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Everything posted by Sibob

  1. [quote name='Machines' post='46592' date='Aug 16 2007, 08:01 PM']I used my Ashdown Electric-Blue 180w at my first gig and it wasn't quite up to it (farted a bit). As soon as I attached a MAG210 cab and ran it at 4ohm - everything was perfect, only have the volume on about 3-4.[/quote] A combo is rated on what it can run at at 4 ohms, so running it with just the attached speaker (8ohms) probably means its running at 100watts or something, attaching that extra cab will enable it to run at the full 180watts. Its also perceived as being louder because more speakers move more air! Theres also an increased speaker surface area, so therefore more bass response! Si
  2. I'll take it for free!!! Hey, you did offer! lol Although you can keep the p'guard, regular/brown tort all the way!! Good luck dude (unless you actually DO wanna give it to me hehe) Si
  3. Although i agree that a dog of a vintage bass will always be a dog of a bass, i think its impossible to A/B a modern fender with a vintage. Its kinda like A/Bing an new Beetle with a '65 Beetle, nobody would expect them to drive, feel and even sound the same (gotta love the engine sound of an old beetle) And all fenders from about late '74 were real heavy, check out some of the mid-to-late 70's jazzes in denmark street, i've never ever felt heavier basses, my EUB is lighter lol Si
  4. In my opinion, its better to have to many, then not enough Buy a 300 watt amp, you'll never need 300watts at a jam, run it at a quarter so you won't be pushing it to its limit. You'll also have that lil bit more oomph for larger gigs. If u plump for 50-150 watts, theres a chance that you'll be running it flat-out all the time, not ideal! I have a 120watt practice, its cool for acoustic jams, but once you add drums, the overall volume increases considerably. Headroom is the order of the day for me Si
  5. If the bass looks anything like the guitar, i wouldn't be ordering one I havn't got much to say really about it, i agree with a post above suggesting a more conservative/well known design as a starter. I would argue that working bass players want something well made and instantly easy to use to get on with the job. If you have a Jazz shape for example, players would perhaps be more inclined to order without trying. With slightly random shapes like that, i would most definatly want to try one first, so see how it balanced etc. That might slow down/reduce a prospective client base. I've been in similar talks about a bass range with another hand-made builder, it is suprisingly difficult to get across to them that if they want to sell a lot of basses they need to cater for the masses as it were with well known and functional shapes. If they want to build the funky shapes that make themselves happy, then they have to be prepared to only sell to a small number of players who subscribe to their asthetics. The obvious solution in my head is to have two models in a bass range, a J-bass perhaps with some teaks obviously (gotta make your stamp somehow), and a funky original design. So i guess i did have a little bit to say about it haha Cheers and good luck! Si
  6. Aren't the iMacs the completly un-upgradable sealed affairs??? surely a G5 would be a better bet for recording? Our guitarist uses Logic 7.1, tis great from what i've seen! Si
  7. Ah man, i'm really loving the look of these DJ's at the mo, a good friend of mine has just played with him, supporting Rolling Stones, which is cool! Hopefully i'll get to try one at the Bass Bash on the 18th! If only she was a 4 string! Good luck all! Si
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  9. 'Chord Bassics' by Jonas Hellborg - 500 Chord Shapes Amsco Publications AM60138 Tis great, have used it for years. Si
  10. Let me know if this falls through. I know someone who may be very interested! Si
  11. Might sound alright with a WET SIGNAL HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....hahahahahahahaha...hahaha.ha hmmm Good luck with the sale! Si
  12. Where did you manage to get yours from in the UK? And what kinda prices do they go for? Would you say that the tones are retro/modern, or are they pretty versatile? Cheers Si
  13. Thats beautiful!! One of the few pics recently thats giving me GAS I've always liked the ASATs, must be my softspot for the Telecaster asthetics How do both your ASATs sound, what kinda tones can you get from them? What is the balance like also, as the bodies are quite small!? Si
  14. Yeah mate, do it and come say Hi! Si
  15. [quote name='doctorbass' post='42994' date='Aug 8 2007, 06:21 PM']Try Peavey![/quote] Eugh lol I'm genuinely sorry that all you guys have had Ashdown problems, i almost feel bad that mine is awesome! Si
  16. +1 for Musicguard There are varying degrees of policy including coverage options for taking upto/over 50% of your gear out to gigs, cover for unattended car as long as the gear is out of site (covered up) etc etc. You also get like 2 weeks outside of the UK cover as well, if you're outside UK a lot, you can extend the policy to worldwide. Last time i looked at the small print, you can also claim small items upto £100 without listing, so if you lose a mic or pedal or something. Oh and you get Public Liability cover to. Cool Si
  17. Sibob

    Prince gigs in London

    No Rhonda Smith? Si
  18. Has anyone tryed Boss's (or equivalents) Acoustic Simulator?? On guitar is fine, i'm interested in using it in conjunction with my Piccolo. Any opinions/options would be good Cheers Si
  19. Looks awesome!! Wanna build me one! :-D Sometimes i wish i had even an ounce of woodcraft skill lol Si
  20. Re:Cover (hey, since when did covers bands have to have good names ) Si
  21. This could be really interesting to me! I've been thinking recently that i'd be really interested in a Passive pickup that has the same output as an active circuit. Would you say the output is similar to an active bass, i'm not fussed about EQ etc, just flatout output without distorsion Cheers mate Si
  22. He plays this bass on the War Of The Worlds Live DVD if you want to see it in action, sounds awesome!! He really gets the exact sound from the original recording! Si
  23. I tend not to learn anything with open strings to much in case someone decides to change the key of a tune. Obviously you can't really avoid it on a 4 string with the low E I also prefer the sound of fretted notes, I'd have a zero fret on my basses, but I'm playing fender at the mo. But having said that, if i'm playing a piece and an open note will help me play the line better/smoother/to greater effect, then of course i won't rule them out completly. The only thing i really use open strings is for peddling off of. Si
  24. Gave me goosebumps I've known of her for a while! And i knew she sang, but didn't know she did it so well!!! Thanks for the vid!! Si
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