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Everything posted by RockfordStone

  1. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1456272385' post='2987379'] If your playing bars,that's a risk you take at every gig. Blue [/quote] exactly, regardless of where you play there is a chance gear will get damaged, stolen or the gig will be just sh*t. if you are so worried about preventing any of those you just won't gig. that's what i have found with a number of my past bands. i've played some real dives, and am happy to continue doing so to play gigs, but some musicians now won't do that
  2. [quote name='Dropzone' timestamp='1456309660' post='2987575'] I'm classing Heavy Blues as more distorted than your regular BB King, the sort of thing Slash does, somewhere in the middle between Metal and Blues. [/quote] Anything by Joe Bonamassa. band do a pretty mean version of "ballad of john henry"
  3. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1456156934' post='2986027'] Ahh, I know the sort, always calling up the venue ahead of time, insisting that they hire out a bunch of DB wedges [/quote] once i had "i'm not playing there cos i heard some drunk guy knocked someone's guitar over"...
  4. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1456150449' post='2985903'] To me the apparent "loss of venues" looks like inertia on the part of the bands who find that the places they used to play have gone and they don't seem to have to drive to go out and find the ones that have replaced them. [/quote] i've been in bands with people who wont play certain venues because they are not as perfect as others. that's not a lack of venues, it's a lack of wanting to play them. If you want to play you will find a way of getting a gig and getting people there
  5. there is still a lot of places in cambridge doing music most nights, a lof of venues are open to you putting on your own gigs. it's easy enough to get a gig if you are willing to put the effort in and don't expect it just to be given to you
  6. i read an article not long ago where lee pomeroy admitted to messing up quite often in his take that shows. we are all mortal
  7. i'm a musician, i just specialise in bass
  8. [quote name='geofio' timestamp='1456094753' post='2985403'] Would not use a pc for recording , Mac is the only way to go for serious recording, there are always issues with pc been there done that. no matter the power of the pc/lapotop they just don't hack it for multitrack recording don.t waste your money on a pc is my 20 years recording music advice!!!! [/quote] i've been recording on my PC which i built for the past 10 years and it has never caused me any problems. I managed to completely rebuild it last year and the combined cost of the two still came under the cost of an entry level mac. also, if my pc stops working i can fix it. i don't have to book an appointment with a hipster at an expensive apple premium to make it work again. i have friends with mac's and collaborate musically with them over the two mediums. it simply is personal preference
  9. [quote name='mimsy89' timestamp='1456044941' post='2984678'] Macs just not really my thing and my money would not stretch as far as needed for a Mac I already have the Daws and external soundcard just need new actual laptop Am I right in saying my main concern is ram and hard drive space? [/quote] processor power and ram will be the key points. you want to get at least an i5 processer with as much ram as you can get. hdd space isn't essential as you can external hard drives but most will come with at least 500gb if you get a good spec one, which is more than enough
  10. [quote name='amnesia' timestamp='1455880245' post='2983195'] Justify my gear. Easy. I like nice things. 'Want' and 'need' are two totally different concepts. Sometimes they align. [/quote] very much this..... i'm sure we had a long winded thread that argued this exact point not so long ago
  11. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1455873428' post='2983078'] IIRC the OP was about a rhythm guitarist who can't take constructive criticism. How did we get here? [/quote] because we always get here, all roads always lead to here...... or jaco...
  12. fender MIM precision 50's reissue fender MIJ aerodyne jazz (the ones with pickguard) fender sandblasted jazz squier VI squier precision warwick thumb V epihone 335 squier strat ampeg svt 3 + 410 HLF behringer BX4500 ibanez soundwave 65 more effects than i can mention. i use most of it either for gigging or home recording, but i don't need to justify owning it, i own it because my bills are otherwise paid and i want it
  13. i would give recording a session and letting him hear how off he is if it is that noticable. if he can't hear it and wont take advice then you are only on to a nightmare of suffering and he should go.
  14. [quote name='LayDownThaFunk' timestamp='1455134001' post='2976360'] 9/10! Got the Motorhead one wrong... Everything louder than everything else?! [/quote] [size=4]i got 8 out of 10, apparently i missed the "not" in the motorhead question and didn't know they judas priest one.[/size]
  15. we are usually the most laid back and sensible of the bunch, hence we are often employed as mediators and peacekeepers.
  16. may have a play with this later
  17. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1455264059' post='2977522'] I thought everyone just used it to host stuff for linking to from elsewhere online... kinda like photobucket. Didn't really think there was much else to it. [/quote] that's pretty much what i use it for, it doesn't work as a one page for all band purposes sort of thing for me, so i host on there then link to facebook etc
  18. i started a bass line but it only lasted 60 seconds..... i think i'm in the wrong thread
  19. i start with nothing and generally end with nothing... in seriousness, i do a lot of my "writing" whilst composing on the computer. I will have my guitar plugged in and my bass plugged in and noddle with one or other until something sticks, either that or i find a tempo and drum beat i like and work from that. generally once i come up with a rhythm, tempo and a guitar or bass line i then expand it from there. at that point i sort of write melodies as i go along and then don't even really sort vocals out till the end. i'm a very simple person
  20. ive been playing nearly 15 years and learning songs for me is a painful experience. we all suffer low points but the sticking by it and punching through is what makes us better players imo who cares if you are playing basic stuff, if you are enjoying basic stuff screw everyone else.
  21. funeral for a friend - tales don't tell themselves, based around fishermen at sea and deals with the singers own fear of water and the ocean.
  22. we have gigged without members before. you have the time so id get a dep in, he will understand.
  23. bassists who keep it simple often get slated, and unfairly imo. U2 has enough egocentric w***ery in it that all AC should be doing is holding down the low end. In some genres and bands the bassist just needs to keep it simple, the fact that he can hold down the groove and rhythm for the good of a song is a skill in itself.
  24. zingyness goes after a while, i prefer the feel of roundwounds but im not a massive fan of the zing at the start so i put up with it until they have deadened a bit...... and then leave them until they are actually dead before changing
  25. [quote name='Bleat' timestamp='1454452599' post='2969973'] Please may I ask a question? Is it within the rules to allow someone to add to a composition ie words and singing...as I am useless at both! James. [/quote] yeah they do, quite often BC members have collaborated together. we are all about inclusion and openness in the recording forum
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