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Cat Burrito

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Everything posted by Cat Burrito

  1. Have you tried emailing them direct? Some bass companies have surprisingly good customer services. Admittedly some don't. I use these on a couple of my basses and am a fan. They always commented on when I play.
  2. I think I have 5 bands that are in various stages of active. Simply put, I do "first come, first served". I've been playing in multiple bands for 15yrs and conflicts are surprisingly rare to the point that I can't recall ever having a problem.
  3. Although associated with Leeds, Mission / ex-Sisters of Mercy guitarist / singer Wayne Hussey is from Bristol too.
  4. Being from a small town in Wiltshire we have no real notable births from the world of rock / pop. Apparently Carl McCoy from Fields of the Nephilim lived here briefly after the initial successful period of the band, as did Pete Doherty. Oh and Mick & Keef popped in for tea once, a true story by all accounts.
  5. I don't find it offensive but feel it's all a bit novelty. I remember being played the Macc Lads back in the 80s, laughing for about a week and then never listening to them again. Same with Steel Panther - a friend came over to jam and was all excited to play me them. We laughed and then they kept making albums. I kinda felt the joke was done. Interestingly a lot of these bands actually have decent musicians in them but it's all a bit of a fad for me. Good luck to them all though.
  6. I was actually quite tempted until I clicked the soundclips in the link
  7. That is exactly my point. I think we're in 100% agreement here.
  8. PS I probably should add the genre is a factor. Having played a lot of rockabilly and americana, amp size never really appeared to be a thing. I'm sure there are plenty of other genres that this would apply to. I did those shows on the rock scene and those rock boys do like a big cabinet to stand in front of!
  9. Small amps *can* do if they aren't really up to the job in the first place but I mostly agree with you here. I don't think it matters if it is quality gear and most punters don't care / don't know. Some rigs do look amateur though - by his own admission my singer's guitar amp is amateur and it shows. We did two tours in 2019 with name bands where they complained about the size of my bass cabinet, which is partly why I upsized again. Both complaints came from singers, one of whom didn't even play the bass! I took my Terror bass around the UK on several occasions and it delivered every night. On the first tour the headliners kept telling the bass player it was the best he'd ever sounded so I think it's mostly around old school visuals. But I'm 100% with you on small amps can look cool on a big stage.
  10. I'm with @Steve Browning in that there is so much choice these days. I have the big valve stack for festivals and tours but for simple pub / small club shows I've had a few different rigs, all of which have been great. I'm definitely old school too and the Terror Bass stuff is great, the Ampeg PF stuff is great and I had some Aguilar stuff that was great too. In actual fact I think you can be surprised with how good things are these days, without compromising on tone. My big rig is as much a visual thing as the smaller rigs can look a bit amateur on big stages but I've had some great sounds from the smaller shows. Again echoing what has been said, on the times I've shown up with a smaller rig and thought "is this going to cut it?", everything has gone through the PA so it's never been an issue.
  11. Let the record show that any abstinence on my part will be purely financially driven and no reflection on my willpower.
  12. I played 2019 NYE to a sold out pub (top trick, play the smallest pub in London & you too can see SOLD OUT written next to your band name!) but this year will be similar to the sedate affair that was last year. I'm working in the day and then with my missus in the evening explaining to the kids that I am not drunk!
  13. That's my favourite too. It's the benchmark for which I measure all other cases.
  14. Hardly exciting this year but I did get the nice faux crocodile case which sits amongst my small collection of folk / Americana instruments.
  15. I clicked on this thread thinking "with my username this'll be the thread for me" and now I am worried that people will look at that bass and think of my username! 😸
  16. I never liked any of the classic Grunge or Thrash albums. I guess I was never that much of a heavy rocker. Equally there were a fair few indie bands that got raved about that just weren't for me. For an avid consumer of music, there seems to be a lot that passed me by. With the internet it's easier to avoid the things you don't like. Growing up, there was no escaping the bands I didn't care for as they'd be all over the music press and TV shows like The Chart Show and Raw Power.
  17. Yep. It's amazing how many celebrities follow a plant based diet. Certainly with older professional musicians it seems increasingly popular. Interesting that the perception of veganism is typically the reactionary student who thinks everyone is entitled to their opinion when the reality I have seen is the vast majority just getting on with it and not being particularly in anyone's face about it. I guess this is why all the fast food companies that were traditionally the enemy of veganism are now having a vegan line.
  18. Um, Meat Loaf announces he no longer eats meat and is going vegan for Veganuary (inews.co.uk) Sorry links don't seem to work on this computer but feel free to google it.
  19. I'm okay with this. A bit like a religious band wanting you to be religious. It's niche but I suspect they know that.
  20. I had an Orange 2x10 for a number of years and did some punk shows on it. I now have the same cab but 2x12 for pub / small club shows. I appreciate that some will say you need to have this, that and the other for certain things but at the risk of making all bass forums redundant, ultimately you can play most styles on most kit. Worst case scenario you wind up adding a second cab or looking at pedals but generally I always got favourable comments from the small rig. Kit has come a LONG way in recent years but people are still using the same arguments from decades ago.
  21. Best not hold your breathe.... he's vegan! 😸
  22. 32yrs ago was my debut live show. Time flies! 

    1. gjones


      Time flies indeed.


      It's 41 years ago, that I played my first live gig, at my school's 'Rock Nite'.


      I remember it because it was the day of John Lennon's death.

    2. Lozz196


      Was that with Andy, Tim?

    3. Cat Burrito

      Cat Burrito

      Nah @Lozz196, I wasn't to meet Andy until 5yrs later in 1994. 

  23. I've noticed that since the first lockdown more venues seem to be doing this, or variations on this. I'm still waiting payment from August for one show. Generally people pay up but it's a major faff.
  24. Out; I think just one cab but I have been mega lazy not listing a couple of things. In; A bouzouki A 70s Ozark 4 string banjo A pedal board with 5 Electro Harmonix pedals on it A Sterling musicman bass in black / maple a Steinberger style bass
  25. I'm the other way around, I had a Jazz bass with a P neck for years which I loved. I thought the 70s RI P-basses had slimmer necks. I know the 57RI ones tend to be wider and the 51RI tend to be chunkier.
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