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Everything posted by alyctes

  1. Ooooh... I really like that, but I really have not got space. Just as well Sean's got in ahead of me!
  2. Not in Britain at the moment... human waste floating by is routine, just now.
  3. Sean sold me some pickups. Haven't had the chance to actually wire them up yet, but everything else about the transaction was flawless - quick, uncomplicated, well packed, let me know when they'd been sent. Nice one
  4. Nor me. Good catch on 'international', that hadn't occurred to me. Agree, not Peavey. The headstock shape looks unaltered, so I'm guessing one of the many unsuccessful not-quite-a-Fender-of-course-it's-not-a-copy manufacturers.
  5. I would like to set the Sort By option on the individual subforums (Off Topic, Bas Guitars, etc.) so that I don't need to change the sort criterion every time I come to the site. Obviously this is not an earth-shattering problem, but it would be handy if there was an option to do this.
  6. What does the gold lettering say? Something 'professional', I think?
  7. Overpriced by somewhere about 200%, IMO.
  8. There are a couple of related things which might have an effect. If you play left-handed, then you need a left-handed bass. I have the impression that for left-handed basses the choice tends to be smaller and the basses often more expensive. Also you might find it harder to find a teacher who's left-handed, which could make it harder to teach. It will be worth doing some research. The For Sale section here separates left- and right-handed basses; have a look, see how the number of basses available compares (because I might be talking complete nonsense ). Good luck whichever you try.
  9. I'm impressed by your adaptability. I played cello as a teenager; when I tried to pick it up again five years ago, I discovered that I couldn't play in fifths (cello string interval) any more. I've still got the cello, but it's tuned in fourths...
  10. Thanks, though that doesn't really answer the need.
  11. Is it possible to search a thread for comments by me? (Or for that matter by someone else, if I know their name?) I haven't been able to get the Search box to do this. (I know, I fail at the Interwebs...)
  12. Probably worth altering the thread title to reflect your change of price.
  13. I think the theorbo's much better looking, myself.
  14. I broke my collarbone years ago and learned to use a (right-handed) mouse with my left hand as a result. It didn't take particularly long (about a month?). This might help.
  15. Could you rout the front of the neck for a trussrod and add a fretboard? With a bit of tactical hacksawing and routing of the back of the board you could probably add Happy Jack's rigid steel L-beam You'd need to raise the bridge, but that should be reasonably easy.
  16. Could you get away with three strings? That should reduce the problem considerably - and maybe to a manageable level, at least for a while?
  17. Michael Head, in Bristol. Enjoyed the support more - Vona Vella, in particular. They will go far, with any luck.
  18. I don't like reliced instruments, but this looks really good. GLWYS!
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