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Everything posted by sprocketflup

  1. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1474563329' post='3138866'] I have gigged a harley benton, the sound is great but the weight is a bit too much for continued use. [/quote] Me too! That thing could have anchored the Queen Mary. My current main gig bass cost me less than £100. Also my original fretless was a £75 Westfield 5 string that I defretted with a shovel, gigged it for a couple of years before replacing it, it still lives in my loft just in case a future relative needs a story for Ebaying it after my demise.
  2. I recently took a step into the unknown and bought a second hand EUB from a fellow BCer. Wonderful bit of kit. For my band, theres a few songs where I use a bow, but mostly its plucked. As a beginner to the bow I naturally over did the rosin when first learning, and now my strings are sticky. Id like to clean it off as I'm finding the strings sticking to my hand and then twanging back when I'm playing without the bow, whats the best product for getting them back to non stickiness please? cheers
  3. Serious radius on that fingerboard.......errr.....finger...ingot
  4. Id tend to agree with Roland Rock, in as much as the Shed I feel never seems to get much of a crowd in, I played my very first gig there over twenty years ago and it was much the same. Don't et it downhearten you too much, it happens to most bands at some point. Ive played gigs where the bar staff outnumber the punters, I'm sure a lot of us have. But then the next gig its heaving. Sometimes theres no accounting for it
  5. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1472373030' post='3120576'] Ha ha sorry wrong forum. Please move. [/quote] 'Moderater wanted. Must be able to move post from incorrect place to correct place. Must be able to whistle Mustang Sally through his/her/its 'arris. Non smoker.'
  6. ...honestly, itll be a breeze. The techs and producers, even the man himself are so used to people being nervous that they will be very accommodating. And as said, its just you guys and a few other folk in a studio. Just try not to say f***, s*** or b*******.
  7. Which station? Don't think about the potential listeners, when you're playing you'll be in a studio with no one else in there so just treat it as a rehearsal ( with no swearing or messing around )
  8. I'm guessing they got totally carried away with the orbital sander and now theres nowt left?
  9. Lovely looking thing that. (The bass, the bass) How many reading this thread are thinking the same as me, in as much as that bass with the duff pickup went right back on display the minute you walked out of that shop?
  10. Hi Mike, we did indeed thank you very much. I would very much like to go see DOK if their and my schedules ever allow
  11. IEMs here too. Cant remember the last time I used my amp
  12. A fretless bass can do a passable impression of a fretted bass, but a fretted will struggle to sound like a fretless. IMO of course, YMMV
  13. [quote name='Dan Dare' timestamp='1461420782' post='3034497'] All the talk of "tribute" bands increasing sales of CDs by, or boosting interest in the actual artists, is bollocks, I'm afraid. More power to the artists who sue, I say. [/quote] Years ago, Id have agreed. But having done it, and seen that actually, it does, I'm afraid I cannot any agree any longer. Weve had so many messages from folk who have gone on to buy Kates entire back catalogue off the back of one of our gigs.
  14. Still have my first bass, a Westfield 5 PJ in red, though its been through the mill abit, now sports a defret ( home done with a shovel and some wood putty) a missing B string coz one of the saddles broke, and the tuners all swapped around on the tiny headstock so I could get a Hipshot detuner on. These days tho, it sits in a bag in the loft just in case my preferred fretless goes awry for some reason.
  15. Cant stick Neil Young, but love this song. Had no idea it was him
  16. By 'eck! Look at the 'orn on that! Lovely. Never played one, but haven't seen a Carvin I haven't liked the look of yet
  17. Maybe Alan would reshape the neck more to your liking? Just a thought
  18. Pop along to a Cloudbusting gig, I dont use any effects at all, and around 50% of the songs we play are fretless.
  19. Played some corking venues with Cloudbusting, but probably the worst venue Ive played would be a chicken shed in Thornton, Leicestershire. Thankfully devoid of chickens at the time, though we could have said the gig was packed with tasty birds if it hadn't been I suppose
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