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Everything posted by andyonbass

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  2. I expect you know about [url="http://www.zyworld.com/Riff/"]Riffs Bar[/url] near Swindon, they do "Half hour sessions" pretty frequently, to showcase unsigned bands, could be right up your street. You could also try the [url="http://www.the12barswindon.com/get/home"]12 Bar[/url], also in Swindon
  3. [quote name='Sharkfinger' post='462812' date='Apr 15 2009, 10:58 AM']Going to have a think about how to deal with the issue of the amp sliding off the top. through it.[/quote] What you need is something like this [url="http://www.maplin.co.uk/module.aspx?moduleno=217606"]Non slip mat[/url]. I got a similar one from Asda for a quid. Completely stopped the LM2 from sliding off an angled back cab
  4. How about a [url="http://www.korg.co.uk/products/effects/pandora_px4d/fx_px4d.asp"]Korg PX4D[/url] I had a PX3B that I regret selling, really usefull bit of kit
  5. My advice would be to listen to loads and loads of blues stuff, practice your major, minor, and pentatonic scales and you will eventually get a feel for it. Dont try and get too clever and over complicate it! Its very difficult to do a couple of sets without repeating yourself, I saw a blues band last night where the bass player played pretty much the same patterns all night, but hey, it all fitted!! (dunno why he had to look at his fingers all night though!) Dave Marks has some useful walking bass stuff on you tube.
  6. Interesting one this, I always used to play way too hard, caused by years of practising without being plugged in. Consequently I needed a higher action to stop the strings "clacking" against the frets. I now have a Tascam thingy to practice with, which has really helped, but I think the main reason I can play lightly now, is that since building my BFM O10.5 cabs, I can hear myself perfectly on stage and I dont need to "dig in" to hear myself. Unless I want to!
  7. Try Alan at [url="http://www.acguitars.co.uk/pa_index.php"]ACG[/url]
  8. You could try inserting a paper clip, or pin into the small hole in the back panel to reset the unit.
  9. Couple of hours to go and its going for a song (well, 17 songs actually!!)
  10. Building Cabs? Due to an impending lack of space issue, my cab building exploits are gonna have to be wound up, leaving the few power tools and bits and bobs I've accumulated surplus to my requirements. I was looking forward to having a crack at a O15 but events have scuppered that plan, so I want to offer the below items as a job lot, at a decent price to potential cab builders on the forum. Only been used to build 2 omni 10.5s! First off. SIP 18v Cordless circular saw, with 2 batteries, 1 hour charger and spare blade. 136mm blade. Comes in a nice blow moulded case, with instructions. Goes through 12mm ply with ease! Next, Direct Power 1/4” Router, with bits, and side fence, + operating instructions. Next 810w Belt sander, from B&Q, 76x457mm belt, with operating instructions. I've also got 4 piezos, suitable for O10 or 10.5s, a tube of PU adhesive, some of the egg crate acoustic foam and polyester wadding. I'm looking for £75 collected, (from Swindon) for the lot, and i'll throw in some screws and T nuts, speaker gasket and anything else I can find that'll be of use! [attachment=20669:DSCF0006.JPG] [attachment=20668:DSCF0002.JPG] [attachment=20667:DSCF0001.JPG] [attachment=20670:25may2.JPG] You can see the type of piezo in this picture [attachment=20671:25sept2.JPG] [attachment=20672:DSCF0002.JPG]
  11. Yeah, some good tracks on there! I no longer play CDs, all my music is on mp3s now so I dont need it
  12. Someone on here was looking for one of these, a while ago, well, as part of a clear out, I've stuck my copy on ebay with a 99p start. Listing [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=180330402347"]Here[/url] if anyone is interested. See the Artists/Track listing below [attachment=20585:trace_ellio1t.jpg] [attachment=20590:trace_elliot3.jpg]
  13. [quote name='BigRedX' post='405468' date='Feb 10 2009, 04:09 PM']If you watch the video on their site about how Hiscox cases are made you'll know why that isn't at all feasible.[/quote] YesI see, good job I didn't start hacking mine around!! That bloke on the video can certainly talk, though :blink:
  14. [url="http://www.hardcase.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=1"]Hardcase[/url] do interesting guitar cases, but I'm not sure of the prices, or availability. I did wonder about taking the innards out of a Hiscox case and seeing if a flightcase manufacturer could supply a custom high density foam insert, tailored the shape of my bass, but convinced myself it'd be too expensive and never followed it up I resorted to this, in the end, a couple of seat belt comforter thingies (£2.99 at Tesco!) and hot glued them into the case to stop the bass moving about [attachment=20029:DSCF0001.JPG] [attachment=20030:DSCF0002.JPG] Not pretty, but does the job
  15. I had a bass once with brass side dots, they showed up pretty well, but just looked like a bit of welding rod stuck in there. Being an exponent of the "improvised repair technique" (or Bodge for short), that'd do for me
  16. Here's an interview with him, he briefly mentions the clash stuff at about 5 mins in
  17. Quite simple for me, really - I have never had an off the shelf instrument that I haven't needed to modify in order to improve some aspect of it. As rightly pointed out, there are some extremely talented luthiers out there, making the choice very difficult, but what clinched it for me was that Alan at ACG responded to my emails within minutes every time, regardless of how dumb my questions probably were!!
  18. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  19. You might like to think about an [url="http://www.acguitars.co.uk/shop/index.php?act=viewCat&catId=2"]ACG Filter preamp[/url], designed in conjunction with John East, these sound fantastic on a fretless (and fretted! )
  20. A bit late, now, but here's a great [url="http://www.icixsound.com/iv/view_video.php?viewkey=5a2e075a1a4a6e1b9770"]Carpeting tutorial[/url] Oh and if you paint the surface with black paint underneath where the joins will go, it kind of disguises any gaps. you can see where I painted along the intended joins [attachment=19615:20july1edit.jpg]
  21. [quote name='SimBass' post='387142' date='Jan 21 2009, 09:10 AM']@andyonbass Thanks for the pic...its really good to see the stuff actually on a cab. Any tips on getting the stuff on as neat and tidy as yours is?[/quote] Sorry I didn't reply, I've only just seen your post (I think I need to adjust my email notification settings However it looks like you've done a grand job, anyway I did find that my second cab was an improvement on the first but I still managed to glue some carpet to my shoes!!
  22. [quote name='agoulding' post='377011' date='Jan 11 2009, 06:47 PM']Are there any more on sale?[/quote] Heads up! [url="http://shop.ebay.co.uk/merchant/perfectly.good.guitars_W0QQ_nkwZQQ_armrsZ1QQ_fromZQQ_mdoZ"]Perfectly good guitars[/url]
  23. The CPC stuff is fine, I used it on my O10.5s [attachment=19003:25sept2.JPG]
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