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Eagerly awaiting my bespoke P-bass!

disgrace of bass

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Bursting with excitement - and sad as I am, I have to share it!

I've ordered a 'bespoke' bass.

You might not agreed, but to my tired eyes the combo of a Sunburst body P-Bass with tortoiseshell pick guard and maple neck has always struck me as a lovely colour combo...a bit like a redhead with pale skin (insert name of favourite Hollywood lust object here)...highly subjective I know and at least two of my mates hate it!

Can you get this in the shops? Nah...unless you count the vastly overpriced Fender American Deluxe.

But thanks to a very helpful man who's initials are BM I will soon be receiving a superb Korean-made bass built to my specs in that combo, complete with Babicz bridge, Flatwounds and Bare Knuckle '58 split-P pickup.

To give you an idea of the vibe going on here I attach a photo of Colin Wilson (www.aussiefloyd.com).

Oh, and I haven't said how much this is costing me...lets put it this way, I could have three of these for the price of the Fender.

When its finished I'll post a pic and let you know how it plays!

What are your thoughts on having a bass built for you to your very own requirement? And what would you be prepared to pay?


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Nice colour combo - definitely
And don't worry - you don't have to justify your tastes
It's your bass, and if you like it, that's all that's needed
... but looks like I'll like it too - of course, I also have my own favourite actresses with red hair & pale skin ;)

Now for the waiting bit.....
Patience, patience

Cheers, and post some pics on NBD - if you can put it down long enough to take some pics, that is....

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[quote name='disgrace of bass' timestamp='1442993837' post='2871143']
Bursting with excitement - and sad as I am, I have to share it!

I've ordered a 'bespoke' bass.

You might not agreed, but to my tired eyes the combo of a Sunburst body P-Bass with tortoiseshell pick guard and maple neck has always struck me as a lovely colour combo...a bit like a redhead with pale skin (insert name of favourite Hollywood lust object here)...highly subjective I know and at least two of my mates hate it!

Can you get this in the shops? Nah...unless you count the vastly overpriced Fender American Deluxe.

But thanks to a very helpful man who's initials are BM I will soon be receiving a superb Korean-made bass built to my specs in that combo, complete with Babicz bridge, Flatwounds and Bare Knuckle '58 split-P pickup.

To give you an idea of the vibe going on here I attach a photo of Colin Wilson (www.aussiefloyd.com).

Oh, and I haven't said how much this is costing me...lets put it this way, I could have three of these for the price of the Fender.

When its finished I'll post a pic and let you know how it plays!

What are your thoughts on having a bass built for you to your very own requirement? And what would you be prepared to pay?

Exactly that combo is what I ordered from the bass doc and it was perfect in every way. It had jap parts.

I'd like to have added Amy Adams (red head actress) as an accessory to my order but sadly she is not available

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[quote name='Cameronj279' timestamp='1443000102' post='2871227']
There's something special about having a bass built exactly the way you wanted.

that's why I'm such a fan of Warmoth.
Yes - I like fenders.
I love the P body shape - the contours just fit.
I love the slim jazz neck
Fender themselves seem so rarely to put out a P bodied J necked bass...

So I've now got 3 Warmoths!
A P bodied J necked 20 fretter with a babicz bridge, fender original 62 pup, gotoh gb640 lightweight tuners
A P bodied J necked PJ which is soon to get a Warmoth J lined fretless ebony boarded neck.
And a DinkyP (Warmoth's mini P body) with a Status jazz neck, fender original 62 pup, babicz bridge & gotoh gbr640 tuners

I like fenders but warmoths are more fun!

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[quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1442996680' post='2871183']
Congratulations... nothing like having the exact bass you want made for you :)

How long do you have to wait? ... thats the painful bit.

To my certain knowledge it will be built within a couple of weeks...and I can't wait (but I'll have to)

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[quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1442999912' post='2871223']
Can you really not get that colour combo on a standard Fender? Wow.

Personally if I were going bespoke I'd get a more unusual finish but it's your bass get what you like :-)


Certainly at the moment Fender only offer that colour combo in the American built basses. MIM & Squire you can get near it but with rosewood neck.

