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Everything posted by arthurhenry

  1. Does anyone have any recommendations for good quality, interesting, informative, intelligent bass related Youtube video makers who do not conform to the typical, subscriber seeking, click attracting methods of the "Youtuber" crowd? The types of thing I'd like to avoid include clickbait titles, children and family members in videos, discussion of personal matters and the use of "guys" as a generic pronoun.
  2. Very strange comment. Fraser was the father of two daughters.
  3. The question is very strange. The idea that something which occurs naturally can be "wrong" is bizarre and how does one define "wrong"? It's like saying "Is the existence of trees wrong?"
  4. I'm sure you're fully aware of musicians' earplugs, which reduce volume, but allow all frequencies to be heard. Surely these would work ok in an orchestra.
  5. Considering options for a spare amp which I could keep (well hidden) in my car, I've stumbled upon the idea of removing the head section from a cheap combo, building some casing around it and using it separately. I can't think of any issues which would arise from this. Are there any? Edit: I'm imagining a combo with a jack which plugs in for the speaker, but one that's hard wired in would still be usable with a bit of work, I would think.
  6. Standard is 45-105. Perhaps the most famous set of bass strings of all time. Standard is written on the packet, there is no choice; standard is standard.
  7. "Do you have a set of standard gauge Rotosounds?" "Depends what you mean by standard gauge" "The ones that say standard gauge on the pack." "Yeah, but what gauge are they?"
  8. Wouldn't it be nice if there was a roughly 50/50 mix of men and women on basschat?
  9. Not to mention that he's one of the greatest singers of all time in any genre.
  10. I can't imagine having food anywhere near my bass or gear. It astounds me when I see musicians eat crisps or a sandwich and then play their instrument without first washing their hands. Incredible!
  11. Using a ramp, or raised pickup is what enables me to dig in!
  12. Dug Pinnick, Jack Blades, Burke Shelly, Richard Sinclair, Gordon Haskell, Gene Simmons, Roger Waters, Tom Araya.
  13. There's humour in his stuff though isn't there? I couldn't understand the fuss about Uptown Funk, but then I watched the video and realised it's all just a joke and they're taking the fosters out of themselves. Edit: I didn't type "fosters". If I do type fosters, will it come up as fosters? Edit: No.
  14. Fender got it right and then no one was allowed to copy it.
  15. To the vast majority of a typical audience, this is not remotely important; at least, they don't know it's important. They have no concept of what instruments are making what sounds, of drums and bass working together, of what bass is and how it differs to guitar. They only know whether the band sounds good and in many cases (to them) this means whether or not the band are playing the songs they like because they've heard them on the radio a lot. This is not in any way a snobby comment - it's ok and understandable that it's this way.
  16. Lots of good advice here, but don't forget, once you've learnt it, play it, then play it, then play it and repeat. It's not unusual for me to play through songs 20-50 times before I feel I can say I really know them. I imagine a scenario where the original artist phones and asks me to play the song with them at a gig tomorrow. If I couldn't say "yes", then I haven't practised it enough.
  17. Agreed, all the more impressive that he was there at all and lucky for us. Sad, sad news.
  18. My questions about the 30 keys idea would be: Bach wrote two pieces as examples of each key for Well Tempered Klavier. Why are there 48 pieces, not 60? If an examiner asked me to play a C# major scale, which I did and then, when she asked me to play a different major scale, I played the same thing, but called it Db major, would I get a mark?
  19. The notes A-G have to be named in each key. For example in D major: D, E, F#,G, not: D, E, Gb, G, as then you would not have mentioned F.
  20. I can see what VW is saying here, but surely this is all about how you THINK about the notes you're playing, rather than actual physical playing. If you play through major scales staring on every note, there are only 12, unless you give some of them different names and then play them again!
  21. Essentially what I'm imagining is a "speaker" which is silent and very, very small, so that the amp can be used to its full potential, with only one speaker.
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