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My trusty old Fender P Bass- still my number 1!

Old Horse Murphy

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Inspired by Matt Citizenbass and Gafbass and their threads on how their trusty Jazz basses have developed, I thought I'd do the same with my old P Bass.

The body is from a 1987 Fender US P Bass that my Grandfather and I hunted down to Don MacKrill's music shop in Edgware. I'd just done my GCSE's so my parents gave me a bit of money. I had to trade in my Fender Telecaster for it and was still a bit short but my Grandfather helped me out a bit (thanks Pop :) ).

Over the years, the neck decided that t wasn't made of wood but was in fact a Banana. Despite many many operations and trips to the menders it finally became unplayable in 2009.

Anyway, the opportunity arose in the same year to buy a fantastically priced new series US Fender which I duly did, again with some money from my Grandparents for Christmas. Sadly, shortly afterwards my Grandfather passed away, so it felt only right (in my mind) to combine parts of both Basses to make a Super-bass; my Fender P(op) Bass.

The neck and bridge are from the newer bass. The body, pickups and electrics are from the old bass. The pickguard is from a 62 Reissue P Bass that I put on years ago.
Last year I had LED's fitted to the side of the neck to help me see what I'm playing when I'm singing and there's an additional hole in the pickguard where I briefly fitted a P-Retro (not for me I'm afraid).

I know every knock and bang on it and if I ever lost it I would be devestated. That said it doesn't stopping me using her every time I gig and together we've played Weddings, a Funeral, parties, tours to Ireland and Jersey (another story), Rugby Clubs, Social Clubs and lots of those horrid sticky-floored "Builders on Coke" Pubs we all love so much.

She weighs just over 8lbs and is and always will be my number 1 bass despite being a bit of a Trigger's Broom!

Edited by Old Horse Murphy
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[quote name='Old Horse Murphy' post='1282520' date='Jun 25 2011, 10:00 PM']Thanks for all your comments guys :)

Not sure about a Jazz Michael. Tried a few and still not sure.

I see from your Sig that you've got one though! Spill the beans :lol:[/quote]

Yep, got a lovely MIA Fender Jazz in Olympic White. It sounds stunning. It was for this new band I am in but I made the mistake of taking a fretless along to one of the rehearsals and they have fallen in love with the fretless tone so it looks like I might be playing that now :)

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Nicely recounted Nick, I really enjoyed reading that. I'm just sitting here chilling and you've got me thinking about grand parents and parents. My wife and I have lost all of ours in recent times. My mum being the only survivor now and even though we speak everyday and get together frequently, I know she feels lonely and very aware of her own mortality.

Sorry going on a bit there.

It's a good thing I don't drink or smoke these days, think I would be at risk of getting a bit maudlin :)

Love the bass by the way

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[quote name='gary mac' post='1282547' date='Jun 25 2011, 10:49 PM']Nicely recounted Nick, I really enjoyed reading that. I'm just sitting here chilling and you've got me thinking about grand parents and parents. My wife and I have lost all of ours in recent times. My mum being the only survivor now and even though we speak everyday and get together frequently, I know she feels lonely and very aware of her own mortality.

Sorry going on a bit there.

It's a good thing I don't drink or smoke these days, think I would be at risk of getting a bit maudlin :)

Love the bass by the way[/quote]

No worries Gary. I have days when the past catches up with me too and a I guess yesterday wa sone of those days for recounting happy times :lol:

THe funny thing about my Pop was that he was very unmusical an I guess at the time when we were running around looking for a Black US P Bass he must have thought I was nuts! :)

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Great bass and great story Nick.

Still searching for that perfect P bass meself, with a 'significant' milestone birthday coming up in the next 18 months or so, I'm already thinking about a serious reduction of the fleet to sequester that 'special' one that will stay with me into old age...''sniff''

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[quote name='martthebass' post='1291562' date='Jul 3 2011, 10:31 PM']Think the markets slow at the minute Nick. If I could get a trade on a decent CS P bass then I'd probably rejoin the Fender owners club.[/quote]

Hmmm, i know what you mean. All roads for me lead back to Fender eventually!

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Nice story Nick - As a recent convert to trusty old P basses I can see why this one is special for you.

I used to drive past Don Mackrill's all the time and often stopped outside to peer through the window (it was usually a Sunday & they were always closed!). Often had something interesting in the window & always some great saxes :)

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