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Everything posted by wesfinn

  1. [quote name='Shonks' post='924609' date='Aug 14 2010, 02:47 AM']I checked out the the serial on the various sites and this starts with a 'T' which makes it a Tribute bass.[/quote] I have another one sitting in front of me right now. It does have a T serial number..all of the american artist models have the T serial. They retail at about £1450. As I said before people call it the tribute or artist model. either way its the same bass (there is no inbetween odel)and not to be confused with the CS model. Good luck with your sale mate.
  2. Having worked in the music retail business for a long time delaing with Fender and fender Custom shop I can confirm that the bass is infact an Artist series American Fender Jaco bass. there are the tribute custom shop versions with the heavy relic treatment [url="http://www.fender.com/customshop/instruments/search.php?partno=0196108800"]http://www.fender.com/customshop/instrumen...rtno=0196108800[/url] I think that the Artist series gets called a tribute bass quite a lot though as I have heard this used many times before. Im sure that your bass is great however and you should be able to get between £550 - £700 for it.
  3. Don't worry Chris I'll see if i can rustle up another one for you sometime...colour preference? haha
  4. Bass now sold!! Thanks for all of the lovely comments people!
  5. your hijack has been approved Chris! had a few people interested so if you are liking this I don't think it will hang around long!
  6. [quote name='Beedster' post='921528' date='Aug 11 2010, 12:54 PM']Too cheap by several hundred quid if you ask me C[/quote] Some one can grab themselves a bargain I know vintage Fender stuff is out of most peoples reach right now and i would rather someone on here have the bass at an affordable price that it go to some overpriced vintage ebay parts dealer who will rip it apart to sell everything off seperately!
  7. i had a while to think about how much the bass owes me last night and have decided to lower the price on to what i think is a great price for an awesome bass. So this beautiful bass is now going for £1450! inc hardcase
  8. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='920655' date='Aug 10 2010, 01:58 PM']Has the Fender logo been replaced as the lettering looks really close to the edge of the headstock... could be an odd camera angle! [/quote] Nope the logo is the original they just varied where they went as they were put on by hand. heres a shot of the face of the headstock EDIT: heres a link to antother 69 with the logo in the same place [url="http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.andybaxterbass.com/images/guitars/1257514523-1969_Fender_Jazz_Bass_headstock.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.andybaxterbass.com/details.php%3Fid%3D39&usg=__-I1sRA1dacCrVu_7UVLgQP-Csq8=&h=376&w=609&sz=51&hl=en&start=14&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=KdPUPyqtJS3zbM:&tbnh=84&tbnw=136&prev=/images%3Fq%3D1969%2Bfender%2Bjazz%2Bbass%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DX%26rlz%3D1I7SUNC_en%26tbs%3Disch:1"]http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http...%26tbs%3Disch:1[/url]
  9. Hi all Up for sale is the faded/aged Sonic Blue Vintage P/J I have just restored. This bass sounds seriously good! The body is featured in the build thread section of the site and went from being a bit of a sorry affair when i got it. The repaired section is slightly visible when held in the light but only close up, this is due to me wanting to keep the Nitro finish as thin as possible. I couldn't capture it on camera. Restored 1961 P bass body with original 1962 neck plate Original finish 1969 block and bound jazz bass neck and tuners (refretted in the 90's, replacement bone nut and one machine head screw replaced) 70's Dimarzio P pickup Vintage repro wiring harness and paper oil caps Ultra thin nitro aged sonic blue finish Vintage style shielding plates and Goth hardware/plates etc and heres some pix THIS BASS HAS BEEN SOLD! comes with Warwick hardcase
  10. Thanks guys for all the kind words! This bass may be for sale in the next week or so. PM if you are interested!
  11. I'm making a relic replica of this bass! complete with fuzz switch!
  12. It's a shame Fender never actually did a production run of Precisions with blocks and binding. I've got a few pictures of custom orders that came out of the factory in 66/67 and they just looked so great! The Dimarzios are definitly a great pickup, I had a choice of this or a duncan and the Dimarzio won me over as soon as I put it in!
