables and the likes at my set up. the sound came back in just in time for me to hit teh very last note of the track! pure comedy! half the audience were about wetting themselves lol[/quote] Sounds like "Rock and Roll Creation" by Spinal Tap.
  10. I've got the LH1000 and a Hydrive 410 and have never had any noticeable "loss of low end" from my 5 string.
  11. Nothing major really, an expression pedal for my SYB5, then maybe get my Blade B15 de-fretted. That's all I can think of really (though this shouldn't be taken as legally binding...)
  12. [quote name='Christophano' post='1068506' date='Dec 24 2010, 08:50 AM']Valve war FTW![/quote] Looks like we've got ourselves a good, old-fashioned "Tech-off!". YeeeHaaaaw! Merry Christmas all!.
  13. Hi there, I'm not a lefty, but welcome anyway. Paul.
  14. Hi All, I've got a Boss SYB5 and would like to experiment with the expression pedal function. Besides the £60 Roland one, do any of your readers know which other (equally plastic but cheaper) pedals work with this pedal? Sincerely, Confused of Ramsbottom.
  15. [quote name='Darkstrike' post='1062882' date='Dec 18 2010, 08:15 PM']I like this one too, owned by a Tber. [/quote] I want this one!
  16. "Gloomy Sunday" from Billie Holiday, also "Goodbye porkpie hat" by Charles Mingus - the world's most beautiful melody/
  17. paul_5

    Octave pedal

    OC 2 all the way. You should be able to get one in mint condition for that budget.
  18. Geddy's Jazz bass punch with some Honk from Jaco was a good starting point for me - I played with a drummer quite a lot last year who had a 24" kick, so I rolled off some lows to let the 'bomb' go off.
  19. Hola, I was playing with the pedal board last night (yes, I know that's what it looked like, but it was serious 'textural development' - honest) and reckon I'm ready to part company with my EHX Bassballs reissue. Anyone fancy it? Looking for about £30ish or will trade for a compatible expression pedal for my SYB-5. It's not boxed, but is in really good nick. It's been mounted on a board so has velcro tape stuck on the bottom. There's nothing wrong with it, I just don't need 2 filters on one board. Paul.
  20. [quote name='Doddy' post='1060010' date='Dec 15 2010, 08:39 PM']I'd not seen that site before. That's really cool.[/quote] +1 - cheers Jake.
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