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Everything posted by 40hz

  1. Kanye is just the poster boy for this modern day rubbish that passes for hip-hop. His brand of dumbed down urban music is so unbelievably awful I can't believe people listen to him (personally speaking of course) he seemingly, in his songs, just mumbles crap about money and clubs over a jumbled skeletal beat with a weird sound effect of two thrown in (usually a dog being *anked off or the like) his ego is stratospheric and yet musically speaking, he's not anywhere near the hip-hop/rap legends (run dmc, 2pac, dr dre, snoop, notorious, nas, a tribe called quest, beastie boys etc etc). Rant over (sorry if anyone is offended, it's just so disrespectful to Beck it ground my gears) Edit - beyonce is a talented girl but one of those singers that is constantly oversinging (she's more of a brand than a bona fide artist imo) so instantly has me reaching for the skip button.
  2. Much much better from Warwick, IMO this is exactly what was needed. Pro series Streamer here I come!
  3. Sort of sounds like the effect of a twisted string? Edit -used to have an Epi T-bird. Superb bass and a great growling punch across the neck so this sounds odd.
  4. GP12 owner here., 2x10 much more clarity and punch. 1x15 fine enough (prob more growl) but not much definition. Bit of a clichéd response but holds true
  5. I absolutely love Fender but, for me, the new designs and models are all still very 'safe' I think that's partly why nothing else has really taken off. None of the new models have ever really had a 'wow' factor Or do anything drastically different.
  6. Every 3-4 months with D'addario Flexsteels (and Prosteels) I find they keep that fresh sound and feel for that timespan, but then again depends on brand. I find Rotos and Ernie Ball Slinkies die within a week.
  7. The unfinished neck is one of the main reasons I never bought a full fat Ray.
  8. Wish I had the cash! Could justify it as a Year of birth bass too! Glwts!
  9. Kim Deal's tone on dig for fire, that is just beautiful! The Pixies as a band always had a great mix. Sounds like her Aria Cardinal bass on this particular track, although she used a P around this era too.
  10. The only bass that could tempt me from my Flea. Stunning!! Glwts!
  11. [quote name'Merton' timestamp='1422021199' post='2667845'] I think they will have some fairly soon. They certainly expect the Rootmaster 800 head to be ready mid Feb, and this uses the same power section [/quote] Excellent, cheers Merton
  12. Is there a release timeframe on these yet? My Trace has died and this looks a perfect replacement.
  13. Another Trace man here. Well I was until it blew up at practice tonight! When working its a GP12SMX AH300 . Beautiful amps with a nice clear punchy tone. congrats! Looks awesome!
  14. Dont get me wrong I love the full fat rickies, just I'm digging the pared back look too. Edit - my bad on the price, really should look a bit closer
  15. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1421928714' post='2666663'] Really? The triangular inlays and chequer binding are two of the things that make Rickenbacker basses stand out visually for me. Without them, they are a bit bland really. [/quote] To me they look a bit cleaner. I like that look.
  16. Am I seeing things? £3700?! Edit - they are gorgeous though
  17. I've seen them go on and off for £200-£300 In recent years. £475 is steep. Hold out for a Corvette, better bass and £500 should just about get you a real German one.
  18. Anyone who decided to go into business selling boxes for guitar shipping would be a very rich man, the eternal ball-ache of sourcing one when it's selling time!
  19. Ahh thanks for that mate, I'll give Watford valves a try later! Yeah I know i'm not going to get proper distortion or anything, just a 'slight' valvey esque breakup would be a good option to have.
  20. Evening gents Looking for a replacement 12ax7 preamp valve for myTrace, I'm looking for something a lot hotter, I know being a single 12ax7 I'm not going to get into proper saturated distortion territory but something that breaks up quite musically would be good. Any ideas or suggestions? Cheers
  21. 1984/5 Squier P-Bass. It was an SQ series in white that had aged beautifully into a cream colour, white scratchplate. Maple neck with a rosewood fingerboard. It had a distinctive knick around the 12th fret, like a diagonal slash. I sold it to some guy down south (who was buying it on behalf of his son) for absolute peanuts when I was poor. I wonder where it is now? or even if a member of this very forum has it. I miss this bass hugely. Would love to have it again. Also a 1998 Yamaha TRB4II in Orange (serial number had an 8fk or something). My first 'real' bass. Huge sentimental attatchment to it but, again, sold when I was desperate for cash. Sold it to a guy who worked in PMT in Oxford circa 2005. I would literally pay anything to get my paws on this again! I always wonder where it is right now and what stories it has to tell Don't suppose anyone here has had either cross their path?
  22. Been playing 11 years and believe it or not I don't really have callouses! But yeah keep plugging away chap and your hands should toughen up (or your nerve endings might die as seems to be the case with me )
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