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Everything posted by Rich

  1. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1442329445' post='2866082'] I played my Marlin Sidewinder £120 new in 1985 for 6 years. I didn't have a clue how awful it was until I got a decent job and started looking at other basses. All the guys around me also had super cheap beaten up basses. It didn't matter. Our fans (school mates) flocked to see us. We were stars and famous (well to about 3000 people anyway ) However once we then tried 'better' basses we were sold on them and what we were playing were really not as good. Basses that had necks that stayed straight, machine heads that stayed in tune, shielding, jacks where the plugs weren't loose, bottom end, notes that had sustain etc. Things that we didn't know about. [/quote] I know [i]exactly[/i] what you mean. I started off with a '65 Hofner Artist and graduated from there to a Columbus Jazz copy (plywood body etc). I jumped straight from that to a Wal. You can imagine what a simply gigantic quantum leap in quality and playability and sheer class that was!
  2. [color=#222222][quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1442053408' post='2864053'] I also don't think I've used the term unjustifiable indulgence. Indulgences are fine, IMO. [/quote][/color] [color=#222222]No, but you've used the term "unjustifiable". As in, “[i]I [/i][/color][color=#000000][i]think it's entirely unjustifiable today to spend £2,000 on an acoustic guitar[/i]”.[/color] [color=#000000]I'm intrigued to know: if I wanted to spend £2k on an acoustic guitar (I don't, but bear with me), in what way should I be able to justify it, and to whom would I need to do so?[/color]
  3. [color=#222222]Cable nazi and proud [/color][list] [*][color=#222222]Wireless from bass to rack case receiver.[/color] [*][color=#222222]Shrouded cable ‘snake’ between rack and floor FX containing send, return and FX power supply leads (FX supply is case-mounted). Cables are fully labelled both ends.[/color] [*][color=#222222]With the exception of 12" patch leads, [u]all[/u] my cables have either Velcro or elastic cable ties.[/color] [*][color=#222222]The inside of my rack case is equally tidy -- cable runs are neat with cables tie-wrapped together and anchored, and all mains plugs are fully labelled with their function and fuse size.[/color] [*][color=#222222]If I buy new leads these days (a rare occurrence) I tend to get coloured cable -- faultfinding is impossible when you’ve got a stage full of black.[/color] [/list] [color=#222222]I cannot [i]stand[/i] untidy wiring/cabling.[/color]
  4. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1441950213' post='2863143'] I wonder if many bassists with endorsers actually prefer other basses , I saw a guy play recently who had a status endorsement , he played 90% of the gig on a fender jazz , only picked up the status for a few songs [/quote] That's crackers. I wouldn't even dream of endorsing a bass unless I liked it so much I could barely put it down.
  5. This is what I believe our American cousins call a "no-brainer". Ability and experience over looks , every time.
  6. bluddy forriners, coming over hear, tranzlating are post's, takeing are string's, steeling are benef(cont'd p.94)
  7. There are more pointers to it being legit than there are doubtful factors. I reckon it's real. YOU LUCKY GIT
  8. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1441747373' post='2861528'] My G&L ASAT Blue Burst Bass. Blue [/quote] I'm normally a bit meh when it comes to blue bursts, but that is very attractive. I think it helps that there's what appears to be a nice bit of wood under it. I like the baccyburst on your Tbird too.
  9. I've seen a lot of horn players using [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Clip-on-Light-Bright-Double-Flex-Reading-4-LED-Flexible-book-Lamp-AAA-Battery-/251955526587?hash=item3aa9b83bbb"]these[/url] (or something similar).
  10. [quote name='The Admiral' timestamp='1441696144' post='2860864'] I genuinely hope this is for all the right reasons and not because their are financial implications making it necessary. [/quote] +about a million. Fingers crossed.
  11. And this is where the dead end stops. I hope this piece of firefighting meets with your approval Skank.
  12. +1 to the Sire V7, and anything with 'Yamaha' on the headstock.
  13. Thanks chaps I think the burst on my Shuker is really quite subtle and I reckon the satin finish has a lot to do with this. Certainly when I put it next to my gtrist's burst Tele, mine is much more understated.
  14. [quote name='scalpy' timestamp='1432057668' post='2777691'] What's not to like?! [/quote] I agree entirely [IMG]http://www.shukerguitars.co.uk/j36.jpg[/IMG] [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1441567353' post='2859927'] Worse than a burst... a burst with a matching burst headstock... [/quote] Whoops
  15. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1441493472' post='2859329'] I didn't see that anywhere. Not from me, not from anyone. Again, I haven't said that once. I'm not offended by it. Perhaps you should stop making stuff up now. [/quote] Nobody actually called you a 'Communist dictator' either.
  16. Heartbreaking. RIP El Reco.
  17. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1441491399' post='2859302'] Apparently asking questions makes me some kind of communist dictator. [/quote] Says who? Apart from you, that is. Oh, and even the most brilliant of musicians can become better by practicing more, so you don't need to be quite so defensive. Nobody is calling anyone a poor musician, or even implying it.
  18. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1441490029' post='2859284'] Seems I have no problems, so that's all good then. [/quote] Yes, but it's [i]unjustifiable[/i] and you haven't justified it.
  19. [quote name='lowhand_mike' timestamp='1441291358' post='2857635'] The Wonder Stuff - Construction for the Modern Idiot [/quote] YES! Superb album.
  20. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1441317381' post='2857976'] So you mean it's all a conspiracy? BassChat is part of the new world order? Jet fuel can't melt steel beams? The government's testing speed-of-light drones for bombing completely undetected? The Chuckle Brothers are part of a secret government programme to teach kids how to communicate effectively when moving things? [/quote] You forgot chemtrails, crop circles and the Sasquatch. Apart from that, yes.
  21. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1441291151' post='2857633'] I think it's entirely unjustifiable today to spend £2,000 on an acoustic guitar. [/quote] Ah, the old 'unjustifiable expense' chestnut again. It was probably about time for another of these threads.
  22. [quote name='rogerstodge' timestamp='1441219379' post='2857089'] Just watched this on youtube, take a break Lemmy. [media]http://youtu.be/cX7P6c0VwBQ[/media] [/quote] Oh good god. I can't watch that all the way through. What a sad, sad sight -- it's like watching a favourite uncle, who always used to lark about with you when you were a nipper, now struggling to get out of a chair. I wish him a speedy (pardon the unintentional pun) recovery.
  23. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1441240902' post='2857247'] I wouldn't trade or compare my Beatles experience for Madness, The Specials or The Selecter ( all great bands mind you) Blue [/quote] I'm not asking you to trade -- I wouldn't -- and I'm definitely not trying to compare. That.is.my.whole.point. It's not supposed to be a p*ssing contest to see who's got the biggest experience. I appear to be having trouble getting my point across.
  24. Rocking till he drops is obviously what he'd love to do, but if he keeps having to walk off stage 15 minutes into gigs surely even he can appreciate that it's not worth it. All that's going to happen is that he'll p1ss off more and more fans and cost them money. Rock'n'roll cred is all very well, but not at the expense of the fans surely? And yes, FWIW I wish him all the best and hope he's soon on the mend. It's never nice to see a legend faltering.
  25. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1441187499' post='2856691'] I was referring more to his recent statement of taking over the world. [/quote] Yes, but when Kanye said he was going to take over the world, he was talking [i]literally[/i]. We all thought he meant through the medium of music, but he was referring to the huge army of indestructible killer robots hidden away in his top secret mountain headquarters, poised and waiting to enslave all who comply and unleash a hideous electric death on those who do not. Mwa-ha-ha-ha-haaaa, and so on.
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