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Everything posted by paul_5

  1. photo bump. It's got velcro on the bottom and has minor scratches on the top face from leads in the pedalboard. No dents in the steel case. [attachment=81687:03062011080.jpg] [attachment=81688:03062011081.jpg] [attachment=81689:03062011082.jpg]
  2. Aw shucks, you guys are the best [blush emoticon]. Cheers for the bump. How's that Bassballs treating you?
  3. paul_5


    cheers mc, I'll take it. PM'ed
  4. paul_5


    does the groove regulator run on 9v and play nicely with active basses? If it's yes to both of these then i'll take it. Cheers, paul
  5. nice, wish everyone i'd auditioned was this honest. Good luck to you sir.
  6. i'll take it please. Will pm you later this afternoon.
  7. I started on recorder at primary school, then a bit of classical guitar in top juniors (don't know what 'year' that equates to in today's money), then got really into keyboards, which I still play from time to time, but I had a revelation when I heard Rush - "that fella with the nose plays keys AND bass? ". Also my brother and I were dabbling in songwriting at the time and he's a much, much better guitarist than me, so we just needed a bass player. Long story short I bought a bass and ditched the keys (as my main instrument). secretly I wanted to be able to move around the stage a bit like a guitarist, so the days of playing keys were numbered...
  8. Isn't a trombone a random note generator?
  9. paul_5

    TO GO: Books to go

    Ooh, I'll take the Neil Peart ones please.
  10. I borrowed a mid 70's 4001 for some recording on an old band's EP (2 years ago). I NEEDED that Ric sound for just one of the tracks (slow, grinding Em rock epic), but I tried it (through my Ampeg SVP PRO and a Hartke Hyrive 410) and though it sounded incredible I couldn't play it for more than about 6 bars, the neck just [i]felt[/i] wrong, had to settle for ol' faithful (blade) with some tube distortion. The track sounded very good in the end, but I've always wondered 'what if', did I ditch the Ric too soon because of studio pressures or is the Ric just not for me?
  11. I've bought a few bits of kit from Electro over the years and they always had plenty to choose from. Shame if they've gone downhill, though I did read in the paper today that Ukelele sales are now outstripping guitars...
  12. Cheers for the response Dood. I retubed last year with Harmas from Watford Valves. They've not seen an awful lot of use (just home recording), so shouldn't be that noisy. I also found that the 'balanced' DI out is quite noisy until I switch it to 'post EQ', then the noise (through the XLR output) disappears. Could be a transformer problem? I hope not, as that was also replaced last year with a spare from Panic Music. Hmm.
  13. I've just taken delivery of an Ampeg SVP1500 power amp, which is the perfect amp to compliment my SVP PRO pre. I've noticed that the power amp is picking up the tiny amount of valve noise coming out of the pre. Currently I'm using 4x 12AX7s and a 12AU7 (in V4). Is there any benefit to attenuating the outut ofthe amp by using say, a 5751 tube at V5 (main output) to reduce the (incredible) amount of gain provided by this pre? I've tried a 12AU7 in this position, but the output was reduced by too much altogether. Any thoughts / advice / concubines appreciated. Cheers, Paul
  14. [quote name='xgsjx' post='1247881' date='May 28 2011, 07:38 AM']What about some manring? No, that's not an offer. [/quote] pretty much anything with james jamerson on bass should fit the bill.
  15. This took some doing at our gaff... Great line to play.
  16. [gets coat and runs] MUSTANG SALLY [/gets coat and runs]
  17. [quote name='ZMech' post='1244551' date='May 25 2011, 05:43 PM']The tone on this into is what first turned me on to double bass: [/quote] That's WAY too slow, check out the speed that Mingus et al play it, awesome. Also, as a result of this thread I've bought my first Tool album today, love it! Cheers BC!
  18. Hmm, that's not really for me. [url="http://www.fender.com/products/search.php?partno=0195000809"]THIS[/url] on the other hand is a thing of beauty.
  19. mine was a hohner short scale thing. It had a split p pickup and played really well. It cost me £70 from a local music shop. The decline started when i decided to sand it back to a natural wood finish. Alas, 'twas chipboard.
  20. Filth. I simply won't gig without it (even at church).
  21. bump for an awesome piece of kit. I love mine, are you absolutely certain yot want to part with it? I'd never sell mine.
  22. [quote name='BottomEndian' post='1241503' date='May 23 2011, 01:02 PM'] [/quote] YOWSER! That's special, I'll have to delve a bit deeper into these guys.
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