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Everything posted by Rich

  1. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='451370' date='Apr 1 2009, 12:26 PM']I know Pete Trewewewewewewewewas out of Marillion played one for a bit. With his sleeves pushed up. Guy Pratt. Umm...[/quote] John "Rhino" Edwards - Status Quo Steve Firth - Embrace Hellmut Hattler - Kraan Mike Porcaro - Toto etc.
  2. [i]*glances over at wardrobe full of George clothes* *keeps gob shut*[/i]
  3. Rich

    Today's Tip:

    I had an embarrassing experience with a Tesco PP3 battery once. No, nothing like that. Basically the Tesco PP3s are a couple of mm shorter than everybody else's, so they were making only intermittent contact with the, errm, contacts in my Status' battery box. So it kept cutting out. So the moral is, Tesco PP3s? nein danke. I too buy the Duracell Procells ten for a tenner. Brilliant value.
  4. We all have too much time on our hands, or we wouldn't be here so often.
  5. They didn't strike me as slagging off the extras though. There was a passing comment on how expensive it had turned out and one guy said he wouldn't personally bother with the bells and whistles, but there wasn't much else in a -ve vein, unless I've missed summat? And they did give the GB a million marks out of 50 at the end of the day.
  6. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='449957' date='Mar 30 2009, 09:30 PM']A musician that has never been bothered about looking cool is a rare commodity. You should be in a museum.[/quote] If I was bothered about looking cool when I play, I'd sell all my kit now Many years ago when I was in a band that was trying to get signed and be the next big thing, it was different. Although I never extended my fashion-consciousness to my choice of bass, but it didn't seem to be so important back then. It was the image rather than the instrument. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='449944' date='Mar 30 2009, 09:22 PM']Well, you have to wear it, don't you? And when you wear it everybody in the room is staring at you, so of course it matters what it looks like.[/quote] I prefer to think of it as everybody in the room is [i]listening to[/i] you, so it matters what it [i]sounds[/i] like. Look, I'm a slapheaded old fart and I don't play in even remotely trendy bands playing even slightly fashionable music, so looking cool honestly doesn't matter a rat's arse to me. You're obviously younger than me and so it's completely different for you. 25 years ago I would have agreed wholeheartedly!
  7. The difference being that a well thumbed copy of METRO is more likely to be picked up than the Da Vinci Code, and has a far more plausible plot.
  8. Luckily I borrowed the Da Vinci Code, so it didn't cost me money to find out just how appalling it is.
  9. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='449890' date='Mar 30 2009, 08:42 PM']You've got a proper bee in your bonnet over that haven't you? Cheer up, Rich. I take it you've got one of those uber-naff basses so I've upset you again? Sorry. Again. Ish.[/quote] Bee in my bonnet? Nah, not at all, I just find it utterly hilarious that anyone could place so much importance on how 'cool' an instrument is/isn't, like it's a pair of trainers or something. And yes, I have a dreadfully naff Status, as well as my hideously out of date coffee table bass, all of which is in keeping with my enormous personal lack of fashion sense. Ask me if I care, go on.
  10. In fashion, out of fashion, 'naff' or not ('naff', how quaint, I haven't heard anyone use that word in years... it must be [i]terribly[/i] unfashionable by now) -- doesn't matter in the end really, 'cos they play beautifully and sound terrific. But then again, what would I know? I'm not one of the, errm what was it? ah yes, one of the "Cool People"
  11. Agreed. BP mag has all the cockups of BGM, with the addition of extra adverts -- so, so many adverts -- and the deliberate misspelling of 'colour'.
  12. I've managed to get hold of a proper pic of the bass from Jon, and here it is... Dood's new headless purple 6-string in all its glory...
  13. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='448371' date='Mar 28 2009, 09:24 PM']Levinson aren't really mainstream enough to warrant many 'collectors' of their instruments so I wouldn't pin hopes on getting a huge valuation, especially as your bass is refinished![/quote] What he said. A refinish is a great way to knacker the 'collectors' stature of any bass unfortunately.
  14. Rich

    Will Lee

    The number of times I've heard a great bass line/sound on an album, looked at the sleeve notes and oh look, It's Will Lee... That Sado looks gorgeous. Wonder if they do it as a 5 with a maple board..?
  15. A 'beginners' bass for 5 large? They'll sell to the spoiled Flea-fan kids of rich people, and that's about it. I think they might turn out to be the victim of a crap exchange rate.
  16. I use the big mooring cable all the time now, I'd be lost without it. When I first started playing fives, I had to change my playing style to suit and it took a bit of work. Now I find that when I pick up a four, I have to change my playing style to suit
  17. Know what you mean. The late-teens son of a mate of mine is in a fairly successful band -- they're getting a hell of a lot of interest, plays on national radio, festival invites, etc -- but without the substantial support and taxi/roadie duties of the band members' parents they would be nowhere. Almost every time I ask him what he's got on at the weekend, it's "oh, Ky's got a gig down in Plymouth/up in Birmingham/in the back of beyond, so there goes my Saturday...". Thing is, neither he nor the other parents seem to get noticed until there's a problem, when suddenly it's "oh great, now what am I going to do?".
  18. Waiting? No. No no no no NO. Want pictures now. NOW, you hairy teasing git.
  19. I was just looking at this Top 40 feature again earlier (gotta have something to read on the bog, right?) and noticed summat I hadn't seen before. They'd got several personal top 10s off some contributors and name players... one of them was from Alan Davey, the ex-Hawkwind [s]Lemmy wannabe[/s] bassist, and he'd put [i]one of his own basslines [/i]in his top 10. Bloody hell. What sort of titanic ego does it take to rate your own work like that?
  20. An 11-minute self indulgent prog epic for my next Full Circle rehearsal.
  21. Either the Bailey Bros or Simon Kincade, all in Bristol.
  22. It's about a mile from my house Hopefully see you there Jay!
  23. [quote name='MacDaddy' post='445911' date='Mar 26 2009, 12:47 PM']I've heard this this happened to Van Morrison.[/quote] Surely not. Happy smiling Van, the jolly man with a kind word & compliment for everyone? *cough*
  24. Paint the outside of the lead vocalist's mic bulb with that anti-nailbiting stuff. Take all of the innards out of the guitarist's amp head, and fill it with angry wasps instead. [size=1]Actually, that last one may be a bit extreme. Or not, depending on your guitarist.[/size]
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