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Everything posted by asingardenof

  1. My first was a Hohner Rockwood Pro Precision copy, bought as a pack with a truly awful amp for my 18th birthday in 1996 from (I think) Rimmers in Liverpool. That lasted for a couple of years until I got some sweet, sweet student loan money hitting my account and then part-exchanged it for the Squier Precision I still have today.
  2. Especially since the pickups at least are the same as are installed in the US versions.
  3. Which one, Nathan or Lee? Need more @CiciBass doing them I say. I was lucky last time I had to send something back to them that I live near one of their stores and could just drop it in. The fact that it seems to be lost in the void of their repairs department is annoying but their returns folks seem to be just as frustrated as I am about it.
  4. I think he acquired a copy of their most recent set list rather than the entire back catalogue.
  5. These days, with the proliferation of CNC machines and whatnot, there are very few completely terrible guitars and bass brands around. Where not so long ago the likes of Squier, Ephphone, SBMM, etc. might once have only been considered beginner instruments, you could quite happily have one and gig it regularly - Mike Rutherford using Squier Affinity guitars live is a good example of someone not fussed by the brand name (although his are modded somewhat, I'm sure). When I bought my Squier Precision in 1998 I actually chose it over a Mexican Fender Jazz because I thought it was a better put together (and better sounding) instrument even though it was about half the price. As has been mentioned elsewhere, eventually you start getting into the realms of diminishing returns as the price goes up, where each incremental improvement in quality seems to come with a bigger and bigger price hike. The trick is to know how good is going to be good enough for what you need.
  6. GLWTS! I currently use one of these and for the money it's pretty decent.
  7. GLWTS! But for mine having an intermittent issue I think it's great, both as a backup and for smaller gigs. Definitely worth checking out for someone!
  8. Excellent stuff, and three great songs to play as well
  9. Knackered Ashdown gear seems to be the way of it, although the room we normally book has a 40W Rumble combo and a 4x10 Hartke cab outside it - not sure how one is supposed to combine these though!
  10. He even has a Drumeo course on how to drum with one arm!
  11. That was awesome, and he's an incredible drummer too
  12. Better than a story I heard about Steve Jones doing something unspeakable to a sandwich Glen Matlock was about to eat.
  13. Certainly a lot more interesting music than Metallica.
  14. Probably, the Greasebucket circuit cuts both treble and bass when you roll it off, so you don't get the usual muddiness that would normally be expected by rolling off a normal Fender tone control. I wasn't a massive fan when I tried a Performer Jazz a few years ago, although the bass was pretty nice aside from that. The Yosemite pickups were very nice from what I remember.
  15. It's a bit more than devil horns (watch from about 1:59:50) but I'm still more inclined to believe it's mocking rather than serious.
  16. This record: https://m.soundcloud.com/theafdshow/roberta-freeman-talks-one-in-a-million-race-and-james-hetfield-ep-201 (The relevant bit starts from about 24 minutes in)
  17. Playing at "I'm getting paid a shitload of cash so let's see how far I can push them" I suspect. The bit where he's playing the flamenco guitar part and James is like "oh shit, he's this good at guitar as well" was hilarious.
  18. I've been pondering the SUB range for a little while since trying one a few weeks ago, and now they throw this at me: https://www.andertons.co.uk/brands/music-man/sterling-basses/sterling-by-music-man-sub-stingray5-hh-stealth-black-5-string-j1 *sobs at inadequate bank balance*
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