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Everything posted by hubrad

  1. A 'stonking buy', indeed! Have a bump on me. 🙂
  2. If Polar aren't being much help, I'd contact GK in USA. If they suggest contacting Polar, say why you've come direct to head office!
  3. Phew.. I'm glad I'm not the only one to have seen that one! Fair enough, someone has put a load of extra work into it, but we all know about the resale value of mods.
  4. This looks like yer man: he'll take your existing plate and replicate it in a wide variety of materials and finishes. http://www.jacksinstrumentservices.com/custom-scratchplate-cutting.html
  5. Basically, it all starts here.. the more you play, and the more intensely, the quicker it'll develop. Keeps on happening for years, albeit less noticeable day to day. Enjoy the ride! :-)
  6. I just looked at my Gator rack case.. deffo smaller than M6, so 1st port of call I'd try M5. Go to your local hardware shop with the case, ask to try a couple of sizes, and use the magic words 'If it fits, I'll buy a dozen'! :-D
  7. You need a specialist nuts and bolts supplier; most towns in regions where engineering is or was an industry have one still. You can usually take them a sample bolt and they'll identify it and sell you more. Generally that's a few pence per bolt, and you can often have a selection of heads. Isn't most Gator stuff made in the Far East? That usually means metric threads (tried M5?) unless they are really trying to protect their after sales.
  8. A Facebook friend of mine has one of the first few from this 'plate maker on a MM 5er. Not my thing personally, but looks really good in its way.
  9. Insulation. . Tick Fire hazard.. Tick :-/
  10. Mine's a Sub'n'up anyway, so I'll have to keep an eye open for this. Excellent Herculean task, Dood!
  11. Sounds interesting. . As an Android user I'll watch for further news.
  12. If someone bought a Chinese Squier in 1974 then at least it has potential rarity value! :-D
  13. Yup, there's a 5 and a 6 string version of the 2000. I have a 5, on a used Overwater to bring the spacing in a bit. Awesome bass! Schaller also do a 5 string version of their usual roller saddle bridge, but you can't get the spacing quite so tight. I think the details are on their site.
  14. I've converted a couple of my 4 strings (also had one built) with the Schaller 2000, for similar reasons but not drop tuning. Excellent bridge. Some of the Ibanez BTB four strings are 35" scale, so great for unflabby drop tuning.
  15. They've worked together for so long that it surely stands to reason he'll be carrying the latest model, if only for road testing. Quite possibly MK was involved in the design stages.
  16. Was there ever an answer to this? There's lots of pages to wade through! Generally grand with the new look, just getting used to the odd bit being in a different place. :-)
  17. +1 I've done alot of tweaking over the decades, and the USA pickups are way better. So much more clarity. I tried several instruments while working in a shop, which were really good fitted with DD, but it was like the brand didn't dare fit the better pups and put the price up a sizeable chunk. I'm in the 'go for it' camp.
  18. ^^This. Should I use a pick? Why do people play with fingers? etc.
  19. I know what you mean, Dood.. the last new ones I bought was a set of 5 string jazz type, bought a couple of years back from the States as I couldn't even get an estimate of lead time for UK. What are/were you after for the project?
  20. I have (cough!) more than one EMG - equipped bass, and have played around with their configuration for decades. The pickups themselves are resin potted, so not repairable as you'd have to destroy it to get inside. I've always worked on the principle that backup extends to warranty replacement of a new pickup, or you're on your own ie source a replacement yourself. A rewind isn't going to happen. Pots and switches are easy to obtain, either 'official' or off the shelf at electronics outlets. Touch wood, I've never had an EMG pickup fail in the approx 30 years I've had a variety of them. :-)
  21. Also if necessary you can get 22k pots from places like Maplin, which will actually do the job just as well as the official 25k ones.
  22. Don't worry about the pickup buss, it's just a connecting block for the push fit red +9V ends. With the 'old' type you just solder the red pickup wires to the red battery wire. Love those EMGs!
  23. Just picked up the Mono gigbag from Tim, as he held onto it for when I was passing on a gig. Trouble free transaction, and always good to meet another BC member face to face for a chat and a cuppa! :-)
  24. If you really like the particular Innovation set on that bass, I'd be more inclined to address the pickup choice instead. (Scuttles away, cackling maniacally. .)
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