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Everything posted by Rich

  1. +1 on checking the battery, if you haven't already +1 on taking it to a tech to have it checked out If it does need a new preamp, then the world is your oyster... MEC or ACG/East or East Retro or EMG or Bartolini or Schack...
  2. [quote name='farmer61' post='455682' date='Apr 6 2009, 05:36 PM']+1, the acoustics look great, but once plugged in don't sound that much better and are a bit of a pain to play if you're used to a standard bass.[/quote] The exception to this norm is the Washburn AB34, by a mile the best acoustic bass guitar I have ever played. Has a 24 fret neck, and thanks to a clever neck joint & cutaway you can use all of them. It feels just like a good electric. Loud acoustically, sounds brilliant plugged in. Wonderful, if I ever come across one and I have the cash, it will be mine.
  3. [quote name='The Funk' post='455061' date='Apr 6 2009, 12:21 AM']And don't bother with Mike Stern. The guy's exactly what's wrong with jazz today IMO.[/quote] Been to a Mike Stern gig? Nah, didn't think so Fabulous, exciting stuff. But hey, like everyone's been saying, it's one man's meat and all that. You like Satchmo, but he sends me to sleep. That's what's so great about jazz as a genre, there's summat for everyone. Kenny G, now [i]there's[/i] someone who really [u]is[/u] everything that's wrong with jazz today. His soprano sax should be stretched out into a long thin wire, with which he should then be strangled
  4. I bought a pair of Peavey 4x10s from them and they were fine, BUT that was 10 years ago. I think things have probably changed since then... It's precisely this sort of word-of-mouth experience that gets retailers a bad name, and you'd think they'd know it. In these days of world wide interwebnetness, it takes less time for a bad reputation to spread round the planet than it does for a shop to say sorry for screwing up an order.
  5. [quote name='lee650' post='453679' date='Apr 3 2009, 09:02 PM']Kiwi and Ped you are a pair of Svinehunts!!! love ya!!! ive just read this thread after the fact and fell hook line and sinker, DOH!!!! I must say , i joined this site 15 months ago and [b]i have spent nearly every single day on it[/b][/quote] What, all day every day?? :lol:
  6. [quote name='Oscar South' post='456136' date='Apr 7 2009, 09:15 AM']I have a Cort C4 Ltd which I bought off basschat a while ago, I love the neck, feel, setup etc. of that bass but I want to replace the Mighty Mite pickups (pair of soapbars)[/quote] I don't blame you. I had Mighty (haha) Mite pups on my old Tobias 6, they were more feeble than an asthmatic vole with a bad hangover.
  7. [quote name='leschirons' post='453654' date='Apr 3 2009, 08:27 PM']I used to buy Bassist mag. It then stopped being produced with the assurance that Guitarist would now be "Guitarist, incorporating Bassist magazine. Now, if you buy Guitarist mag, you get a £80 pactice combo and a £199 bass reviewed and nothing about any players.[/quote] Is Roger Newell still listed as 'Bass Editor'? If so, he must have the easiest job in the world. I bet he's an absolute wizard at solitaire on his PC. [quote name='Prosebass' post='453900' date='Apr 4 2009, 10:01 AM']I'm still buying up old copies of International Musician from the 70's and 80's. Best magazine there has ever been to give a full spectrum of players , gear and the industry as it was back then.[/quote] God yes, IM&RW was a cracking magazine. Every month it was about half an inch thick and every article was worth reading several times. Sadly missed. Mind you, I think the music industry was probably more 'interesting' back then anyway. [/rosetintedoldfart] [quote name='ARGH' post='455079' date='Apr 6 2009, 12:59 AM']ONE THING AS A TREND I AM BEGINNING TO HATE IS...... Asking the roadie for the equipment list..yeah ok,the tech knows best,but shouldn't the player learn the tools and know the job? Ive even seen blatant contradictions,in what the player 'thinks' he has and uses,vs what the tech says he has and uses.[/quote] Hah! Yes, I remember an interview with Mike Kroeger of Nickelback... when it came to the question of amps, he said something along the lines of "well, Peavey sent us every amp they had, and me and my tech tried them all, and then my tech chose the best one...". I know a good tech is worth his weight in platinum coated supermodels, but there's no way I'd let one [i]choose[/i] my kit for me!
