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Everything posted by Sibob

  1. Richard's playing at Canary Wharf for the Classical Fiesta Concert on Weds 18th July. Anyone else gonna be there? Si
  2. Man, if this was a 4 string i'd snap it up. My perfect bass (from an active jazz POV)........... just with to many strings lol Good luck with the sale dude Si
  3. I've got friends who have done VocalTech, Bass Tech, Guitartech & the drummer in my band came away with 'Best Drummer' for the degree course at Drumtech. Strangely i haven't really spoken at length with my basstech friend about it, but both my Drummer and my vocaltech friend have both said that they wouldn't necessarily recommend it to everyone. My drummer said that they don't really teach you how to play as such, just afford a more focused environment and a fair few contacts! So a lot of the work is down to self-motivation. Both my drummer and vocaltech friend have said that going for an open day is essential and both recommended the Diploma over the degree course!. Cool, good luck SI
  4. Mines probabley up for grabs if anyone is interested Black finish, Pickups swapped for Barts. Nice one dude on the trade! Si
  5. [quote name='chris_b' post='14133' date='Jun 8 2007, 12:40 PM']I also gig in a Reggae band, with a couple of Jamaican drummers. Their take on this question is: Why are you counting? Feel it![/quote] I knew i was right to! Si
  6. +1 for the above post +1 for if you get a job put the money in an account for uni!!!! And perhaps just spend the time playing and practicing, maybe a part time job instead of a 'life-killer'. What kinda gigs are you doing to warrant a 1000watt head???? Not many people do gigs that need that, thats like stadium onstage volume lol. Si
  7. Quick bump for the Clifton, have played my friends 'Mini Mo' EUB and its brilliant, really nice sound! One of the few reasons i got my Shuker EUB over it was the fact i wanted a tripod stand and the Clifton is on a spike (although i think a tripod stand is also available to rest it on between songs?) Good luck, Cool Si
  8. Sibob