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[quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1443006732' post='2871327']
This is why I went down the Maruszczyk route.

Fender CS / US Lakland quality, and bespoke, for MIM money.


I thought I was nearly cured of GAS
But this has given me added GAS
This is one of the finest basses I have ever seen :o
Simply stunning....

It's got everything, and looks perfect in every way.....


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[quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1443085278' post='2871998']
Do Fender offer the 'American Design Experience' over here? That seems the way to go if you want a new [b]Fender [/b]P with a J neck.


I was quite interested in this when it was first announced - I thought it was a great move for them. But the reality turned out to be completely half-baked (IMO, of course).

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Nice one! Really looking forward to seeing some pictures when you get it :)

[quote name='disgrace of bass' timestamp='1442993837' post='2871143']
What are your thoughts on having a bass built for you to your very own requirement? And what would you be prepared to pay?

As to this, I would say 100% worth it. Just had the same done with my Maruszczyk and its perfect for me - just everything I want and need from a bass. I guess the one caveat is that you have to know what you want/need. But so long as you have a clear idea of what it is you are looking for a custom bass is well worth the outlay - not to mention that as you've found, it need not cost any more than an off the shelf job from Fender.

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[quote name='disgrace of bass' timestamp='1443037801' post='2871786']

Certainly at the moment Fender only offer that colour combo in the American built basses. MIM & Squire you can get near it but with rosewood neck.

Unless you want it in a five string (which I do) in which case there's the Squier VM P5 in burst/tort/maple (which I'm hoping will be my next acquisition). :)

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[quote name='disgrace of bass' ]
What are your thoughts on having a bass built for you to your very own requirement? And what would you be prepared to pay?


I'm awaiting a Bravewood P, which will come in around £1500.

Like yourself, I love Fenders, but they don't offer what I want, which is a '57 styled bass with a slim profile neck.

Bravewood are just down the road from me, and the idea of actually having a bass made, in the true sense of the word rather than put together, really attracted me to them.

Seeing John carry off a freshly sprayed Precision body by its unbolted neck made me think how much I would have to pay Fender to get a neck pocket that fits that tight. It's details like that that make me think wooden instruments should be crafted, not engineered.

My spec is a lightweight white blonde, with 40mm nut width. And will come with a Bareknuckle '58, like yours :)

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[quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1443086057' post='2872014']
So who is actually building this bass for you?

Barry Moorhouse of the www.basscentre.com (Well actually not he, but Chris Ward his in-house tech!)

Its based on their successful Bass Collection range but with a few refinements. My first bass was a J-style from them, and it is still a sweet bass to play. MIM quality and playability for Squire money.

Barry is using me as a 'test case' to go to offering a 'bespoke service' as part of The Bass Collection product range.

Edited by disgrace of bass
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[quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1443086057' post='2872014']
So who is actually building this bass for you?

[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Barry Moorhouse of the www.basscentre.com (Well actually not he, but Chris Ward his in-house tech!)[/font][/color]

[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Its based on their successful Bass Collection range but with a few refinements. My first bass was a J-style from them, and it is still a sweet bass to play. MIM quality and playability for Squire money.[/font][/color]

[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Barry is using me as a 'test case' to go to offering a 'bespoke service' as part of The Bass Collection product range.[/font][/color]

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[quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1442998085' post='2871203']
Exactly that combo is what I ordered from the bass doc and it was perfect in every way. It had jap parts.

I'd like to have added Amy Adams (red head actress) as an accessory to my order but sadly she is not available

You can't have Amy Adams - I was in the queue first!!!

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[quote name='disgrace of bass' timestamp='1443163288' post='2872668']
[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Barry Moorhouse of the www.basscentre.com (Well actually not he, but Chris Ward his in-house tech!)[/font][/color]

[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Its based on their successful Bass Collection range but with a few refinements. My first bass was a J-style from them, and it is still a sweet bass to play. MIM quality and playability for Squire money.[/font][/color]

[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Barry is using me as a 'test case' to go to offering a 'bespoke service' as part of The Bass Collection product range.[/font][/color]

Sounds like a good deal to me... :)

There has to be a market for custom coloured P and J designs and a reasonable price.

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