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Everything posted by jacko

  1. Dave. If you've nowt better to do you're welcome to come over to wilsontown sometime and try out some of my kit. I'm only about 20 minutes from biggar. mesa stuff... Titan 1200w monster. 212 powerhouse 410 powerhouse 210 powerhouse markbass... lm800 and a pair of 410s fender tbp-1 pre / qsc plx power set up. I've gone through all the older Mesa amps - titan, mpulse 600, big block, m9 carbine and have come back to the Titan for it's versatility. Good tone across the board but the gain can be a bit aggressive (suits my current gig). I now gig with the 210/410 but used to use the 210 with the 212. not much between them. rehearsals are usually the LM800 with the mesa 410. tended to use the MB cabs with my old wedding band as they're quite sterile - the mesa cabs have a little colour. Graeme
  2. love the top wood but the body shape does nothing for me at all.
  3. kate Rusby - Angels and men. Beautiful. and deep purple Infinite - made the mistake of listening at 33 1/3. made Gillan sound like some old blues man. Quite a bit better at 45.
  4. There's a guy on facebook - North east bass Bin - currently selling his Db - might be happy to lend it out for a week or so if it's not been sold. name's stephen clark in Bedlington
  5. Search for some of Bonnie Raitt's performances. Hutch uses an NS upright on a tripod for some tunes. There's footage of tony levin playing his with crimson and peter gabriel up there too.
  6. Mr Big o2 ABC in Glasgow last night. Supports first - Faster pussycat - Meh! never heard of them before but certainly not my thing. Bass player spent the set up against a big ampeg rig thudding away on what could have been the perfect line for the songs but was indecipherable from the general mush. The Answer - much better and a much cleaner balance between the guitar and the bass - interestiing and musical basslines played. Enjoyed them. Then the main event. I didn't think the overall sound was that good. Billy wasn't as prominent as he is on the records so a lot of his noodling was lost. According to my drummer, the drum sound wasn't very good ( he was disappointed at the lack of drums - prefers someone like neil peart). it was good to see Pat Torpey joiing in a bit - he got a lot of love from the audience but he really does look ill - I reckon matt Starr will have taken over full time if they tour again. Shame as Pat was a more adventurous drummer IMO. Paul Gilbert's solo went on far too long and ultimately sounded to me like someone practicing their scales very fast. Yawned several times but the guitar fanboys loved it. Billy's solo sounded exactly the same as ever - i.e. not worth listening to. I've seen him in clinics and his soloing sounded brilliant - I could make out every note. In a gig setting it always sounds mushy with no semblance of structure. hey-ho. Eric Martin's voice was better than the last time they came to Glasgow but he had an annoying habit of calling the audience 'Kids'. I'm pretty sure 80% of us were the same age as him. Overall Mr Big didn't disappoint. Pretty much a greatest hits setlist and loads of energy and they played for around 2 hours. Just wish the sound had been better.
  7. Was there with my daughter. We had tickets for the back of the second balcony but they'd put a spotlight or something in front of our seats so we were reseated about 10 rows from the stage . The Tubes were great so you missed out big time. The Mission were crap and shouldn't have been on the bill. Always been a huge Dunaway fan so was over the moon when i heard he was going to be playing. Wasn't disappointed. Was very impressed with Chuck's handling of Halo - was one of my favourites and one of the earliest songs I ever learned so he could very easily have spoiled it for me I did however think that Nita Strauss was trying a bit too hard to be one of the lads. Mr Big next at the O2 ABC on Wednesday.
  8. Alice cooper in Glasgow on Sunday. Brilliant! Had Dennis Dunaway out for a handful of songs which really made my night. Spent the early 70's learning the basslines on Killer and Schools out. The tubes were a great support act. The mission were just crap.
  9. I made my first bass around 1977-8. used an old mahogany desktop from my dad's office and my granddad gave me a lump of pine for the neck. The fret positions were taken from a jazz or precision in Rock city when it was still on the Bigg Market by marking them on the edge of a Burns Flyte brochure - forgot to mark the distance to the bridge!. needless to say it was absolutely crap. Remade it as a fretless with a solid oak neck (from a fireplace) and still have it to this day although it lives in a sack in the loft. Was quite surprised last week to find it was still more or less in tune when I was taking a new family photo.
  10. I'm lucky enough to have a drummer that I like to listen to so I can't envisage a situation where I'd want him to be quieter. In fact the louder he plays, the less I can hear the guitarists.
  11. The space between the bridge saddle and the end of the fingerboard is your playground. Use it all.
  12. Thought it might be nice to post a pic of me with Floyd (not on a Halloween night though ) [attachment=256292:snake.jpg]
  13. [quote name='SpondonBassed' timestamp='1509002058' post='3395849'] . . . Neither practice is tolerated here because we don't have children in the household. We don't even answer the door on Halloween night. I'd be much better off performing during that silliness. At least I'd get something useful out of it to compensate. Did I not mention that I am a part-time miserable old git? [url="https://www.activityvillage.co.uk/penny-for-the-guy"]https://www.activity...nny-for-the-guy[/url] [/quote] A few years back when we still lived in a town I opened the door dressed as alice cooper with my 9 foot boa constrictor over a shoulder. The parents stopped their kids coming back after that. Shame as we quite enjoy making the little b*stards do a song or a joke.
  14. Hi Guy and welcome. In 1996 I was playing in a covers band in Worcester. Moved up to Edinburgh in 1998. Still work here but I've now moved out near Lanark. Maybe I'll bump into you sometime. Be sure and let us know when You're gigging. Graeme
  15. jacko


