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Everything posted by asingardenof

  1. So my V7 has developed an annoying rattle/buzz behind the nut and I'm not sure what the most likely culprit is. It seems to be related to the A string, but I've made sure it's secure on the tuning peg, and the string tree pulls it down at a decent angle over the nut. So could it be the tuner? The tree? The nut? The problem seems to disappear when I press the A string behind the nut but if it is that what could I do about it without having to resort to take it for repairs, which is economically unviable at the moment? As you can hear from the video the buzz also appears when plucking the open D and G strings, but not the E. Any suggestions gratefully received!
  2. Yeah, Ian is a pretty good host, but I got tired of Scott's schtick some time ago.
  3. If that's important to you then forget the SMX, you'll always just be wishing you had bought the MetroLine no matter how good the SMX is, and if you can afford to spend the extra £2k then go for it. If you can get past that though then you'll have a great bass and £2k to spend on something else.
  4. I suspect if you have a VTC preamp installed in the SMX you'd be hard pressed to justify spending the additional £2k on the MetroLine.
  5. They have some absolute bangers, Dean Town and Conscious Club being two examples, but yeah a lot of it is technically great but otherwise pretty forgettable.
  6. I bought my Squier VM 70s Jazz direct from them as I had a discount through Fender Play at the time. As I recall it came from a warehouse in the Netherlands via UPS, and the box was a little tatty when it arrived although the bass itself was fine. I miss that bass and hope the Manchester-based student I sold it to is enjoying it.
  7. I do quite like YYNOT, and while I appreciate Tim Starace's playing his tone always seems a bit tinny for me, even through decent headphones. I think I prefer Rocky Kuner as a vocalist as well, but there's not much in it.
  8. Hangin' Tree - Queens of the Stone Age
  9. You need to change the post title to include "*SOLD*" (minus the quotes) to lock the thread
  10. Looks like it's good if you're in the very south of Britain, but it looks nigh-on useless for the Midlands, North of England, and Wales.
  11. It's also worth noting that if this is the photo from the listing this is not an image of an ABM 1200, this is either an ABM 300 or ABM 600 (the resolution of the image makes it difficult to tell). If nothing else you should get photos of the actual gear being offered for sale if you decide you do want to get the amp and the cab, though I would reiterate that you definitely don't need the cab and it will just take up space in your house gathering dust, plus it'll be a pain to sell on when you decide you no longer need it.
  12. How long is your rehearsal session? We struggle to get through more than three new songs in a three hour session, so ten would be nigh on impossible if you wanted to get them anywhere near gig-ready
  13. First gig of the year coming up at Spen Victoria Cricket and Bowls Club first weekend of February. I'm going to put in a bid now for my Elf still being away for repair so next rehearsal will involve an exercise in EQing my bass in advance!
  14. Save yourself a heap of money and just go straight into your computer via an interface, and if you need any effects use plugins in your DAW. If you aren't playing live you can at least dispense with the cab if you want to record the tone of the amp, but you can get the same result with an ABM 300
  15. It was cutting out during a gig. Haven't heard anything further from PMT yet so not sure if the cause.
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