  8. Lovely instrument. But I'm not surprised that headstock causes balance problems, and it's a visual Achilles' heel too. Spoils the look of the instrument for me. A nice little 2+2 would look so much better. [quote name='RichardH' post='453084' date='Apr 3 2009, 10:53 AM']Here's mine: [/quote]
  9. I agree with the two gentlemen above, go for it. Dive straight into a five, as it were The Yamaha is a really great bass, but try everything you can find in your price ballpark. I suspect you'll be hard pushed to better the Yam in terms of VFM though. And welcome to the Engine Room!
  10. Easy for me to say, but try not to be nervous. And for god's sake don't be tempted to go for any dutch courage beforehand. Make sure all your kit is working properly beforehand. Don't fiddle for ages getting a sound -- plug in, switch on, say you're ready. Be friendly, & give an air of professionalism. Do what you are most comfortable with. Don't pull a massive face or grovel any apologies if you fluff something. Enjoy yourself, or at least [i]look like [/i]you're enjoying yourself, and above all, GOOD LUCK! & let us know how you get on, OK?
  11. Anybody remember the old freesheet Making Music? It was brilliant in the early days, and the readers' demo reviews were good there too. After a while though, it started becoming apparent that the demo reviewer only gave positive reviews if the demos were in her genre of preference. Not exactly impartial.
  12. [quote name='Thunderthumbs' post='452467' date='Apr 2 2009, 02:28 PM']I've used Audacity to create click tracks as varying BPMs, exported them as MP3s and then put them in a "click tracks" playlist on my iPod. That way, I can create the MP3s with as few or as many bars as I want, and all with existing software and accessories....so no cash for specific gizmos and gadgets.[/quote] Good old Audacity, it's a thing of beauty. I'd be a bit lost without it.
  13. For me, Louis Jordan is the king of swing
  14. I saw the National Youth Jazz Orchestra a few years ago. Stunning.
  15. After the 1000000 comments on the proofing, or lack of it, I reckon they can probably take that one as read!
  16. [quote name='kennyrodg' post='452118' date='Apr 2 2009, 02:47 AM']Karma ?? [/quote] Chameleon ?
  17. Has the original s/plate aged nicely (apart from the damage)? If so, keep it. If it just looks a bit fecked, change it. Maybe for a colour rather than white?
  18. I must be the luckiest buggger in the world, because all the bands I've ever been in have been great ego-free places. The Destroyers especially is like a big family, and we have a whale of a time. Especially on the far-flung weekend-away type gigs... we all book into the same hotel together, all get trashed together, all nurse our hangovers together. It's brilliant.
  19. [quote name='clauster' post='452269' date='Apr 2 2009, 11:28 AM']To keep - 1. Cover Interviewees - there has been a good range of feature interviews with people from a wide range of styles and interviews. 2. Transcriptions/technique/theory - again, pretty good as is IMO.[/quote] +1. [quote]4. Bring back the Weekend Warrior section[/quote] +1000000etc. They'd have 10 years' worth of material from this site alone
  20. I used to have an ME-6B that I gigged the hell out of. I regret selling it.
  21. He borrowed them from me. And no, he's never given them back. Oi. Berlin. Trainers. Buy your own.
  22. [quote name='hubrad' post='451515' date='Apr 1 2009, 02:19 PM']Or if you're East of the Pennines, I'll be MB1's Yorkshire franchisee in his new disposal venture. [/quote] Bagsi I get the South Western chapter
  23. <bangbangbangbang> Oh no! It's the Ricky Police come to take you away! Nice bass, it makes me wish that I liked playing Rickys.
  24. [quote name='OldGit' post='451450' date='Apr 1 2009, 01:20 PM']What's an lp?[/quote] The bit where a leg is joined to a body.
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