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Everything posted by bubinga5

  1. [quote name='SS73' post='568846' date='Aug 14 2009, 11:46 AM']Flea wins on recreational substance's consumed and still able to play bass.[/quote] And im sure Flea and the rest of the band do not do drugs..there way past that juvenile stage in there careers..
  2. If this is down to technical ability..He is knowhere near...yeah Alex he would admit that...I know bassists who could wipe the floor with him technically..There are prob some on here.. This is presumably a subjective discussion, which there is no answer, only your opinion...I love the fact he prob got millions of people playing bass..I hate the fact that most may try and clone him..WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO SOUND LIKE SOMEONE ELSE..BOGGLES THE MIND..not knocking them but ive never liked signature basses either.. Hate his super fast repetitive slapping but I really like his fingerstyle playing, but i like many others..Meshell does it way better than him IMHO... Hes fantastic on Aeroplane though..
  3. Are you specifically looking for an early original Jazz Alan?
  4. Rob thats the best looking S5 ive ever seen..very very cool..Bet it sounds incredible
  5. Bump..i will take a lesser value bass with no cash my way if i like the bass
  6. Couldnt bear to part with the Jazz..Not like the erm... offers were flooding in.. Anyway this is still for sale Jack Read Custom NAMM show bass..Awsome neck through boutique bass, that is seriously light because of the tone chambers... Got this from Nobody's Perfect...I will let his post explain the bass..i hope he doesnt mind [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=14875&hl=jack+read"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...mp;hl=jack+read[/url] He was originally asking £1300 for this bass......Offers around £900 or trades...Dont be affraid to offer something of lesser value!! All the best...
  7. [quote name='obi 2 kenobi' post='564166' date='Aug 9 2009, 02:32 PM']Nice collection.....which two are going ?[/quote] Possibly the Ostinato and the Jack Read.. Thanks for the compliments guys..
  8. bubinga5


    This bass was originaly mine and its a great bass!!!
  9. Go for a Low End jazz..i play one recently and they are phenomenal
  10. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='563817' date='Aug 8 2009, 09:39 PM']You need a Smith [/quote] Yeah i know CK.. would love one.. but i would love a Sukop an Fbass, an STR, LowEnd, Alleva, there is too many for my pocket to go on for to long..
  11. Just a few additions.......am i bored......erm maybe...The Sei is just everything a bass should be IMO..light, great range of tones, looks good (imo) feels fantastic...The Jack Read is really nice to play..amazing to slap on.great response from the EMG's....The Cort Elrick is a slap monster, very modern sounding...i may add some fatstacks..great for chordal stuff.. Those who have seen im sorry to bore..those who havent hope you like... Two of these are going soon......
  12. This is my favorite color on a S5...lovely...Is it classed as bronze?
  13. I have a new Funk/Jazz/Latin?soul venture going.. We wil be playing originals written by me and our Clav player....plus a few covers...I have asked the other musicians to come up with a song we could cover..The twist is its not going to be played in its original Genre...for example earlier we played a Heatwave tune in a Latin style and it worked very well..Mostly down to our phenomenal drummer.. Pick any of these genres and mix and match..Soul tune done Jazz..Funk done Latin... I have a few ideas but would love any suggestions you could put forward.. Thanks
  14. Looks lovely Kev..love the off white( is it off white) looks a little golden also.., with the matt body.. I wouldnt add a finger rest,... unless you need it..i love stripped down :wub: great job bro
  15. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=49666&hl=fender+CS"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...mp;hl=fender+CS[/url] i dont put the guards on now, to impractical..added a pearl pick guard also...it has THAT super jazz growl...EQ'd right its got an amazing tone.. ALways think its good to have a proper passive and an active...
  16. Come and play my CS Closet Classic Jazz chris, that will persuade you... Sometimes its a bit of a lottery with Fender..i had a 75 RI and thought the build quality was questionable for a £1300 bass....and i didnt like the feel of it..But some jazzez ive played feel like a stingray in there quality and are fantastic.. BTW i dont think Sadowsky's are like Fenders..the preamp takes care of that..they look like them yes..There is only one real Jazz/Precision and its a Fender.. Just some have improved on it..(depending on what you think is improving) Ive really settled in with my Jazz and it will never be sold...a Jazz is like an old friend if you find the right one
  17. Just stick with it Josh..there are so many factors involved that could put this right for you..Take it to a professional and explain your problem..thats what there there for...
  18. [quote name='Shockwave' post='562978' date='Aug 7 2009, 06:40 PM']Hehe, Well my intonation sucked alot when i first started playing fretless, but grew into it. It sounds to me you dont want to try and stick to new ways of playing. [/quote]Tis difficult to play a high action if your used to playing low...can be done though...
  19. Josh..i know this might be difficult..but have you considered actually raising the action and trying to get used to it...i realised i was choking the note when playing harder so i raised the action slightly..i got used to it and can play just as fast as used to with a the super low action.. Bass strings need some breathing space, thats just there nature..Do not sell the Smith..you will regret it...its not the bass..maybe your tastes need a little adjusting bro... In my experience you really have to work with a good bass to achieve a comfortable medium...and you have one of best there is. Hard as it is i think you need to change your habbits not the bass..
  20. This is really nice to hear..sounds like you all click musically...Unfortunately if been in bands where there is the 'head' writer, who wants the sound he has in his head...This is unhealthy IMO..He was a guitarist who used to tell me how to play the basslines..(yes one of those 'im a guitarist who can play bass, because i think bass is second to the guitar)..I gave him a TRB6 to play once, and totally baffled him..He he.. Im in a better place now with great musicians, who want to learn off of everyone else...
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