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Everything posted by sprocketflup

  1. So what is that? As you say the body on it is rather lovely
  2. Pointless asking on here, go and find the Op on www.thirdguitarchat.co.uk
  3. Hawkwinds/Michael Moorcocks Elric chronicles, spread across several albums, might be worth a mention
  4. A good band will play their audience as much as they play their instruments IMO Also IMO, all the ideas you've had for arranging your songs are good, except the one about trying to group songs with matching or similar keys. A key change can be a great way to steer a flow of songs, and can markedly show the transition from one song to the next. Id try not to have too many in a row in the same key if I could ( tho if I'm honest, probably wouldn't put that much thought into it) my own bands set lists seem determined by how many changes of instrument the guitarist has to make, and me too. Ive had sets where I'm changing every song. Looks daft on stage that IMO. Thankfully this years set 1 is mostly played on the fretless
  5. Joes Garage - Frank Zappa **edit** and pretty much all of the other Zappa albums too thinking about it
  6. Ive just read the description, aparently theres a volume control. i wonder where? Ive discovered too that I find the beaten up Black and Decker workmate that is straining to support the weight more aesthetically pleasing than the horrific monstrosity that is sat atop it.
  7. Just stumbled across this, now seems he's looking for more than just a bass player. Maybe the others were so sick they've now died? http://www.bandmix.co.uk/derelics/
  8. Their version of Born To Run kicks the living daylights out of Springsteens version!
  9. Sadly Joes Garage was released just before the 80's but You Are What You Is wasn't. Frank Zappa
  10. oooh my The Cults Love album. Awesome record. And Ive remembered another, Fields of the Nephilims self titled debut was staggering **edit** got mixed up Dawnrazor was in front of The Nephilim
  11. I have a tried and tested solution to the whole 'mates rates' thing. I haven't got any mates.
  12. A couple more, 'Anthem' and 'The Changeling' both by Toyah [quote name='No lust in Jazz' timestamp='1453634516' post='2961170'] The Hounds of Love - Kate Bush [/quote] Ooops, errrr, yeah I meant that one ^^
  13. Welcome to the Pleasuredome by Frankie Goes To Hollywood. Well, Trevor Horn
  14. [quote name='interpol52' timestamp='1453069359' post='2956179'] I'm not really bothered either way about them. But I do like some of the names they come up with. PeteLoaf is my favourite by a mile. [/quote] I'm still waiting for Bjorkwind
  15. [quote name='JellyKnees' timestamp='1453068087' post='2956167'] [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Straw man argument - I didn't say that at all, I'm just questioning the whole validity of the tribute thing. Personally, I'd rather watch 10 original bands, of which only 1 or 2 might be any good, rather than 10 tribute acts who play impeccable versions of whatever band’s songs. I guess it all depends why you go to gigs. If you want see something [b]safe and predictable you can sing along to whilst basking in the warm nostalgic glow of your youth,[/b] go suck those tribute acts up. I just happen to think it’s boring and pointless. I really don’t care how much money they make or how much the x factor loving masses enjoy them or how fantastic the musicians who play in them are. [/font] [/quote] that's freaking hilarious
  16. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1453053186' post='2955986'] f***ing Hell, is Hazel O'Connor the best you could come up with? Where do you get the idea that modern festivals don't get punters? There are more festivals with more people going to them than ever. [/quote] I didn't, someone up there mentioned it ^^^. Was going to say Kate Bush but thought thatd be churlish
  17. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1453022166' post='2955493'] I have played in two. A Kool and the Gang gig which I only did two rehearsals for and a Brit Pop girls gig I even got as far as gigging with. I just can't do it and think it is lame as fcuk. I don't give a rat's arse whether others like it, learn from it or make money from it, my own thoughts are well known. It's not for me, as a player or spectator (never seen one). [/quote] That's fine Bilbo, as long as you understand that lots of people don't give a rats arse for your opinion, respected forum moderator or not. Haters gonna hate. Fcuk 'em and feed 'em rice.
  18. Could it be that (dons flat cap) music were better int' old days? and modern music is just sh*te? Compare Nicki Minaj to Hazel O'Connor. One Direction to Led Zeppelin. Any one of a thousand and one identical 'trance djs' to Pink Floyd. Could this be why a modern music festival wont get punters, yet a tribute festival might? Discuss.
  19. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1452867002' post='2954252'] One of Mrs C's friends is staying with us for a few weeks and it turns out she eats a ludicrous amount of sprouts... a huge pile of them, almost every evening... it's weird... [/quote] An alternative energy supplier eh?
  20. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1452866606' post='2954237'] [color=#000000]Hey I've just come up with a brilliant idea for people who don't like the idea of 'fake festivals' or tribute bands in general. It's a fairly extreme idea and might appear to be pretty left-field, but I'll try it anyway and you can see what you think.[/color] [color=#000000]OK, here goes.[/color] [color=#000000][size=5]If you don't like the idea of a 'fake festival' or a tribute band gig...[/size][/color] [color=#000000](and here comes the clever bit)[/color] [color=#000000] [/color] [color=#000000][i][size=5]...don't go to one.[/size][/i][/color] [color=#000000]Pretty radical stuff I know, but I reckon it could work.[/color] [/quote] [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1452866718' post='2954241'] They could also - and I appreciate this is a radical concept - arrange their own festival, only featuring bands that play original material. [/quote] This place should have a 'like' button.
  21. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1452865851' post='2954226'] So how does it feel to be a -- what was it -- "middle aged unimaginative muso"? (Does this description apply to all of us who play covers, by the way?) [/quote] Oddly enough, not that different to how it felt to be a young, wild and carefree, sp*nk filled, beer and drugs fuelled imaginative muso playing original material. Which presumably is ok by the OP. Except my knees hurt these days. I don't like brussels sprouts.
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