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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. Tom Sawyer, YYZ - Rush Goodbye Pork Pie Hat - Charles Mingus Black Dog, Heartbreaker, Moby Dick - Led Zep Anything Primus Continuum, Birdland - Jaco Hysteria, Time is running out - Muse Quite a few others too, can't seem to find the time lately though.
  2. The last band I was in wasted 12 months auditioning 'singers'. We had some conservatoire singers turn up too - and they couldn't carry a tune in a bucket. Bottom line, ask around and see who gets recommended, other than that go see other bands and steal the players that you like the sound of
  3. Welcome to the club - Hi five!
  4. +1 for the MXR. having one of these should negate your GAS for a fuzz pedal (Big Muff etc...) as the torch switch does 'fuzz pedal' really rather well. In my experience it isn't that subtle, so if you're looking for a 'gritty Geddy Lee' sound then this might be too much for that. The Ashdown hyperdrives do that really well, as they're much gentler. I've also had some good results with my MXR M80 DI box, that can go fairly extreme too, but the blend control is pretty good at taming that when it all gets too much. There you go, my 2p worth.
  5. I've been listening to Joy Division all week - there's a few humdingers on there (and not in a good way). Peter Hook as a 'solo' bass player? The emperor has no clothes...
  6. Good to have you on board.
  7. 1st Bass: a Hohner short scale thing with a P pickup Go To Bass: Blade B15 My Sound: Blade B15
  8. Loads of other players use my rig all the time. Mine is 'in situ' at my church, and players plug into that whenever they like. I've had 75 Jazz reissues, new Jazzes, Warwicks and cheaper, copy basses through it, they all sound good. Still think my Blade B15 has a killer sound though. Miked it up for some recordings a while ago and it sings, love it.
  9. I played one live once (and I realise that this is like telling your mates you slept with 'that fat bird', but I'll press on anyway) a long time ago. I was playing my acoustic fretless (Far more attractive to my way of thinking) and a punter handed it to me in the interval. I played it for the encore (two songs) and pretty much hated every minute. There you go.
  10. I had a 5-string one of those back in the day (my first 5 stringer actually), and I loved it. Do it do it do it do it do it....
  11. +1 for his stuff with Marcus Miller. The 'Live and More' album is superb. PG da man!
  12. Another +1 for the Focusrite Sapphire. Good quality, clear preamps with plenty of headroom. Will phantom power condenser mics too. I've also had great results through a MOTU too, but as an all-in-one unit the focusrite has it all - routing software for independent monitor mixes, LED meters etc... great unit.
  13. Joy Division [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFRrwBQxjbI&feature=related"]Shadowplay[/url] In fact the 'Unknown Pleasures' album has been doing the rounds this week - but this track in particular.
  14. I used to have a russian Big Muff that ran left to right. That was awesome too. Coincidence?
  15. +1, I've just got an MXR80, and it's sooooo clean. I tried it through the big Genelecs at work today, and it's studio quiet, no background at all - very impressive. The 'distortion' is closer to 'fuzz' though; not the 'drive' that I associate with the Sansamp, but it's switchable and that for me means that it's a more versatile piece of kit. Being able to power it with phantom power from a board is a bonus too.
  16. [quote name='waltsdog' post='1096703' date='Jan 20 2011, 07:28 PM']Big Muff sold, pending payment New pics up and I have found replacements for the missing buttons.[/quote] You still have the MXR for sale mate? I'm looking for either one of these or a Sansamp. Cheers, Paul
  17. Mine is a shortscale Hohner and I've had it for years. I defretted it a while ago and recently put flatwounds on it. I'm using it for a local radio spot later this year, and there's a chance the engineer will just mike it up - perhaps not the best idea, I'm trying to wangle taking my Ampeg pre so that the listeners actually hear some bottom end.
  18. [quote name='topo morto' post='1125479' date='Feb 12 2011, 09:48 PM']When you pluck a string, the pitch decreases as the note decays.[/quote] Stop running away from your amp - you're causing a doppler effect.
  19. [quote name='Doddy' post='1126257' date='Feb 13 2011, 06:51 PM']I started a thread in off topic earlier in the week. It's Manchester and Brixton Academy.[/quote] For which we are eternally grateful, Doddy. Come July we'll no doubt love you even more.
  20. I'm tempted by a BDI21, as my Ampeg SVP is just too big to keep pulling out and setting up. For £25 what could possibly go wrong? Edit: just picked up a used MXR M80+ this afternoon - lovely.
  21. I've had a metaphors, and found it a bit noisy as a DI, particularly the compressor. Loads of people I know swear by the Sansamp stuff. A fellow BCer also A/B'ed the Sansamp with one of these: [url="http://www.behringer.com/EN/Products/BDI21.aspx"]http://www.behringer.com/EN/Products/BDI21.aspx[/url] got some good recordings from it too, if memory serves.
  22. I love my LH1000. Loads of headroom, and a simple, intuitive EQ section. Lovely, quiet fans too, not at all like the HA range. I changed the valve in mine for a Tungsol to tame some of the 'toppiness' that Hartke's seem to have. Worked a treat.
  23. [quote name='icastle' post='1122477' date='Feb 10 2011, 11:58 AM']Excellent Just out of interest, was it tip to sleeve or tip to ring you ended up using?[/quote] Ring to sleeve seems to work - don't know why. I started out with tip to sleeve, but that just gave the same settings as having the pedal rocked all the way back (minimal delay/modulation) I'll have a play with tip to ring tonight t see if that's any better. I'll keep you posted.
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