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Everything posted by asingardenof

  1. I'm calling my '96 Korean Precision "vintage", but only because a friend of me and @Merton who is sadly no longer with us used to get very snippy with me when I'd describe it as having "vintage-esque" tones and I like to imagine his ghost looking at me askance every time I do
  2. Oh man, that sucks. Better luck next time! Would something like this be useful? https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1034693771/fretboard-side-dot-markers
  3. Yeah, I believe it's a guide for the CNC machines they use. From what I understand the number of holes is a guide to where the body was cut, where one place does one hole and another does three.
  4. Yep, we're a contrary bunch it seems
  5. Indeed, different winding wires make a difference, as does whether ceramic/Alnico/Neodymium magnets are used.
  6. That was my thinking too, they were probably able to source the required quantity of timber at the price they were willing to pay and that just happened to be mahogany. Their buyers don't buy into the whole "tone wood" thing, it seems.
  7. I used to subscribe to Bassist mag back in the day, and even had a couple of emails published
  8. Forgive my ignorance but how do warranties/guarantees offered by retailers/manufacturers relate to the 14/30-day periods mentioned here when they go beyond these periods?
  9. Would the man on the Clapham omnibus agree that pounding the button into submission is beyond the expected functionality of the device? I suspect so.
  10. My experience with sending my Elf back to Trace Elliot was to explain at length to the guy at PMT's returns dept exactly what steps I'd taken to confirm that it was definitely the amp at fault and nothing else between my fingers and the cab. He didn't even try and suggest anything else (he sounded quite resigned, I may possibly have laboured the point a bit) but just agreed that I'd covered pretty much everything that could have been done. It will depend on the individual company's policies and the pragmatism of the person you deal with as to what they want you to provide.
  11. On a fiver I'd leave it as BEADG, but then when I'm figuring out a song I usually try and do it so I can avoid playing open strings in case I ever need to play it in a different key.
  12. Presumably even if he records a video they'll still be thorough and test it to see if they can recreate the problem though, so not sure it's saving anyone time at the manufacturer end. Plus he has identified a fault, which is why it's being returned...
  13. 1972 Jazz for £2k, allegedly... https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/914822810219750/
  14. Shakin' All Over - Johnny Kidd & the Pirates
  15. My favourite was "it's so close... to being a million miles away from correct"
  16. I've started a spreadsheet for changing the strings on both basses, mainly because I'm curious as to which sets last longest if I try and give both equal playing time.
  17. All off so I can clean the bass. Every now and then I'll update my pre-cut spare set in my gig bag/case so the set I carry around isn't too old and manky (and liable to break).
  18. Seems to be a good time for people to buy at the moment, I count no fewer than five ABM heads for sale in these parts.
  19. We were supposed to have a gig yesterday but that was postponed until who knows when owing to the death of the father of our singist and drummist. After that we have a grand total of three confirmed gigs in the diary, in May, August and November, with a possible two more in June and August, but that's it. Why don't we have any more? Because nobody apart from me is actively looking for any and are relying on getting places we've played before to rebook us. No agent, just us. We aren't in it just for the money, but it is nice. I'd like to have a gig once a month or so, but I think I'm in the minority.
  20. If it's any consolation I live in a three-bedroom house and still struggle to find room for two basses and two guitars. At least the amps fit under my home office desk or I'd be screwed!
  21. Father Ted-style they'll just be "resting" in their place.
  22. Headstock shape suggests Hohner Rockwood or similar. Definitely monstrous though!
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