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Everything posted by wesfinn

  1. I've been watching this..the neck is orginal though has some annoying issues such as where other machine heads have been installed have come through the front of the headstock. also he hasn;t strung it up so it could be a real dog. Im a bit unsure of the body could be anything really. the cavity rout is maybe a bit too sloppy. you would never know till you strip it to check for the pin dowels and see if there has been any routs filled in the past.
  2. Next week expect some progress on this. Plan is to get the neck finished for fine sanding. I have decided to put jumbo frets on this bass as it is going to be for me. I can't get on with skinny's personally! If the weather is good I will also get some finishing going
  3. I'd go with the shell pink out of those 3, the LPB looks too light in colour. I miss the the old dark LPB
  4. This was originally my bass which I sold to Richard (greyparrot). A fantasic super jazz. It was originally a fretless (with the neck provided) however I only needed a fretless for one session and after that I decided to get Mike to swap the neck for a fretted stock neck that he had. The fretless neck was very thin though it played very well when set up. The EMG circuit and Aero pickups are a great combo and sound very Jazz like (I didn't think it was going to originally so was pleasantly suprised when I first plugged it in!) Hope this info is helpful for anyone looking at this bass, Duncan is a great guy to deal with. Oh and the date of manufacture is July 09.
  5. Shell Pink Jazz basses are soooo nice....I might have to make one after seeing that pic!
  6. This is something I always wonder....how many beat up 1960's fenders are just laying on a rubbish tip! My uncle is a binman he has found loads of cool instruments that have just been chucked, many with minor faults. He gave me a box of g7th capos that someone had chucked! there was about £120 worth!
  7. [quote name='Spoombung' post='859654' date='Jun 7 2010, 11:05 AM']Do you mean this stuff? [url="http://www.tonetechluthiersupplies.co.uk/Lacquers-and-Paint/Spray-Paints-and-Lacquers/Lacquers-and-Thinners/274-Clear-Cellulose-Sanding-Sealer/Detailed-product-flyer.html"]http://www.tonetechluthiersupplies.co.uk/L...duct-flyer.html[/url] I think it needs spraying on. Is there anything I can paint on then sand down (I think the wood is basswood).[/quote] Thats the stuff but you can buy it as an aerosol if you click the aerosols and spray paints section. its easy to apply
  8. tonetechluthiersupplies.co.uk do cans of nitro sanding sealer which is great the also do grain filler which is essential for ash otherwise the grain/pores will soak up all the finish!
  9. haha. just IMAGINE how good the basses are. well worth a punt I'd say!
  10. nice! looks very much like the 61 Im holding right now!
  11. apologies about the lack of updates to this thread in the last few weeks. I have been busy with my day job and restoration work. I have also had a few things holding up this and some other builds. namely being the truss rods. The rods I use are 5/32" cold rolled silver 1018 rods. these are very hard to get in the UK due to the metric system. I had found a supplier who said they could supply them, when they arrived last week they were 4mm not 5/32" (this is only about 0.04mm difference but it's too much difference in my eyes) So I have just found a company that deals in imperial with the correct materials who have said they will be with me in a week! Hooray! once they are in I will show a thread on how I make the rods with the correct threads and correct 60's block anchor! Then once the rods in I will be putting the board on and then profiling the neck, then radiusing the board then the frets will go in sideways! Also I am waiting on the weather to clear up again so that I can start spraying! Wes
  12. The guy is probably left handed himself....just laugh and move on
  13. wesfinn


    sold Dave my gs112. Was a pleasure to deal with and would recomend to anyone. Thanks Dave!
  14. It is annoying yes. But it is a public auction and also I find it quite handy when someone else is kind enough to share info and save me some time of trawling through the bay for a gem! Outshined's Pm solution is a good call!
  15. coolest bass shape since in decades!
  16. These guitars are great! Awesome tone from the P90's and the mahogany! £2k is a reasonable price too! good luck with the sale
  17. lovely bass and a top guy to deal with! good luck with the sale Kevin
  18. Hillbilly could be correct. heres a shot with the earthing cable attached.
  19. [quote name='Mr Rabble' post='843861' date='May 21 2010, 09:46 AM']No, for two reasons The thumbrest was repositioned over the E string years before 1979 There had never been a route for the thumbrest which is screwed directly into the body (just like the pickguard)[/quote] You are correct there sir. Plus the rout is too far back for it to be a rest hole. The rout as far as I am aware was purely for the earthing eyelet and would of had a date in there too originally. Early 80's construction was a bit odd but was all done to save time in terms of drilling between channels which takes a lot longer than it would for the cnc to just cut one large cavity for everything to fit into.
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