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Everything posted by mrtcat

  1. Hmm bit concerned. We are booked to play a really good live music pub tonight but we cannot get hold of them on any number to confirm set up times etc. Last contact was about 3 weeks back and all was fine but since then they've not replied to messages, voicemails, fb messages (even though they're showing as having been read), phonecalls and when we phone the landline it just rings and rings. We're advertised on their fb page and we know they're open and haven't changed hands. Problem us they're over an hour away so I'm having to hike over this afternoon. Pretty sure it's just typical pub organisation / communication issue but it's pretty disconcerting. They really wanted us after we played there in may and offered really good money. Fingers crossed. Any advice?
  2. Never made us a success although I doubt the dressing up would be enough to polish our musical turd.
  3. Gregg is such a nice chap I'm sure he would have put the drummer at ease very quickly. I've been lucky enough to play a handful of songs with him and he's a true gent.
  4. Hey Thunderbird, can you let me know which shop does the good set ups?
  5. [quote name='4-string-thing' timestamp='1388235899' post='2319753'] Yes, I did think about moving the baffle and rear panel in a bit to reduce the volume to match the Minimark. Loz, would my knackered old ears really be able to tell the difference if I used Eminence drivers instead? Half the cost, 4ohms and available now, no 45 day wait like there is with the B&C's. [/quote] The dimensions of the minimark will have been calculated precisely to suit the specs of the drivers. You'd be doing well to recreate those dimensions as exactly as you can. Using different drivers would be unadvisable and you would also need to calculate what dimensions would be needed for the new drivers. Finally you need to wire them right. I'm guessing you want the 2nd cab to have an impedance of 8ohm if thats what the current one is so it's either two 16ohm drivers in parallel or two 4 ohm drivers in series. If you build it let's see some pics! Happy building.
  6. Bill's plans are excellent and they're hugely satisfying to build if you are so inclined. Bill invests huge amounts of time, experience and knowledge into creating plans for speakers that really work and can give great results. As a builder of his designs I have made about 90 cabs (various designs) from his range. I doubt I'll get asked to make many simplexx cabs as the simplicity of design will make it easy for the majority of people to make their own. I'm happy to take orders for finished or unfinished cabs nonetheless ;-) Anyone who thinks making a diy cab is a cheap option may have to rethink. Yes you can make savings but everything in the UK that you need for cab building costs a lot more than it does in the states. It's also much more difficult to find the right ply at a decent price if you're ordering in small quantities for just a single cab. People are often put off by prices I quote but I don't make massive profit on any build and at the end of the day I'm putting together bespoke kit for the customer. Spend time pricing all the parts (and remember to take delivery fees into account) and then decide if it's worth it for you. Finish wise that's entirely down to the builder. Discreet did a smashing job finishing his cab in his thread on here so with the right patience and imagination you could do whatever you want. All ill add is that if you build a BFM cab properly and follow bill's eq advice properly you won't be disappointed.
  7. Bit late to the party here. I'm a cabinet maker by trade.I have built cabs for years. I used to build high end hifi gear. I now build BFM cabs to order amongst many other things. I have owned BF cabs and purely out of curiosity I have opened them up for a peek inside. They are very very well made - far better than most big brand cabs I have taken apart. They have clearly been exceptionaly well developed. They are very transparent and very loud. Alex knows his stuff and personally I'd happily buy from him. Price wise they are very competitive when put alongside other stuff built this well. Do I use one? No. I found a sound I love elsewhere but I would have no hesitation in trying barefaced cabs again.
  8. Played with Craig Blundell, Gregg Bisonette, Steve White and Ian Matthews earlier this year. All we're awesome and really nice guys but what stood out most was just how hard they hit stuff. Snare skin resembled the surface of the moon after Gregg Bisonette had been on the kit. I'd love to play with Matt Sorum tho as I grew up on a diet of GNR.
