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Everything posted by PaulThePlug

  1. It's NEW... back it goes... don't make do... it will bug you forever more... presume you didn't pay to make-do? Get on the blower! If ya binned the packaging, especualy the maim box, how hard is it to take back to a store and inspect what you are taking away in exchange? worth the effort.
  2. Checkout some pics of Ibanez EDA and Afirma series... Maube a halfway house... I would guess if the body / neck is one piece or thru neck... then.. maybe a raised fretboard for slap... rather than the full amout of a bit of neck and fretboard of a bolt on neck. A top mounted fretboard may help to radius, flatish (my Acoustic Bass is about 400mm) and if you need to access / replace etc. and a top with a more recessed bass side and expossed lower with a step ala EDA for the Pop.
  3. High mass sounds almost like the tone has been rolled of a little... Standard sounds more articulate. A standard type bridge with groves for the saddle adjust screws to stop the saddle moving then sounds ideal... My bitsa has one of these for £7.50. bit of a 'Half-Way House'... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1-Set-Bridge-Fit-for-Fender-Precision-Jazz-Bass-Guitar-201B-4-Badass-Useful-Atn-/373561442545?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0
  4. I don't want to go to Chelsea... another HUGE bass vehicle...
  5. Nice... Quality bits, so thats about £80ish for the Schallers, £40 for a Tonerider, £20 for the Bridge, Tenner for the Scratch plate... i make that a free body and neck! Oh, and a gig bag... ...but i'd get told off GLWS
  6. Rotosound Solo Bass Pressure Wounds are SS... https://www.rotosound.com/product/rs55ld/ On Sale at PMT £21.50 from £33 https://www.pmtonline.co.uk/rotosound-solo-bass55-45-105?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIiPS14Lzl-gIVD-ztCh0jjQUuEAQYASABEgJV1vD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
  7. for home use, practicing, small gig on the floor, or small stage... Is if worth consisering a bit of a kick back or wedge? - Sloped 60 deg-ish front? with a small flat top... particularly if being paired with a small form factor head...
  8. seen a secondhand, Pre-Fitted, Tonerider TRP1 on the bay for £26 posted... Daft not to.. (cheapest i've seen is £39 from Northwest Gtr via Amazon) Destined for my P Bitsa (to replace the one donated by @Rumple that he thinks came from an SX) for softer warmer tones. Hopefully they will fit my cream covers. EDIT: Don't fit my cream covers, pole centers out by a smidge.
  9. ^ Yep... Stingray! you can even reverse the winder on a lot of open machine heads... i have previously seen 3 + 1 bass necks on the bay... kimase?
  10. fret at fith and sixth and re-do the tap test on the 4th... compare with the othr strings.
  11. Round Nickels... Dunlop 'Lemmy' 50 70 85 105...
  12. Maybe a pre cut nut for say a 12" radius on a 9" radius fret board? Fret the string at the third... there should be a 'light tap' gap between string and first fret. If not try a pit of paper in the nut slot... if this fixes the issue and you dont want to replace the nut then the Super Glue and Baking Soda mix works. did this on my J Bitsa - nothing to loose...
  13. check Gumtree for your area... Squier P... Ibanez SR300... Yamaha RBX... £180/£200...
  14. If not heard... 801 live... Roxy without Brian.
  15. Ease of manufacture with a big route for pups and wires... then cover with plastic. My custom bodies @ Luthiers Warehouse were only an extra fiver for rear route... Scratchplates would of been at least a tenner... I think a clear plate on a Jazz where a control plate is fitted keeps 'the lines' Maybe a smoke plate on white would look cool...
  16. Don't Fret... It's only a string...
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