  13. Gorgeous Bass. The colour is Sienna Burst. I used to have an exact match to this only with a maple neck with I regrettably sold to a basschatter about 5 years ago! here she is!
  14. cheers guys! I'll get some sound clips up soon too as this is probably one of the best sounding basses I have ever heard!
  15. Some of you may have seen the 61 P bass body I finished restoring a few weeks back in the Build thread section of the site. Well here it is in its new glory paired up with an original 69 Jazz neck to make a lovely franken-fender! This bass has completely blown me away sonically and I think it looks absolutely fantastic. The jazz neck has a really nice medium profile and is really fast. weighs in at just under 9lb. so heres the specs Restored 1961 P bass body with 1962 neck plate Original 1969 block and bound jazz bass neck and tuners 70's Dimarzio P pickup Vintage repro wiring harness and paper oil caps Ultra thin nitro aged sonic blue finish and heres some pix
  16. [quote name='Waldo' post='907191' date='Jul 27 2010, 03:20 PM']Genuinely not being funny here but is it supposed to have all that buckle rash?[/quote] Yep. they are made like that. They use masking templates when finishing them now. The older Pinos looked better with the hand aged finished.
  17. Thanks guys! you should do it Robbie, it's pretty satisfying to bring something back to life! Look forward to hearing from you Stinson!
  18. Clear coats and tinted coats on with pickguard area 'unfaded'. Will leave this for a few weeks to cure then flat and buff. I'm going to give this a light workhorse look with a bit of forearm wear back to the primer and a few small dings but nothing major. That will be done in 6 months time hopefully I will have more original parts for this by then. If anyone is interested in buying the body however I will sell it seperately! so it went from this... to this Bit of an improvement don't you think!
  19. Got the sonic blue coats on today. The camera doesn't really show how nice it looks. It will have a bit of depth to it once the tinted top coats go on too.
  20. [quote name='BigRedX' post='902255' date='Jul 22 2010, 07:39 PM']That 808 looks great! Any reason you replaced the originals?[/quote] They were long gone! it had been used without ends for about 15 years! making them was a nightmare! each end was a different size and I had to rout the inserts to accomadate for random PCB's and wires!
  21. primer coats are on and plugs are now invisible! I have drilled the connecting channels from the pickup and under the bridge for the earth wire. I am going to finish this in sonic blue now after looking through my new fender book and seeing an awesome early 60's example! also finished off this little non-bass related retro loveliness....Walnut end cheeks for an early Roland 808! it sounds amazing! Wes
  22. the stuff from tonetech is great. they use the same stuff for tins or aerosols. also if you want more colour choice try www.manchesterguitartech.co.uk his colour matches are fantastic in both forms again. it's all about practice, aerosols are easier to use but still over order your spray to get some practice in first!
  23. Of course its not. I will be showing the rest of the stages of the finishing on here when I get round to it. heres a brief run down of how this body has been finished -Final sanding with 400 grit then give body a blast over with an airline to clear the pores out -slightly thinned nitro sanding sealer -then sand back to bare wood -grain filler(clear) is then applied using a credit card to take off the excessleaving the grain filled (available from www.tonetechluthiersupplies) -sand back again and repeat grain filling stage and then sand back again -good wipe over with panel wipe -apply blonde finish to face of instrument, fast misty coat..flip onto nails adn then fast misty coat for back and sides -if applied evenly and thinnly theres no need to sand between coats -second coat to face and back, fast misty passes again. then the sides need to be more opaque so these are sprayed slower at a 45 degree angle to get a smooth transition from sides to face (much like a burst)..repeat till you have desired depth. -then a couple of clear coats and leave to dry for a few weeks before flatting and buffing. hope that helps
  24. updates coming soon. I have had lots of customer work to do which comes first! Thats the problem with having a fulltime job alongside doing this, theres never enough time to crack on with the other things like this bass!
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