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Cat Burrito

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Everything posted by Cat Burrito

  1. I have a uke bass but there are plenty of better lightweight options, if that were to be a problem for you. I guess the issue is more lugging an amp too? The Hofner Beatle bass is very light, short scale and easy to play. The amp side of things could be offset with a amp simulator pedal... unless you are set on the keyboard route. Best of luck resolving this.
  2. For Xmas 2019 and my birthday in early March 2020 (pre-first lockdown), my wife bought me tickets for concerts. Neither of those shows have taken place yet. We toured in November 2021 and we had a definite hit on ticket sales but I would say at least 90% of those who bought tickets came.
  3. I can only echo the comments made about generally sounding like me. To prove a point a few years back, I downgraded my rig and went back to owning just 2 Squiers. I toured and recorded with those basses - they played the O2 in London with me and were on the BBC. Then I decided that it's nice to have nice things. I now own 4 American basses and a lot of kit again now. Why? Simply because life is too short. Does it make me sound better? No, not really. The 1hr a day practice I have been doing since the pandemic started does though. We make our own choices, finances allowing.
  4. I went from Ampeg to Orange and have never looked back. I have the back breaking AD200B head but also an Orange Terror head for smaller gigs. The Mk2 doesn't suffer the early breakup of the originals and I absolutely love the tone. Not for everyone but what it does do, it does very well indeed.
  5. just got tickets for The Cure at Wembley 2022! Get in! 

  6. Old school gear? Check! That no one wants? Don't know... never considered selling it!
  7. I'm another "embrace the space" fan. It amplifies mistakes so you need to be as rehearsed as you can be (there are less places to hide). I used to fear it but now I welcome it. Pedals are nice but the fix doesn't have to have a financial answer. Look at building confidence in your playing and just have fun with it.
  8. My 80s alternative / Goth duo played the local open mic. Set 1 is us doing Cure / Sisters of Mercy etc on folk instruments (mandolin, bouzouki, mandocello) and then onto the electric set with our drum machine / keyboard programming. We wound up doing a third set completely acoustically in the bar afterwards. Busy day at work and when the night ends with the landlord wavering drink charges, I am reminded that I am not 22 these days!
  9. The voice of experience speaks? Yes, it is indeed. @Paul S, just a very cool night called What's Cookin'. I have played it a few times over the years and it is always great fun. @KK Jale, I saw a Laney combo on the side but I'd brought my smaller Orange rig. If whoever speaks with Steve queries it, I am sure if it works he'd be cool for you to use it. Everyone else will need their own backline. The band can move the cones and park right outside for free.
  10. Just to confirm, @Reggaebass is correct about sales threads needing approval when initially being posted. We usually approve them almost straight away, just so long as there is a mod online or spots it.
  11. Could have been deleted. I saw you commented on a thread that we pulled recently for rule breaches. No issue with your post but the thread was reported and quite rightly pulled. That'll almost certainly be the issue, rather than your iPad.
  12. I once walked onstage to a room full of work colleagues. They weren't regular gig goers and it was complete silence. It was horrible. I said down the mic, you can clap and it was almost like they were relived that they now knew how to behave at a gig. So I am going to respectfully disagree with you on this one. Nice theory but the reality was not good.
  13. I like variety in my bass guitars but I am surprisingly loyal with amps, effects and strap manufacturers. Orange, EHX and Couch being my personal faves. The second I play my Thunderbird for a few shows, I start missing my Precision etc.
  14. Personally I'd play one that lasted for about 40 minutes. That way I'd increase the chances of not being asked again.
  15. Agree 100% @Chris2112. Too many roles, like schools officer, get derailed by lazy hiders BUT used appropriately can absolutely cause a massive positive impact. But such chat derails this thread… as you were!
  16. Most of those are civilianised now. I just want to pick you up on Safeguarding though. There's nothing snooze-fest about protecting societies most vulnerable, especially kids getting mixed up in gangs or with sex offenders. The role is what you make it and Safeguarding in a police way can be way more gritty than some of the more self styled macho roles. Other than that, I thought your post was bang on the money.
  17. True, although CID are so stretched these days that the hours are through the roof. You're right, in that some do specialise early. However, a lot of the departments people go into are long hours and last minute shift changes. I can't think of any examples of people landing into 8-4 Mon-Fri roles without a few years in. I'm sure a few do but it is the exception, not the norm. There's a real issue with new recruits leaving because it isn't quite like the coppers on the TV!
  18. I find if you play with musicians who are noticeably below your standard, you wind up not being friends because you moan at their lack of practice. Always best to play with people who are better than you because you push yourself. Personally, from my experience, I'd pass. Being in a rehearsal studio with a lumpy drummer and an out of tune guitarist is one thing but being seen live with them is another. Good luck finding something more suitable.
  19. Core shift, she'll be up against it, a little. Once you get your 2yr probation out of the way you can specialise. It's easier on departments but frontline 999, either the band works around your availability or you get deps. Being a probationer, she'll need to get experience so there will be changes but she'll have an idea on availability. Once she is properly in, you'll have an idea of her shift pattern - that'd be the best time to have that conversation as realistically she won't know beforehand. In the nicest possible way, things change all the time and every force is different. There aren't a lot of 8-4 type jobs in the police but they do exist.
  20. I lent a bass to a guy in a similar situation a few years ago. I got an absolute critique afterwards about how my bass wasn't really good enough for him, which started with the phrase "I'm usually a guitar player..." I cut him dead with "next time I'll leave you onstage with a dead bass for you to sort out as my bass is clearly beneath you". He soon changed his attitude.
  21. Personally I make a point of learning the name of the sound engineer. If something is not right, I query it down the mic but quickly move on. I always thank whoever does the sound regardless. It's just good manners.
  22. Just finished the second leg of a short UK tour, first since covid. Last night was Reading, Birmingham the night before and London the night before that. Completing 6 shows in 9 days. Every show was great and it was genuinely amazing to return to what I used to do before this all broke. Negative LF test upon coming home so hopefully more of this in 2022. Best highlight was playing one of John Entwistle's basses on a brief stop at the studio between Reading and Birmingham.
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