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Everything posted by sprocketflup

  1. How terrible. Everybody man the pitchforks, there's trouble a-brewing
  2. That's incredible. I sadly lost my dad in April last year to a rather awkward lung disease, he had the bottles of oxygen too. As he was lying in hospital nearing the end there were complications with the set up, and it just so happened that one of the top dogs of the hospital who was also the specialist for the disease was in the room. She told the nurse "If its causing problems just whip it off." Upon seeing our incredulous gazes, explained further and it turns out it was only there for comfort, it wasn't actually helping as such at all
  3. What a shame this is a no string! I only play one string bass
  4. Visigoth - "New year, New me....oh wait no, same old same old"
  5. I think we need to see this shirt.....purely for research purposes o'course
  6. [quote name='RustInPeace90' timestamp='1450920811' post='2937113'] Sorry to kinda resurrect an old thread but an old friend of mine had an Infinity fretless 5 string bass in natural hanging on his wall. I was over his on monday and he just gave it to me. Being a 4 string fretted bassist, 5 string, unlined fretless scared the hell out of me but this bass is really easy to play. I might give the pick ups an upgrade to something like some EMG HZs or whatever then use it on some of the slow parts for my bands album. Might have to be a cheat though and add side markers for the fret lines... [/quote] Cmon now, you know the rules, pics or it didn't happen
  7. Hi Acidbass, keep your eye on the Facebook page and/or the website, soon as all i's and t's are dotted and crossed we'll announce them there mate
  8. Hi, I play in a Kate Bush tribute called Cloudbusting, we are based in the SW, and sadly our drummer of the last couple of years has decided that the band and its schedules are too much for him, forcing him to hand his notice in. We had a fairly rigorous run last year and ended up travelling up and down the country a lot, this year we are also in the process of booking a European tour, but refining the UK dates so hopefully the zig-zag travelling will be kept to a minimum. We will also be returning to Scotland, and across to the Emerald Isle too. We are now of course on the lookout for a fairly committed drummer to join us. A decent knowledge of Kates material would naturally be extremely useful, though not strictly an absolute necessity. We aren't a young band by any stretch of the imagination, so have enough experience to not overlook any player of any age, we are all in our 40s and in some cases early 50s to give an idea though. Any drummer joining us would have to be able to commit to future tour dates, have own kit and transport. Now, I realise this is a forum for bass players, but you never know eh? If you can or know anyone who might fit the bill please show them this ad and ask them to get in touch. many thanks, dave some links to our stuff - https://www.facebook.com/cloudbustingkatebushtribute/?ref=bookmarks https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGUjIaiB5KW7lQWmnI_srgA http://www.cloudbustingkatebushtribute.com/
  9. Yeah yeah, I know but the site needs to know if theres issues with certain browsers does it not?
  10. Hi, got a new laptop after all the smoke escaped from my old one, as to be expected it runs Windoze 10 and its new browser, Edge. Finding it difficult at times to do anything on here with it, are the site admins aware of issues yet? Typical problems - write a reply and click post, a bar come up telling me somethings happening and after a while stops, yet nothing has happened. Post still visible in reply box but hasn't been posted. This can happen a few times and the n the site freezes. Click refresh and the site goes to what I can only describe as text only, formatting gone haywire. Close browser and try again and all is normal....for a while
  11. From a bit earlier in his career, Suffragette City is a cracking bassline to play IMO
  12. Well of course theres always the "presents to wrap" excuse. failing that, try the Monty Python "Having a rather heavy period" excuse
  13. My main squeeze is a Squier Standard series PJ, has a nice thin jazzy neck
  14. I seem unable to read the word 'Guiter' in my head in anything other than a Hillbilly drawl. Anyone else have this problem?
  15. Another band in the same boat here, must be something in the water. We'll be putting ads on milk cartons soon, so if anyone knows a decent sticksman in the SW shout up
  16. This is no good. Links! we need links for gods sake! Wont somebody think of the children
  17. Tony Butler is an incredible bassist IMO. Our sound guy knows him quite well, and is a thoroughly decent chap to boot I'm told
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