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Everything posted by alyctes

  1. Could you rout the front of the neck for a trussrod and add a fretboard? With a bit of tactical hacksawing and routing of the back of the board you could probably add Happy Jack's rigid steel L-beam You'd need to raise the bridge, but that should be reasonably easy.
  2. Could you get away with three strings? That should reduce the problem considerably - and maybe to a manageable level, at least for a while?
  3. Michael Head, in Bristol. Enjoyed the support more - Vona Vella, in particular. They will go far, with any luck.
  4. I don't like reliced instruments, but this looks really good. GLWYS!
  5. Mmm. I gather these are lovely, but I cannot abide that headstock... Best wishes for a rapid and painless recovery, anyhow.
  6. I acquired a pBone some years ago. But I like my neighbours, so...
  7. There is also the SRH500, semi-acoustic. https://www.thomann.de/gb/ibanez_srh500f_nnf.htm
  8. How would anyone know if it was genuine?!
  9. Paddy bought a cheap-but-not-nasty Hohner from me for his son. All went well and I'm pleased it's gone to a good home. Thanks
  10. I persuaded John to buy a bass off me As usual, he's been a nice bloke and a good chap to do business with. This is at least the third time we've traded, and I'm sure we'll do so again.
  11. That was why I bought a Peavey T-40 - or at least why I originally wanted one. Passive, but capable of making any (fretted) bass noise known to man. But by the time I actually bought one, I had well over a dozen basses.
  12. Ah, interesting. Hadn't occurred to me as a possible source of "wrongness".
  13. I really like that. And I've seen the photo of the glittery pink Retrovibe. It's a sight to behold.
  14. Thinking about it, this does sound familiar. I just put it down to my shoddy playing.
  15. Thanks, folks. It's not major, at present. I'll feed back as things proceed.
  16. I'm beginning to find my index finger on the right hand is sometimes curled tight when I wake up. So far it's freed up OK without major discomfort. Has anyone else had this? (I'm right-handed, and I play fingerstyle or using my thumb.) I'm sure this has come up before, but I've searched BC for "trigger finger" and "tendonitis", and not found anything. The relevant Wikipedia article suggests it will probably go away on its own, eventually.
  17. I bought strings from Andy. All went well and I'm happy. I'd cheerfully trade with him again. Thanks Andy
  18. I want a double bass. They're outside my budget, I can't play them, I haven't got space in the house, I'd need a new car, my neighbours would hate me if I tried to practice...
  19. Not much. But I'm mostly playing fretless, and not tuning it properly is another obstacle to playing in tune.
  20. I change strings when I can't get reliable harmonics off them to tune.
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