    South East Bash

    Am definitely interested in a 'southern' bash. Anywhere in or around london, or in Bucks! I'd say Essex is fine as well because it gives an excuse to see my parents, but again, am so busy that it might not be so practical! Cool Si
  9. Where did you stumble across that gem? My other prerequisite is that its sunburst lol Si
  10. Indeed, but i played another '72 priced at £1700, and it was gash. So what do you do!? And that '66 i played was priced at like £3650 or something....horrible bass! Si
  11. Its probably been said before, but Marcus Miller seems to be happy with his '77 jazz bass! I played an amazing '72 recently, beautiful instrument, sounded awesome with loadsa character, tight neck pocket etc. Needed a slight setup and the (original) nut was a bit buzzy, but just beautiful. If i had £2500 cash i woulda snapped it up. Probably priced over the odds for what people think a '72 is worth, but i loved it, and with vintage stuff u just can't shop about, if thats the one, thats what u pay!!! That same day i tried a '66 Jazz (albeit a refinished one), and it was sh*t IMHO, wouldn't have payed £500 for it, so i think its a lot to do with the player as well! Might try and pickup an '83, my birth year, and see how it ages lol. Si
  12. Just to clarify Kumalo's bass break in 'You Can Call Me Al'... The first half is him, the 2nd half is reversed. He plays it in full on the GraceLand Live DVD. Sweeeeet player! Si
  13. Just thought I'd lend my thoughts on the matter. As a non-smoker I'm definitely all for the smoking ban in the UK, cannot wait. As a player, like it has been numerous times before, my clothes, hair and gear will no longer stink to high heaven. Like a few people I'm generally against 'censorships' and 'bans' and the adopted tag 'nanny state', but thats because I'm pro choice! My choice not to smoke is taken away from me when i choose to enter a pub or any public place and cannot avoid breathing in probably as much smoke as the smokers themselves. Something has to give, and since its easier to stop smoking inside public places then it is to stop the smoke entering my lungs in a smokey pub, we have the ban. I'm perfectly happy with standing outside with friends who smoke as long as theres a bit of a breeze . With regards to 'Non-smoking areas' in restaurants etc pre-ban...... does nobody else see them as completely r-tarded?, if your sitting at a table right on the boundary of a smoking area, with it drifting over, how can that be the no-smoking area?????? Never got that! Dwindling numbers don't really bother me either, playing to a few less punters is fine by me if it isn't having a negative effect on my health, if smokers don't want to watch live entertainment thats their [b]choice[/b] . My personal experience is based on my nan dying from a combination of mouth and throat cancer caused directly from smoking. No-one else in my immediate family, and a large percentage of my extended family, smokes. I predict my parents will go to more gigs after 1st July too I just had a thought actually about something Stewblack said earlier, "non-smokers drink less". Now being addicted to smoking is the same as being addicted to anything, if you have an addictive personality, its gonna happen. I wonder what percentage of alcoholics are also smokers.............hmmmmmmmmmmmm...........google here i come! Now, as with everyone else, don't wanna piss anyone off, just my thoughts Cheers Si
  14. Richard Bona (Fodera, Fender, Bassworks, others) Justin Meldal Johnson (Fender, anything old) Lincoln Anderson (Fender, Warwick) Ryan Martini (Warwick) Janek Gwizdala (Fodera) twas a toss up between Janek and Jaco, i love Jaco, but i've seen Janek live so that kinda edged it for now Si p.s. just a lil edit for the interesting "what they use" post below
  15. FSOF @ Southend Chinnerys [url="http://imageshack.us"][/url] FSOF @ Camden Barfly [url="http://imageshack.us"][/url] FSOF - Am on far left [url="http://imageshack.us"][/url] Gabby Young @ Swindon 12Bar [url="http://imageshack.us"][/url]
  16. Cheers dude! Very insightful! Si
  17. Functions Band - E,A,D,G (although we did once experiment with down a half-step, but only to see if the singer noticed ) Tis my Jazz Bass. First Signs Of Frost - Older Tunes D,A,D,G (before i joined, we still play a couple of them though, so i have my Corvette $$ in D) - Newer Tunes C,F,Bb,Eb (since i've joined, Basically drop C standard). My 'ThingRay' is setup for this, with Newtone Strings she sounds awesome!. Si
  18. Hey all. I've been wondering this a while! On my Fender Jazz, i've noticed that the pole-pieces in the pickups are all varying heights, ie not flush with the pickup cover. Does this actually make a difference to the sound? If so, how do pickups without exposed pole-pieces, bartolini for example, get on? Cheers Si
  19. Why doesn't the guitarist know Has he not ears? :-D Si
  20. To be honest, i think that counting things is something that well get debated for years to come. As long as the tune your doing sounds good and feels good............it is good! . And based on my very limited knowledge of reggae (i like it but never studied it), if i was trying to explain the basics to a guitarist, i'd just say "play the chops on the upbeat", simple as. Si
  21. Without sitting down and trying it to confirm my thoughts, i think i would have a problem counting double time and playing halftime, i mean obviously its easily done, but i would imagine it kills the feel to a degree!?. Having said that, unless i'm playing something in a (very) odd meter i wouldn't be counting while playing anyway. I kinda agree that counting slow helps groove, certainly in my head it would aid playing slow. Is there really a theoretical right and wrong on this, surely its a personal preference? Si
  22. Hey everyone, i was just interested in knowing what peoples views on the output of Bartolini J Pickups/Preamps were like. I currently use 2 basses both with Bartolini Humbuckers (1 MEC/Warwick 9v Preamp and the other with an Iceni 18v Pre), but am interested how the Bart single coils fair. Cheers people Si
  23. So i found a pic on my phone that i took at a wedding the other week and thought i'd post it! I'll post a decent 'Full Rig' pic soon. Pictured: Ashdown EVO II 500 Ashdown Mini 48 Boss TU-2 Aphex Punch Factory Fender USA Jazz Warwick Corvette $$ [attachment=423:19052007239.jpg] Not pictured (not used at that gig): Ashdown Mini 15 Shuker EUB 'ThinkRay' Drop C bass Boss ME-50B Si
  24. Sibob

    My collection!

    Hey Ped? How did you find ordering/having something shipped with Bacchus? Some of there stuff looks really nice!! I've been looking for an active Jazz for a while now! Cheers mate Si
  25. I havn't read the above posts cos i'm in a rush, so apologies if this has been said before. Pick up a 2nd hand American Jazz bass with S1 switching, probly cost you about £500 - £600. The S1 switch changes the neck pickup between series and parrallel, giving you Jazz tones when off and Precision tones when on! Nice Si
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