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Everything posted by asingardenof

  1. I use Diamond strings on my P-bass and they sound mint - nickel, round core. They have a discount code for January as well: 2024
  2. One we were considering playing at said they'd provide their own e-kit!
  3. Another vote here for it being the bridge being misaligned. Given the body would probably have been cut and routed using a CNC machine I think it's unlikely the pickups would be off, and the strings look slightly out on the neck as well. I imagine this will be relatively easy to remedy but it's still annoying.
  4. Son of a Preacher Man - Dusty Springfield
  5. Oh dang! If I didn't have my ABM I'd be all over this. GLWTS!
  6. I've heard some demos of Bare Knuckle bass pickups and they sounded very tasty. They're more known for their guitar pickups but worth looking into, and based in Cornwall.
  7. I suspect this is a result of both inflation and them artificially suppressing prices during the pandemic when every man and their dog was thinking about learning to play an instrument while stuck at home.
  8. Shut up, it was no more than 23 years ago surely
  9. Oh certainly, as well as other factors such as inflation, the myth of "vintage" instruments being better than modern ones, etc.
  10. "Decent" is very subjective though. You could buy what I consider to be a "decent" bass for a hell of a lot less than £1200.
  11. Does iTunes still force you to reformat MP3s to whatever format iPhones use?
  12. Don't worry, next time I'll try and make sure something fails in a spectacular, mysterious and satisfying way!
  13. Yeah, OK, my bad. Don't mind me, I'll just go find a rock to hide under and contemplate my life choices.
  14. Slightly similar situation in that it's our keyboardist who's the most likely of us to be a blocker to getting new songs learned, which we desperately need to do. I suggested Two Tribes not so long ago and everyone else is pumped to give it a go, but he's on one about it being "too produced" or something, forgetting that as a covers band we can arrange it how we like.
  15. I forgot about it until I touched it by accident and the noise went away 🤦‍♂️
  16. Well, it turns out it wasn't any of the possible issues suggested, and turned out to be very easy to fix. Seems like the spring in my pick holder may not have been seated properly, because touching the casing made the buzz go away. I fenagled the picks within it a bit and then tried playing the open A again and problem solved! Thanks everyone who chipped in. Atw least I have knowledge for in the future in case it's not a cheapo gadget causing me grief!
  17. Oh, I see what you mean. I've tried pulling it up and that hasn't worked, so I'm worried now that means it's fooked, although it only seems to be an issue when plucking upwards, not downwards. I think I need someone more experienced than me to look into this!
  18. I'll give the Allen key thing a go shortly. Tightening it will change the neck relief though, won't it? Suspending it I can hear a rattle if I knock the back of the neck but I'm not sure if it's from within or not. I've tried tightening and loosening the string and that makes the rattle go away.
  19. Everything on the tuner looks pretty solid so my money's on the nut as the culprit. When I get some more time after work I'll try the paper thing properly and see if I can't solve it that way. If not I have a local repair place I could take it to to fit a new nut, and obviously nuts themselves are pretty cheap.
  20. How would one establish if the truss rod was the culprit rather than the nut?
  21. Initial efforts didn't stop the buzzing. Suspect a new nut is in my future.
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