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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. LH1000 and dBx 1066 compressor. Occasionally an MXR 124 graphic EQ, but i've been on a gear diet lately due to a touch of sciatica.
  2. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  3. Sorry to be a pedant, but "what is understood doesn't need to be discussed". That sir, is a superb rack. End of. (/misogyny)
  4. Daft hat - Christmas whisky... [attachment=69500:Paul.jpg] Sorry.
  5. I tend to favour finger playing as I prefer the sound, but I will occasionally pull out my pick ( I only own!) if things go a bit 'punk'. I don't necessarily think that fingers are better than picks, it's just that I'm [i] much[/i] faster and more accurate with all of my piggies wriggling. This is probably down to the fact that I never practice with a pick though, and isn't a 'finger are better' jibe.
  6. Don't know what kind of 'nome you've got, but mine automatically makes beat one louder, no matter what time signature you're playing. to really nail 4/4 I've set the time to 2/4, so every other beat is 'strong' and then used these louder clicks as the 2 and 4. Helped me immensely.
  7. Probably the creamy Billy Sheehan sound. Hmm, valvey Ampeg goodness.
  8. paul_5

    Boss Ce2

    My CE2B was (i think) £70 - very good condition in original box. Lovely. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/VINTAGE-BOSS-CE-2-CE2-CHORUS-GUITAR-EFFECTS-PEDAL-1989-/270694085143?pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&hash=item3f069ff217#ht_1403wt_907"]CE2 on ebay[/url] or if you've got more money - and less sense... [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/BOSS-CE-2-CE2-CHORUS-PEDAL-JAPAN-SILVER-SCREW-BOX-/260712373851?pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&hash=item3cb3ab1e5b#ht_1560wt_907"]CE2 silly money[/url]. No brainer really EDIT: ebay links
  9. [quote name='GarethFlatlands' post='1095638' date='Jan 19 2011, 08:39 PM']Where's the guy with the Christina Hendricks avatar pic when you need nice racks discussing?[/quote] ...googling other pictures...
  10. [quote name='sk8' post='1095648' date='Jan 19 2011, 08:45 PM']OC2 gets a lot of love[/quote] ... because it's THE BALLS!
  11. +1 on the octave front. They're brilliant at filling out basslines. Also - just [i]one[/i] distortion pedal? you need to address that!
  12. +1 for the stamina - also the cleanliness that he gets when romping through lines like 'Hysteria' etc... demonstrate just how good his technique (and to some extent their engineer) is.
  13. Cheers bloods, I'll let him know. Peace out.
  14. Sounds like someone just found their "mojo". Welcome to the tube world, I think you're going to like it here.
  15. Welcome Will. You'll never leave...
  16. Hi All, a friend of mine is looking buy his first 'proper' bass amp - he's currently got an Ashdown after 8, but is now playing in a band with a proper drummer and everything, and needs something a whole lot louder. He's probably going to go for a 2nd hand HA3500 and is looking at a couple. One has 'Transient Attack' on the front plate, and the other doesn't. Anyone know the difference between these two? I'll try to post pics later on. Cheers guys 'n' gals.
  17. paul_5

    Qtron+ Too Loud!!

    I've just done the mod this afternoon - about £2 for a variable resistor, same again for the matching knob - works a treat. You'll have to drill the case though, but it' really worth it. Might have a Boss LM2B going spare now...
  18. Not here - OC2 still rocks my world - "were it not against God's holy law, I'd make ye my wife!!!"
  19. I know it's problematic trying to use language to describe sound, but for me a P bass has a 'fruity' richness to it, and a J has an edgy rasp. Hope this helps.. probably doesn't though. Ah semantics, you don't half muck things about.
  20. Learn to say 'No' occasionally; don't get burnt our playing for every Tom, Dick and Harry that needs a bass player just so that you feel busy. Save some time to be with yourself and your family. Oh, and the first 5 frets pay the bills.
  21. I bought one, put it down my pants and now I have a 'third leg' - snake oil indeed!
  22. Just seen this - everyone has an 'off day' - good job there was a camera there to capture this, as Geddy doesn't have that many. The first time I saw Rush (Sheffield on the Roll the Bones tour) Neil missed part of the drum intro to 'Force Ten' - opening number too... still a great live band, but then they should be for £70!
  23. "Why not make ten louder, and let ten be the loudest?" "This one goes to eleven"
  24. To anyone thinking about buying one of these - do it. I've had mine for 15 years, and It's one of the few pieces of kit that I have never even contemplated selling - they are a lovely pre with stacks of tone, particularly with new quality valves like the JJs. This is the ONLY amp I'll record with, that's in preference over Hartke, Trace and all the usual suspects. Remember the days when Ampeg made quality kit? This is it.| <---------------------------------------------------------------------|
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