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Everything posted by RockfordStone

  1. well i was going to enter this, but my mixing monitors have packed up, so unless my headphone/hifi combo will give me nice results i might not be init
  2. [quote name='Twigman' timestamp='1457617262' post='3000169'] What to do 23&24? [/quote] go and see one of Blue's 4 hour bar gigs?
  3. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1457615725' post='3000135'] Aye, if the f'kers ever get back to you. I for one am getting real tired of being ignored and I'm not assertive enough to do the repeat emailing, just think we must be crap and I don't want to pester them further. Does nothing to dispel the perception that certain cities are like little private clubs, and unless you know someone, you won't even get a first look before your email gets deleted. Either that or as I previously alluded to, we're actually crap. [/quote] if i don't get a response i leave it a month then try again. if they don't respond then i go with the opinion they are not worth my time
  4. i've always found it easier to go to the promoter or the venue directly... that or book my own gigs. i've never relied on an advert to attract gig interest
  5. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1457430810' post='2998367'] it might just be a recording of my tears falling gentle upon the strings haha. [/quote] now that would be interesting
  6. haven't ever taken a spare cab with me. mine has 4 speakers so it would have to be a pretty catastrophic break down for me to need to call on a spare.
  7. when i started out i played for the enjoyment and joined bands to enhance that. i still do that now, the good gigs, albums etc are just lovely perks that have come along the way. for me its about the playing. i will play to 5 people as happily as i will to 5000. of course i have enjoyed the other perks and hope there is still more to come, but i certainly wouldn't give up if all i did was local pub gigs. if you can look back and say you've enjoyed it and can say you still do then there is no need to give up because you haven't played wembley yet. remember, seasick steve didn't make his real breakthrough until he was in his 60's, so there is time enough for us all yet.
  8. i have a name and some ideas for mine, so i may have a crack to get my head away from my normal stuff for a bit.
  9. i listen to cd's on my hi fi system and in my car. i also listen to vinyl through my hifi. i use my ipod when i am away from my physical media but i refuse to listen to mp3's through my phone
  10. a nice prize to add to this, nice one Mornats
  11. [quote name='Jakester' timestamp='1457023582' post='2994590'] PAT testing is only required on equipment provided by an employer to employees. It's part of the employer's duty of care to provide safe working equipment, but the actual testing is not legally mandated (but an accepted way of proving it is safe to use). There is no legal requirement for anyone to PAT test equipment they use themselves or no requirement (beyond it being a condition of entry) to ensure gear you use at a gig has been PAT tested. However, you owe the venue owners a duty to ensure your gear is safe, and a PAT test is arguably a way to show you've done that. [/quote] thats what i thought, but didnt post it in case i looked like a tit
  12. only time i ever needed to get my amp pat tested in 10 years was on BBC radio, and they did it there
  13. that's genius, love or hate the foos they do have a sense of humour
  14. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1456924742' post='2993565'] obviously a very genuine risk for anyone involved in storm chasing. [/quote] he was one of the experienced ones dedicated to finding out and measuring them with a view to enhancing warnings etc, and was known for not taking risks. this one however was so violent and unpredictable it caught even the best out. his death had a massive knock on effect in the storm chasing community and some of his larger team don't chase anymore.
  15. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1456913015' post='2993402'] Haha, really?! Spill then beans... who is he? [/quote] his name is Tim Samaras, widely regarded as one of the most respected weather engineer in the storm chasing field. sadly he got caught out of position in may 2013 and the storm they were analysing shifted and his truck was flipped by a tornado and he and his team (which consisted of his son and best friend) were killed.
  16. would it make me sad if i said i know who that storm chaser is?
  17. the general mix feels fine, the tones sound really nice, i love the drum sound, really has a nice pop to it. the vocals probably feel a bit high in the mix to me. sounds a bit like someone singing over the track rather than as part of it if that makes sense. they also seem a bit inconsistent and as you say a bit dry. compression would help them sit better in the mix i think and a bit of verb would really help soften them up and bring them in with the song. a bit of compression over the whole mix would give it a bit more lift. but generally for a demo purpose it's pretty good
  18. i look through joinmyband a lot and there are several things that would put me off if i'm honest 1 - [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]"very childish 40 year old" generally, i want people just to say they are 40, not trying make them look younger by saying childish or a "young 40", it's a real turn off for me, just be honest[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]2 - [/font][/color][font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"]"zany singing drummer" - this combined with point one makes your band sound amateur and childish to me, which i doubt is the case but that's the vibe i get. people are put off by people being zany or people trying to be younger than they are.[/color][/font] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]3 - You want to do floor fillers for wedding gigs but may do originals. I'd want you to be specific, do you want to play wedding gigs or originals gigs, because the pay and commitments are totally different[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]4 - its not clear if its maternity cover or a full time gig, id want to know that its a full time slot and not 6-12 month cover where by i'd be just an add on and not have a say in decisions etc.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]it might be harsh criticism, but a lot of people will make a judgement on any advert others put up and can form an opinion, especially musicians who have been there and seen this all before. having looked at your response, i probably wouldn't respond.[/font][/color]
  19. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1456398114' post='2988516'] Especially when Carmine Rojas is on bass. [/quote] indeed, although for his album that's due out soon i don't think he was involved, and i've not seen him in any of the live photo's recently
  20. i played on the back of a lorry in a town in the fens if that helps?
  21. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1456344171' post='2988135'] Newby question, but can audio interfaces be used to just listen to music, or are they only for recording? I've got a line 6 tone port, but I've not plugged it in yet. [/quote] Simply put, yes. My current PC build doesnt have a seperate soundcard so I have a tascam audio interface which when i'm not recording with it is just effectively an external sound card.
  22. [quote name='Oopsdabassist' timestamp='1456348633' post='2988217'] Not Joe Bonamassa, too clinical, no feel to it IMO [/quote] his recordings are rather clinical, but his live shows are a joy to behold
  23. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1456310943' post='2987595'] Slash? Blues? That's a new one on me! [/quote] it was on me too, i would never put slash and blues in the same sentence unless it was "slash isn't a blues guitarist"
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