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Everything posted by BassBunny

  1. Including me as I applied with our drummer for a bit of a giggle. 🙂 Strange the things you do when you've had a few beers.
  2. True, but it's the cost of the parts or in my case replacement board at £130 that made it uneconomical. £130+69+18 + VAT plus the cost of getting it to them and that's not far short of £300.
  3. We'll the authorised service agent for TC is Real Electronics in Sheffield and they aren't cheap. They don't repair to component level, just board swappers. There are a number of posts on here about Mark Bass repairs as they are also the agents for them. Generally it's not economic. Here are their charges from a few years ago when I binned my MB amp as the repair was more than the amp was worth. £35 to diagnose the problem, which you get back if you go ahead. £69 fixed labour, £18 courier fee to send it back + parts all +VAT.
  4. Drop @agedhorsea message. He is the Genz Benz expert.
  5. I've got a WL534 and as a previous owner of 2 full fat Japanese Bacchus I can say that these are every bit as good as their more expensive brothers. Workmanship is top notch and the pickups on mine are astonishing.
  6. Myself and Drummer applied. Story ends 😀
  7. I'm a big Glockenklang fan and they are totally transparent when set flat. If you set them flat and switch between active and passive, there is no difference at all.
  8. Most A/P switches are just double pole on/on switches. Using a triple pole gives you the ability to disconnect the battery as well.
  9. If the battery connection is disconnected when the A/P switch is activated it won't drain the battery.
  10. These cabs were developed for Guy Pratt for the Saucerful of Secrets gigs. He apparently wanted something modern but vintage looking, a bit like WEM PA cabinets. 2 of them with an ABM perched on top look just fine.
  11. Not connecting the speaker shouldn't have caused any problems as it's a solid state amp and they are usually quite happy without a load. If it was a valve amp, that's a different story. The "no lower than 8 Ohms" is the lowest impedance of a speaker when you do connect it.
  12. Have you checked here: https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/198-recommended-amp-techs/
  13. The book "Standing in the Shadows of Motown" will give you a huge chunk of Motown scores. Northern is a bit more of a challenge.
  14. I have been taking Tumeric for years. I had Pureclinica 1000mg tablets recommended as they don't have any filler. Kept me honest.
  15. Cort also make Lakland Skyline range.
  16. This might just complete the puzzle for a very low outlay. https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/440067-eminence-12-bass-speakers-x2/
  17. A Y Cable would work? https://rattleanddrum.com/products/stagg-s-series-y-cable-3m-10ft-mono-1-4-jack-plug-to-2-x-1-4-jack-plug?variant=36121693061285&gclid=Cj0KCQiArt6PBhCoARIsAMF5waiVFI22lXIxSweC3xlGF7p_Jc7pBhox8awtEccR-Bo0lywLYb4-aa4aAutiEALw_wcB
  18. Can you not identify the value from the coding rings in the resistor or is it completely fried? Failing that if it's got to be removed anyway, quite often component values are printed on the PCB where they live. Might be worth a look.
  19. Certainly have. Been a follower of his for years. Unbelievable player and the tag " the Jimi Hendrix of the Hammond" is well suited to him. He's done some touring/recording with Glen Matlock. That would be a gig and a half.
  20. I started as a guitarist in my teens but have realized the error of my ways and switched some time back. If I had my time again it would be the Hammond Organ. Something about a well played Hammond with a Leslie that can't be beaten.
  21. You could try Marshall. They bought Eden and kept it going for a few years but have now dropped the brand. They did a warranty repair in my WT550, so guess they do have the schematics. Whether they'll release them is another matter.
  22. That'll be Real Electronics. They are also the authorized repair agents for Mark Bass and there's quite a bit on here about them. £35 to diagnose the problem, which you get back if you go ahead. £69 fixed labour, £18 courier fee to send it back + parts + VAT on the total amount. I am pretty sure they don't repair to component level. They are just "board swappers".
  23. They might not be being made at all. I thought Eden had ceased trading. Looks like G4M have bought up the last of the stock and they are made in China.
  24. I'd have a word with Dave Green at Ashdown. He is best placed to offer a suggested replacement. Failing that one of the BC speaker experts should be along any moment.😉. To model the cab for a suitable replacement might need the internal measurements rather than external.
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