    It's a Strunal 5/35 3/4 size. Thomann list it as a 2/5 Europe model.
  16. jacko


    Thomann delivered this morning. huge box. [attachment=255785:IMG_2455.JPG] [attachment=255786:IMG_2457.JPG] [attachment=255787:IMG_2461.JPG] [attachment=255788:IMG_2459.JPG]
  17. Just been listening to Kate Rusby's second xmas album 'Sweet Bells' and I will happily listen to it several more times
  18. I had almost the exact same experience in 2011. Had right wrist surgery at the start of November and played a gig mid-month. actually found it a much less painful experience then previous gigs leading up to the surgery had been. Almost as soon as I'd had the surgery I found my plucking hand loosened up a hell of a lot and I've had no problems with it since. However, I wasn't able to put any pressure on my right palm for over 6 months (the docs had already told me this so it wasn't a surprise).
  19. Hoping they'll show the 4 hour tom petty doc again soon. 'runnin down a dream' I think.
  20. Chris Squire and Alan White - Run with the fox. The only Christmas song worth listening to.
  21. Must be thinking of someone else Dave. Don't think i've ever played hamilton. If your looking for us on FB it's the one one seven.
  22. I've ended up ordering Thomann's 2/5 . I'll start a NDBD thread when it arrives. Hopefully before Christmas.
  23. In the flecktones 'live at the quick' dvd, victor changes his cycling shirt just about every time the camera pans away. Guess it was recorded on consecutive nights and they've cut the best bits of the video into a single song but it's very strange to watch.
  24. Is this the same documentary that came with the deluxe LP ? I really enjoyed it. Shame about Steve Morse's arthritis though. Funny thing about the LPs - when I first played them I thought they sounded like a proper dirge. Then I found out they should be played at 45rpm. Doh! Sounds much better at the right speed.
  25. So I'm at the point of ordering now and I've narrowed it down to two choices... https://www.thomann.de/gb/thomann_kontrabass_25string.htm?sid=cd204b278a8974dd04746016caa8f658 Hybrid solid carved top with laminated back in stock and ready to ship or... https://www.thomann.de/gb/thomann_44_5s_3_4_europe_double_bass.htm Carved top and back BUT it'll take 4 - 6 months to be made and shipped. - I'm not in a huge hurry so happy to wait if necessary. Anyone have any thoughts on the laminated back vs carved back arguments?
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