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Everything posted by toneknob

  1. Now playing: Rites of Dawn by Wobbler if you like 70s Yes you'll like this. https://wobbler.bandcamp.com/
  2. Hejira (4 tracks with Jaco) and S&L are long-time favourites. Look out for Don Juan's Restless Daughter and Mingus as well.
  3. Moog Taurus 3 pre-Mike McCready: Moog Taurus 3 post-Mike McCready:
  4. Crikey that's steep, even for Ronnie's. Although having said that I usually go for the restricted view seats because they're not that restricted. but having said that, they've also reduced the footprint of seats in the restricted view area. Because I can suddenly see around pillars a lot better.
  5. Long as in many songs, but still finishing at the curfew time.
  6. Having said that though, PJ do ridiculously early/long encores so when that happens you can start heading to the exits and still catch the end of the show but be nearer the exits. Then leg it
  7. setlist.fm has set times for previous shows (https://www.setlist.fm/setlists/pearl-jam-23d6b80b.html - beware potential setlist spoilers of course, even though they do a different set every night). Pearl Jam tend to go on a bit, but on the other hand there'll be a strict curfew at Hyde Park to keep the locals happy (Adele was all done by 10.20pm on Saturday) Even if it's an early (Adele-like) finish you've still got to contend with 50,000 people heading for the exits. Do you live in Mayfair? if not err on the side of caution.
  8. So it is! I thought it might be some new-fangled boutique version of similar. Bit more digging reveals this equipboard page https://equipboard.com/submissions/413320 with a nice photo: ...and links on to JMJ's insta, but page missing so I just went to his insta feed and found this https://www.instagram.com/p/CYm6YTLPVRO/ where his full arsenal is on display. Wah, I want.
  9. What's this weirdo from St Vincent's set? (the bass that is). Full set at https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/p0c7j7r8/glastonbury-st-vincent
  10. St Vincent at the H. Odeon last night, Justin Meldal-Johnsen on bass - including his dpahne blue Mustang (does he play his own signature model?), a Hofner Club, a beat up brown Fender P, the new bass (see post on https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/466178-bass-id-game-glasto-edition/) Let's also hear it for Mark Guiliana on drums and Rachel Eckroth on keys (and the brilliant backing singers)
  11. Michael League appears to have left his usual bass at home and had to use whatever the venue had lying around. Any ideas? (I fully expect to be told it's some mega-$$$ boutique bass now)
  12. Agree, it should be called "Here Are The Various Bits Of This Song"
  13. I like a couple - The Charismatic Voice for all the above reasons, plus Jamel AKA Jamal because he's just such a lovely lad. Also, pretty much anyone ever who's done a reaction video for Jinjer's Pisces. eg ahem "The Fairy Voice Mother" here
  14. Magma (saturday night). Also Magma (friday night)
  15. The miming over a backing track version is still pretty good mind you (also there's a fairly good live version from 2014 on the internet somewhere)
  16. Tenuous UK Subs connection: I was once in a band whose previous bassist was the original (or maybe second) UK Subs bassist. edit: I've checked the history books and turn out I preceded him. And this band's timeline is marginally simpler than that of the UK Subs
  17. My bandmates often tell me something about a wind break, it all makes sense now
  18. For the sake of balanced content, TLev with hair. (from https://tonylevin.com/road-diaries/looking-back/pictures-from-way-back)
  19. I've been twice, when I was 29 and when I was 35, which simultaneously proves and refutes your hypothesis. My good friend Dr Schrödinger agreed with me, then didn't.
  20. I'm sure there's plenty there to keep one entertained if you wander around the myriad infinity of stages Which I can't be arsed with, so I'll pick up edited highlights on BBC4
  21. And delightful fretless tone, appearing in 1987 with recently in vogue pop singer, and some bloke on guitar.
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