  9. Love my kilo. Does everything brilliantly and weighs what an amp should.
  10. Gay Bar by electric six or Heavyweight Champion Of The World by reverend and the makers. Nothing tricky but both loads of fun.
  11. Played "girls of porn" at our school end of year talent show on my last day of school back in late 90s. Had a bunch of the school's finest "ladies of fewer virtues" do sound effects.
  12. RATM - killing in the name of. 'Twas xmas number one and we don't get grief for playing it.
  13. Dammit I want this bass so bad and it's so close to me too. Incoming baby is going to stop me though. Good luck with the sale - if it's still around after Xmas I may be in touch.
  14. For me it depends on type of venue and type of band. Bands (covers or originals) should always use their social media and email lists to promote shows. Originals bands especially need to push. Venues (some) seem to think that booking a band can will solve low turnover issues. Personally I think pubs that have regular bands need to think long term. If you want to be a recognised live music venue you need to regularly book decent bands. Don't rely on the band bringing all that night's trade. Work on building a customer base of your own that come regularly because they see your venue as a place that regularly has quality live music. That way you can reasonably expect good bands to see you as a worthwhile gig to really promote and you have a more stable platform in case a band brings nobody along allowing you to avoid total washout nights. Bands that don't promote to the best of their ability don't deserve to get regular slots at the decent venues. Venues that don't invest in building a reputation can't expect the best local acts to want to play there. If you are relying on bands to bring the punters make sure you state this when booking to avoid disappointment. In the OP's case I think this was a little unlucky as the venue clearly doesn't have the reputation it likes to think it has.
  15. Thanks guys, I feel way more comfortable now. I absolutely love the amp and coupled with the Berg NV412 it absolutely rules in all scenarios.I may look into changing valves in the future but as mentioned originally it's not such an issue I'll lose any sleep. Thanks again.
  16. Thanks Dood. It's not an unbearable amount of hiss and to be fair my old ampeg head (also with valve preamp) was louder. I have input gain set to just below the level where the red light occasionally comes on so now it never comes on. Is that too low? I've seen a post from you elsewhere where you mention you set yours so it comes on frequently. I always thought that was,a bad thing? The master is set to between 12 o'clock and one o'clock with eq pretty much flat and only a small amount of compressor and overdrive. The hiss is always there regardless of compressor and overdrive setting so may well be a preamp valve. At the end of the day it doesn't worry me as long as it's healthy and I love the way the amp sounds plus it looks awesome :-)
  17. I have a Hartke Kilo and I'm really happy with it. My only concern is that when I power it up all is good for a few (10ish) seconds then you hear the usual click and then it makes a kind of pink noise hiss. It's nothing major and isn't that noticeable unless the room is quiet. I've done all the usual troubleshooting basics like trying different power sources, ground lifting, engaging / disengaging all the different buttons and trying various different cabs and cables. I usually run it with a Berg NV412. Is this normal?
  18. We arrived at a wedding last year to be told that "the bride never showed up at the church but the groom still wants the party to go ahead because you and the venue don't offer a refund. Try not to say or play anything to upset him".
  19. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1384453993' post='2276971'] This was shot at the Jericho Tavern in Oxford a couple of weeks ago. Was going to put it in the "fretless in rock?" thread. Last song in the set, sorry about the singing and the face.... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUUn_5qNguo"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUUn_5qNguo[/url] [/quote] Wow had no idea that place still did live music. Used to play there when I was at school. £50 says they still turn their noses up at covers bands lol. Nice track well played though. Enjoyed it.
  20. Mine goes with me everywhere. Can really save the day on raised stages and in pubs with wooden floors. Not really overpriced IMO - put your labour at £10 an hour and you'll be £20 down before material costs if you build your own (well) so by the time your done you won't have saved much. Bet you can earn more than £10 an hour gigging too.
  21. Do it. There's not many 80's bands round here and therefore, much as I dislike most of the tunes on your list, I'm pretty certain you'd go down well and be plenty busy. Good luck sir!
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